5.Patience is not A Trait I have

He did to her what he did best, ruin......

"Call me whatever you want Aiden, you should know I don't care" I smirk at him before taking a sip of my bourbon.

"You're crazy. I wonder why I'm friends with any of you. I'm beginning to think you're crazier than Roman. And that's saying a lot" Aiden shakes his head as he checks his phone again for the thirteenth time in fifty seconds.

"Hey! What did I do?" Roman demands from where he's seated. His attention finally was on the rest of us and not his wife.

"You're crazy that's what you did" Aiden answers

"Aiden says the rate at which this Italian bastard is going, he might just be crazier than you" Nate another friend of mine answers

"Shutup! I'm not crazy" Roman defends

"Yeah right. Coming from the guy who threatened his woman's best friend, just so she'd go on a date with him" Aiden rolled his eyes, pouring himself another drink.

We all laughed at the memory "Hey! That doesn't mean I'm crazy. That can be any of you guys, you know?" Roman said. I could sense a bit of pride and a lack of regret as he reminisced over what he did.

"Never!" Aiden, Nate and Cain answered at the same time.

I look at Roman with raised brows, his face holding the same expression. Safe to say we've been tryna figure out how they do this for all the years we've been friends.

"You three are weird" Roman shakes his head and heads to the kitchen to continue what I'm guessing is phone sex with his wife.

He's obsessed with her.

"Don't you fucking cum in my sink you pervert!" Cain yells at Roman as he turns into the kitchen

I smile. I guess we were all thinking the same thing.

Roman's head pops through the door halfway "Why don't you stop spelling your name with a K and then you can talk to me about where I cum" Roman taunts Cain. We all laugh at the inside joke "You know what?" He pauses "For that, I'm gonna leave a little surprise in your pots, you dumb fuck" he laughs before he disappears back into the kitchen

"That was one time! One fucking time" he smacks his forehead defeatedly "And don't you dare cum in my fucking pot Roman Williams!" He turns to the rest of us "He's not gonna do it right?" He asks hopefully and we all shrug trying to hold back our laughter "Shit!" Cain looks in the direction of the kitchen then back at the rest of us.

I turn my head to Aiden and Nate who are still held up in the conversation of who's crazier between Roman and me. "All I'm saying is that Roman is a crazy bastard but you!" Aiden points to me, "You, my man, are a psychotic bitch." They all laugh and I notice Aiden checking his phone again, this time with a frown.

I lean in closer "You want to know why you're friends with the rest of us sick bastards? Maybe because you know deep down that you're just as crazy as us, and once you meet that woman who knows how to push all those buttons, in an infuriating, hot manner and you can't resist her. You'll go to hell and back just to make sure she's yours and only yours. And guessing, from the way you've been glancing at your phone every second with a frown, which I know can't be work, only a woman can infuriate you that much" I relax back into my seat "I'm guessing you've found her bud."

Nate and Cain laugh "You're crazy," Aiden says "But you're also right. God, she's so fucking infuriating and at the same time intoxicating. It's like one minute I won't go on dates with her and the next I just want to lock her away from the rest of the world, where it's just us two." He sighs "God now I sound like you and Roman"

"Nate" Cain calls out

"I'm beginning to think we're the only normal ones in this friendship"

Nate nods "Yes. I agree Cain with a K" he taunts and we all burst out laughing

Cain frowns "Fuck you man" he chuckles but fails as he tries to keep a straight face. "One time! And all of you, including Aaliyah, will never let me forget it"

We've forced him to relive one of the most embarrassing moments of his life again.

It was the first time he met his fiance. Aaliyah Andrews worked at a bank. And Cain had to go in personally for some issue he had.

When he saw her all he did was stare, for five minutes straight.

Aaliyah was shocked so she asked what the problem was.

But Cain was still mute. Completely dumbfounded by the melanin goddess in front of him. His words not mine

She proceeded to ask him some questions after he finally managed to snap out of his trance which involved his name, Cain.

And our love-struck friend proceeded to spell Cain with a K.

All Aaliyah did was laugh and write down the correct spelling instead of what he spelt after she realized the Cain he was trying to spell.

At that moment he didn't realize his mistake, so he had no idea why she laughed. It was after he had gotten in his car and started reliving his moments with her in his head, that was when he realized he fucked up.

"Okay Cain with a K" I laugh as I taunt him more

"Fuck you! All of you." He turns his head to the kitchen again "Where the fuck is Roman? He better not be ruining my pots! They were fucking expensive! Aaliyah would kill me" He yelled loud enough so Roman would hear. The last part seemed to hold a bit of fear and seriousness.

"Where's she by the way? I've missed that woman" I smile at the memory of the five-foot troublemaker, who never fails to call me or any of us out on our bullshit. Me especially.

"She and the girls had a spa date or whatever they call it, I'm surprised Asia can talk with that dumbass. Raven told me no phones or... any of us are allowed" Aiden explained, rolling his eyes at the last part.

"Athena too. Fuck! I hate being away from her for too long. How long do you think it takes to get their hair and stuff done?" Nate asked. He sounded like he was ready to go get his woman no matter the rules they had set.

"Aaliyah usually just tells me I'm black, so guess how long it's gonna take," Cain says with as much precision he could muster to mimic his girlfriend

Nate and Aiden gasp at the same time before saying "No way! I think that's a rehearsed version. My woman says that too" They both say at the same time, without missing a beat.

And No! None of them are brothers

Cain's eyes widen "Okay I know we do that a lot together, but that creeped me out to see and hear"

Aiden and Nate laugh.

I shake my head and drink my bourbon. "At this point, I'm not even surprised anymore, I've learned to expect anything from you a lot" I inform three of them.

They're not brothers, just friends. But they seem to have this weird, triplet telepathy thing going on.

Someone outside the friend group might think they're related, a lot of people have.

Including their women.

I can't count how many times Rowan and I have made them get DNA tested. Even though they have completely different last names.

Cain Hemsworth, Aiden Bells and Nate Jacobs.

And all the tests came back negative.

I sigh and get up fixing my shirt "Okay I'm not gonna sit here and listen or watch you dumb three, continue your telepathy bullshit. I've got a date with a certain melanin goddess myself" I say copying Cain's words and he chuckles

"Woah! You finally asked her out?" Aiden asked

He knew about my Nova. They all did.

I walk off towards the door slowly "Nope" I reply "Throw your pots away after Roman is done" I advise Cain while patting him on the shoulder. He just sighs defeatedly, placing his face in the palm of his hand.

"Then how do you have a date?" Nate asked just as confused as the rest

I smirk and turn so I'm facing all of them "Through the cameras, I set up in her house"

"What!?" The trio exclaim together again

I chuckle "Patience is not a virtue I have, my friends" I make my way out "Goodbye"

I close the door behind me not before I hear Aiden saying I'm crazy and the rest agreeing with him.

I never denied it.