4.Dinner With the Elrods

People inspire you or drain you, He did both...


"It's nice to see you Mr and Mrs Elrod" I smile and stretch my hand out to shake both of them.

"Oh don't be a stranger my dear" Mrs Elrod laughs and hugs me, and so does Mr Elrod before he goes in to say hi to my parents. "How are you? Any nerves for university" she chuckles

I smile at the thought that i'll be leaving this place soon "Not at all ma'am, I'm ready"

She smiles widely and hugs me again "Oh Nova I'm gonna miss you so much, my dear." She pulls away and holds my cheek "Remember you and Deshawn need to come to visit a lot okay?"

What? "Uh.. sure," I stutter uncontrollably "uh excuse me please I need to check on the chicken"

There's no chicken.

How don't they know I'm no longer dating their son?

I can't go through this dinner like this, not if I want to survive the night.

I go upstairs to my room and search for my backpack. I open it and take out what I came for.

The vodka I had drunkenly taken from someone from the bar the other day.

Does this count as stealing? Oh my God, it does! I glare at the bottle and then hear the noise from downstairs.

Fuck it! I grab the tiny glass that was on my table and pour the drink into it mentally apologizing to whoever I stole it from.

Oh, fuck! It burns oh my God! It burns like hell! How do people drink this?

I clear my throat and wait for a few for the burning sensation to die down before taking two more glasses.

Cheers to being a lightweight.

I giggle to myself. "Oh my God, it's kicking in," I say out loud to myself.

I straighten my dress and make my way downstairs.

Time to face the unwanted.

I giggle again.

"Oh gosh, I'm so funny!"

I get to the stairs and I feel a hand grab my arm, it's my mum.

"Ow, you're hurting me!" I whisper yell

She loosens her grip on my arm "You reek of alcohol. Don't you dare cause a scene tonight, this dinner is important to your father"

"I don't even want to be here" I yank my hand from her hold and walk down the stairs.

"Oh sorry for the wait guys, Nova was helping me with a few things" I turn around and see her smiling. Our eyes meet but I immediately turn away and walk to my seat.

"Oh wow who knew I'd be sitting next to the Devil's son" I mutter under my breathe just so only he could hear before I sit down

Everyone's already seated. Malia, Deshaun's sister, just glares at me. If I didn't have alcohol in me I'd have waved and tried to be polite, maybe next time.

I know she never liked me, besides she always gave off this weird vibe around me. I'm sure it's increasing now that her brother and I are no longer together.

My dad says "So Deshaun, Nova tells me both of y'all are no longer together? That true?" He smiles as he chews his food

I glare at my dad. Are you for real? Why would I lie about something like that?

"Uh yes sir, we're taking a break for her to be able to prepare for college. It pains me but I understand" he smiles at me. The fools surrounding us may see it and think "oh wow young love"


"Ah! my boy, such a gentleman." I scoff but quickly cover it up with a cough when I feel eyes on me "But you better make sure to keep an eye out Nova is an eye candy and I'm sure a lot of these college guys will be on the lookout"

Deshaun laughs at his mum's joke " I wi-"

"Thank you, Mrs Elrod, but I'm sure I can have interest in anyone since" I turn and face Deshaun "last time I checked... I'm single" I put a piece of chicken in my mouth

My mum laughs nervously, filling up the quiet space with "I'm sure what Nova is saying is that they can be seeing other people on this break." She laughs again "you know all these young kids and their 'open relationships'" she does the hand quotes and everyone laughs along with her

I kiss my teeth and smile "I know perfectly well what I meant mum, but let's not dwell on that" Ignoring her hard stare I continue eating my food

I pull the bottle of wine closer to me and I smile when I see it's alcoholic. Even though it's a low percentage, it will do. I bring my glass closer to pour into it when I feel eyes on me... I smile and give them the 'I'm nineteen and can drink look" before pouring into the glass.

"Dad, can you please pass me the chicken?" I made it, might as well enjoy it more, none of them here can say it doesn't taste good. I've been seeing the way Mrs Carter has been yearning to ask for a second serving, I have no idea what she's scared of.

