Mark took her to his office and slammed the office door, he knew this was the only way that he could get her attention
"and what exactly is going on here, can you explain that to me?" she asked him
"I'm sorry it's just that I need to speak with you, I need us to talk seriously about some things," he said
"I'm not your wife Mike, there's nothing for us to talk about," she told him
"do you have to be my wife for us to talk? Tell me, Grace. What went wrong with the both of you? We were very good friends in the past; everything just changed all of a sudden what went wrong with us?" Mike asked her, he simply could not understand why she's been like this towards him
"did you seriously just ask me that question?" she asked him fuming with anger, she thought for a long time that she was at least over him but standing like this right in front of him she realized that she was still in love with him as much a before, it is as though the love even increased in heart for him