15. Sleepless Nights

He's insane.....


When I decided to move here temporarily because of her, i knew been far away from everything i was used to, was going to be a challenge.

But I like challenges.

And my Nova, just seems to be the biggest one of them all.

Unable to sleep, I pick up the spare phone that I use for everything, concerning her. I scroll through all the cameras one by one checking every one of them, for her.

After checking three different parts of the house including her bedroom, I check the kitchen.

And there she is. She washes the cup she just finished using before placing it back on the rack. She picks her phone up from the counter, I almost miss it but I notice her take a knife from where she keeps them and heads up to her room to sleep.

I can't help but smile with pride at the thought of her trying to defend herself against me.

After some time I check my phone to see what the time is and i see that it's three o'clock.

I've been watching her sleep for hours.

I take a huge gulp from my bottle of water and head to the bathroom to see if a shower will help with my lack of sleep.

I've been seated at the edge of my bed since my shower, still unable to sleep. I grab my jacket and car keys, along with the extra new set of house keys that i got after she changed her locks.

And I make my way to her place.

Her front doors are locked with the extra precaution just like I knew they would so I walked around the house to the backdoor instead. Choosing to keep how i enter a mystery to her.

I succeed in entering inside and with the little light my phone is providing i make my way upstairs, careful not to make a noise or hit anything on my way to her.

Her bed room door is slightly ajar and for a moment I almost think she's not asleep. Until I push the door open quietly, she's on the bed sleeping on her stomach and unsurprisingly the knife is next to her.

Stupid decision if you ask me, seeing as she'll be the one to get hurt when she's moving around the bed.

I make my self comfortable on the chair close to the mirror and i just watch her sleep.

The urge to move closer to her and run my hands all over her face is stronger than anything I've ever fought. I want to feel that soft skin beneath my fingers.

I get up and make my way to go sit on the bed, beside her and next thing i know I'm laying down, with both of my hands resting behind my head. Before deciding to switch, by laying down on my side, this angle helps me watch her better.

The bed dips and her sultry scent hits me, but there was no touch. Just the warmth that her body and presence provided.

My fingers are itching to touch her face... to touch her. I don't know why I'm resisting or why I'm trying to fight the urge that is threatening my entire being.

This woman is a goddess.

My woman.

It's unexplainable but being here with her in this way, is refreshing. And as lovely and refreshing as it is, this has to be the last time i do this.

I can't afford to get alot more distracted than I already have.

I stare at her amazing features with a smile, she just doesn't know it yet, but she will soon.

I'd do anything, absolutely anything for you Nova Carter. You don't even have to say a word before it's done.

"I live to please you" i whisper to her softly, with my lips near her ear and the pad of my fingers moving slowly beneath her eyes.

Her skin is magnificent.

Her lips widen a bit and i can feel hot breathe on my arm and the strong, distinct smell of alcohol.

Ah. That explains alot.

She's knocked out.

I drop my hands to my side and just lay on my back staring at the ceiling.

I should really get mirrors installed up there. I smile to myself with pride at my brilliant idea.

I turn my face to look at her when I hear murmuring or is it mumbling or... my eyes widen when it dawns on me and the corners of my lips lift, forming a smirk.

She's moaning.

The light on my phone comes on, and i see the time. Dreading the fact that i have to leave and disrupt this peaceful moment doesn't sit well with me.

But i know I have to.

I get up from the bed slowly making sure not to make my presence known, i search for a pen and paper to leave her a note.

I came here because i couldn't sleep even though i still didn't sleep this is the most relaxed I've ever been. And i loved it.

I scribble on the paper before searching for her phone and placing it on top of the note.

I move to the other side of the bed "See you soon, pretty girl" i mumble lowly as i give her a kiss on her fore head.

I pick the knife up along with another paper along with the pen before making my way downstairs.

My drive home was clouded with images and thoughts of the beautiful woman i just shared a bed with.

She's mine till death tears us apart... Or however it's said.

I'll make her do things that she never thought she would. That she never believed in a lifetime that she would do.

But not because she doesn't have a choice but only because she wants to. And also because i know I'm the only person that can bring out that side of her.

And soon she'll know too.

My eyes fall to the passenger seat and i grip one of her clothes that i took in my hand, resisting the urge to inhale her delightful, sweet smell. My passion for this woman burns hotter than anything anyone has ever come across.

We have time. And If we don't, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure we have more than enough.