Chapter one hundred and eighty seven

"I can't live without her Grace, I can't," Chris said finally allowing the tears to flow down his eyes

"and you won't, you just need to calm down and have faith, Jane is a strong girl, she will be fine, you just need to have faith in her" she assured him

About two hours later, Jane was wheeled out from the theater, immediately Chris and Grace saw her they quickly stood up and went to her side

"Jane can you hear me hey my love" Chris called out to her but she was not responding

"Chris please she just came out of surgery she needs time to recuperate, gives her time please," Mike said as he shielded him away from her cause it looked like he was going to carry her any moment from that time

Chris steeped aside and allowed the nurse to take her into the ward but he didn't leave her side all through

She was taken to the VIP ward where she was placed on an oxygen machine

"what's her condition Mike please talk to me," he asked him