14. He's Everywhere

They could speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life.


"Yes! That's what I'm telling you!" I yelled, my voice revealing the irritation i was feeling presently, more than i wanted to.

"Ma'am I'd appreciate it if you calm down and speak gently" The officer said

"Calm down? I come in here to tell you guys that I'm being stalked by a murderer and all you could ask is 'how do you know he's a murderer?" I tried my best impersonation of the officer that asked me that dumb question "And now you're telling me to calm down!" Do you think I'm that jobless to throw around allegations if i wasn't sure? I'm scared for my life here and all i need is help" i sigh defeatedly. I was beginning to feel like the last forty-five minutes i had spent in this station was a waste.

The officer stared at me before sighing "Okay. What does he look like?" She asked and took out her pen and notepad

I furrow my eye brows "I-i don't know he wore a mask" from where i was standing i could see her scribble what looked like a 'No answer' next to the question

"How do you know he's a murderer?" She writes down again after asking

"He killed a man beside me and sent me a picture. I'll show you" I turned my back to my front to open it and bring out my phone "He also cut a mans tongue last night and sent it to me as a gift, h-he was in my house" i added for good measure as i scrolled through my gallery looking for the picture.

"Can I see the pictures, please" She said dryly. We both know that please was forced. Maybe it's part of her job to be polite. But i dont care i just want this guy, whoever he is out of my fucking life.

"Uh.. hold on please. I'm searching for it" I've scrolled through my gallery from beginning to end twice and as if it never existed. "Uhm hold on, I uh... I just need to check our texts for it"

She sighs dryly "Okay" she replies before sitting back, chewing her gum and typing on her keyboard in an irritating incessant manner.

I groaned angrily. "You know you don't have to be rude or whatever. I-i know i had it! He.. he must have gone through my phone or..or something and deleted them." I stuttered angrily "I didn't come here today to deal with this bullshit! I came because i need help, please" I begged. Doing my best to hold back angry tears, i blinked and looked away for a few.

"Look. Miss I wanna help but you obviously don't have proof. So I've taken your statement down and when you have valid reason to believe that you're being followed by a murderer we can launch into the next phase." She said non chalantly while putting her notepad away.

I looked around. Completely infuriated that i had to he stuck with such incompetence today "Are you kidding me?! He gifted me a dead mans tongue! Why can't you believe me?!" I yelled angrily hoping my commotion would attract whatever reasonable person may be in this station

"Hey! You're causing a commotion, do you mind talking calmly?... Thank you" She glared at me "So he gifted you a mans tongue?" I nodded profusely "Do you have the tongue? No. Do you have proof of the picture or any texts? No." She stated. Saying it as if i just decided to leave my house and come to a police station to fabricate lies.

"God! You're fucking infuriating! Why are-"

"Officer Grace! What's going on here, why the noise?" The man who interrupted me asked as he stepped out from behind the door to the left that was locked "I was in a meeting" he added. His eyes still on the woman

"I'm so sorry sir. I just took her statement and she's leaving now" she rushed out stepping out from behind her desk to stand by my side, stretching her hand out to touch me.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" I scolded "Look I'm not leaving here till one reasonable person here listens to me and believes what I'm saying! Y'all are meant to protect! Is this how you intend to do it?" I made sure to glare at her "Huh, Grace? Because if i remember correctly, i wasn't rude to you upon entering here. I was polite as fuck. Or is there anything about me that seems to offend you" i crossed my arms over my chest "Or should i just state the obvious reason. A reason that I've chosen to ignore severally since stepping foot in here."

She scoffs then looks at me and then at the man, her boss.

"Excuse me Ma'am. I'm so sorry about the entire predicament and once we've resolved your issue, officer Grace will be dealt with accordingly"

"What!" She gasped annoyingly looking at the man and then glaring at me

I shook my head "No. I'd like to know why officer Grace, here.. chose to act that way towards me"

She shrugs "So what huh? What are you insinuating, That I'm racist? Just so you know I grew up in a house full of African kids okay. I'm not racist" she countered defensively

I shook my head and smirked "I never said anything about racism Grace. All I asked was why were you mean to me?"