For the first time tonight Malia speaks "Nova darling, you might wanna take it easy on the food" she chuckles as if that will ease the tension "You don't want to get too big"

Why are people so dumb? You see a big person and the only thing you can use to insult them is their body.

Why the fuck is someone's size bothering you?

I smile "How's your husband Malia?" I drop my fork and look at her.

She scoffs "I don't have one"

"I know. Maybe get one before you come for my body. Besides me sitting here and exchanging words with you is tiring, which I'd love to by the way." I pick up my chicken and bite into it before dropping it back "but I'm afraid I won't do it as well as nature did" I drink up my wine.

I hear numerous gasps of shock "Nova! I'm so sorry Malia she didn't mean that" my mum looks at her before glaring at me

"Oh trust me I did" I feel nails digging into my thigh and I look down and glare at Deshawns hand "Get your filthy hands off me you maggot!" The parents gasp loudly again

"Nova, babe I know you're stressed from the breakup and all but we'll be okay-"

I cut him off "oh shut up you pig!" I think there was something more in that alcohol

"Nova, where are your manners?" Mr Elrod speaks up

I scoff "Manners? Why don't we talk about your perfect boy." I face Deshaun "Why don't you tell them why we broke up babe?" I push my seat back and get up

"What is she talking about Deshaun?" His father asks.

Everyone who knows Deshaun knows he's scared of his dad. Not scared but he's scared to disappoint him hence the reason why he's always seeking his validation one way or another.

I look at him and smile. Ignoring the stern look he's giving me.

He gives a nervous chuckle "It's nothing dad, just normal arguments"

He tugs on my dress underneath the table

"You're a fool."

My mum gasps audibly "Nova can you please just sit down and stop causing a scene"

"No! I'm not going to sit down and let all of you put this monster on a pedestal." I point to Deshaun "I'm done keeping quiet. And yes maybe it's the alcohol speaking, and I might wake up tomorrow and regret this" I burp "but one thing I won't regret, is speaking my mind."

"Nova, don't!" Deshaun warns

"Oh fuck off!" I flip him off and face his dad "Mr Carter, your son, humiliated me in front of everyone at a party, just because I refused to have sex with him"

Deshaun's mum gasps and covers her mouth looking at her son.

"What! Is that true Deshaun?" Mr Elrod's voice is loud as he gets up from his seat and faces his son.

Deshaun raises his head to look at his father but immediately changes his mind and stands up "Dad it's a lie, she's just drunk and hurt!" This dumb bitch

I bring my phone out of my pocket and go to one of the numerous links that were sent to me before pressing play.

"You were not even a good lay" Deshaun's voice sounds from the video.

I turn round the table to give Mr Carter my phone and my mum grabs my arm roughly digging her nails into my flesh "Let go of me!" I grind my teeth and pull my hand from her grip

Mr Elrod takes the phone and watches the video and his eyes immediately go to Deshaun. Who looks like he is about to pee his pants?

I take my phone and smile as I walk back to my seat.

Looks like my job here is done.

I pick up my purse and put some more chicken on my plate, I make sure to look at Malia with a wide smile while serving myself.

I pour myself one more glass of wine and drink it "See you all next time or not" I turn to Deshaun "And Deshaun thank you for making my last days in this town a living hell. I hope you never find love and you fall into a deep pit and never come out"

Mrs Elrod gasps. Looks like she's crying "oh my God, Nova"

"And, Mrs Elrod, you can have an extra chicken, it won't kill you" I laugh an walk off almost tripping on the stairs.

I laugh again and slowly make my way up each stair. "Nova you get back here right now, and apologize to the Elrods!" My mum yells after me

"Good night mother and father" I yell back. Once I'm in my room I lock the door behind me.

I can hear the commotion downstairs. I search for my headset and put it on.

I just keep staring at the ceiling as if any minute from now something interesting will just fall from it.

I laugh at my thoughts.

"Oh fuck!" I cover my mouth and rush to the toilet to puke.

I'm a fucking mess! I move against the wall and just let the tears fall.

I'm so fucking tired of everything.