As I drop us into the cell of Igneous' father I quickly fade into the background. Igneous should already know that I am still here because I want the information too. If his bastard of a father can't see me then he might say more than he means.
"Well are you going to greet your father or stand there and do nothing like you have always done. Don't worry son I am used to you disappointing me" he spits. As the old man stares at his son he doesn't ever throw his wife a glance. Her eyes have started to water, and I am hoping that she is not going to cry. I seriously hate it when females cry.
"You are not my father. That ended the day you decided you would let me die in some experiment instead of sending me to my mate who could help me. Just tell me why the hell I am here" Igneous says. If I didn't know better I would say that the human has a dragon of his own with the way his baritone deepens as he talks.