She gasps loudly and huffs throwing her arms around in a dramatic demonstration "I'm not racist. Stop trying to make it seem like I don't like you people"

And there it is.

"Officer Grace!-" I cut the man off before he could continue

I'm taken aback "You people? What do you mean exactly?" I ask slowly so she can catch up

She lets out a short sarcastic laugh "I'm not doing this with you. You know exactly what i mean!" Her tone going higher

"Enough! Officer Grace, Apologise right now" The mans voice booms across the room

"What? But sir i-

"Apologise right now officer. No arguing" he stated giving no room for argument or protest.

I could see all the other officers beginning to file in from wherever they were at first. Few of them that noticed the man before entering where we currently stood, immediately turned. And I'm thinking it's to maybe avoid whatever drama was brewing.

"I'm sincerely sorry for how i spoke to you and treated you earlier" she said angrily and turns her back to leave

"Officer." The man whose name I'm yet to know calls out. I turn to look at him and i see his eyes on mine, unmoving "Submit your badge and anything else that belongs to the station while clearing out your desk. You're fired"

My eyes widen as the words leave his mouth. I-i was not expecting that. I mean i know she's a bitch but, did i really want her to lose her job?

Yes you did.

Great. Now my subconscious has a distorted voice.

Before i can scold or question my own mind "Please, Miss Carter. This way to my office please" The man guided me to the opened door. I stopped at the entrance and threw one more glance at Grace, and just like i thought her eyes were on me. I'm contemplating the idea of apologising when suddenly, a swarm of people, like bees fill the room removing her from my line of sight.

I sigh defeatedly and walk into the room.

"Have a seat please." He pointed at the chair opposite him as he turned to go sit in his chair "I'm the chief of police, Emmanuel Garcia. And i sincerely apologise for Grace's behaviour, it was vile and uncalled for."

"Thank you very much Mr Garcia i really appreciate this"

"You're welcome. So how may we be of help to you?"

And thats when it clicked.

"Wait. Earlier before. When you were leading me into your office, i don't remember telling you my name or my last name, but you seemed to-"

Ring ring.....ring ring.

The incessant ringing of the phone to my ears was like nail on a chalkboard. Mr Garcia chuckles "Please excuse me" he answers the call and all i hear after are single words, humming and incoherent words from both ends.

He removes the phone from his ear and hands the device over to me "it's for you"

Oh my God!

"W-what? Who is it?"

"Please just take the phone, Miss Carter" he pleads calmly

"Fuck this!" I get up and pick my bag to leave

i notice him press a few buttons on the the phone and then place it on the table. But i don't care. I just want to get out of here immediately. I gather my things and walk to the door.

"Nova" The sound of my name coming through the phone has my hand frozen on the door knob. The voice thats been haunting me.

The sole reason I'm here and he still managed to find me.

Even has the Chief of police in his pockets!

I pause and turn around putting on the bravest face i could muster. Even though i knew it was just i and Garcia in the room. "So what, now? You work for a murderer?" i sneer at Garcia

"They all work for me, love" the distorted voice from the phone calls back

I gulp.

Wait so including...

"I know what you're thinking baby. And no Grace doesn't work for me, she was just a mistake"

Garcia clears his throat "And that was my mistake. One That I've corrected" he says, sounding utterly dissapointed

"C-can i please leave?" I don't know why i asked, it's not like they were keeping me captive. I was free to leave so why was i asking!

The ability to keep my fear hidden was failing me and i hated it. So much!

The people that are supposed to protect the helpless!

Work for a murderer.

To stunned to say anything or do anything other than open the door i turn the knob and open the door not before i hear his voice speak "Just say the words love. Grace can be... gone immediately, just as she was fired."

In front of a police man!

I don't act like I heard what he said i close the door behind me ignoring all eyes on me when i step out.

The urge to throw a glance at all of em and mark their faces was biting hard at me.

But who would believe me if i told them "That the entire police officers for this station, in this wretched small town worked for a murderer"

I feel sick.