
I sit and watch from the chair in Xander's office as he and Maximus toss out ideas back and forth. We have been here for almost two hours, and they have yet to come up with a solution.

Why do we sit around while our mate is out there

without us. We should go to him.

I contemplate explaining the situation to dragon, but I know that no matter what she will not understand why we are unable to. I blink tuning back into the conversation.

"That won't work. We would have to show proof that a marriage license was filed for. We would also need the statement of a priest and we don't have one. That is too many forms we would have to lie about, and they would have been filed through the state." Xander says rubbing his face in frustration.

"What is with these humans and their damn documents. Does there have to be a record of everything?" he yells as he paces. "Is there any type of union that we could prove that would not have to be filed with the state?" he questions.