
I sit on the couch in the lavish cabin I was brought to. There are so many things out of the norm here for a home in the woods that I am instantly uncomfortable. My father's phone has been ringing non-stop as he talks on it. My mother is sitting on her laptop as she types repeatedly.

The Captain as well as one of his deputies waits outside to ensure I don't escape. They have the television on but as I look no one is even glancing at it. I grab the remote and turn it off not wanting the background noise.

We have only been here for a few moments, and I am already itching in my skin to get out of here. I miss the quiet peace of being with Magma. As my thoughts flare to her I wonder how she is doing. I hope she hasn't begun to get cold yet. In my warm state I tug at the collar of the shirt my mother insisted that I put on. It was the last thing anyone has said to me since we entered this place.