
I squint my eyes more as I try to see through the dense darkness of the forest. Reaching out a hand I quickly check to make sure that Julia is still close by. Even though I can hear the sounds of her footsteps I just need to be sure. Bugs buzz around us and I swipe the air trying to keep them away from my face. The last thing I need is for one of them to go into my eye and obstruct my vision more.

I look at the fullness of the moon and for once I am glad it is full. Normally on nights like these I feel a restless urge like I have too much energy. Tonight the feeling is replace with something that I am unable to name. It feels like there are a thousand eyes are on me and they feel anything but comforting. My eyes constantly watch the forest as I wait for something to happen. I just know that something is going to happen.

"Are you sure that we are heading in the right direction?" Julia ask with a huff.