Antonio Lorenzo stared at his reflection in the mirror, and he felt nauseated . He had let his thick black hair down, instead of his usual tied up knot style. He wasn't in a good mood Today. He hated to be in situations he didn't feel in control of. He was not a snob, but he was also not accessible. He had spent years creating his image to be seen as desirable but not accessible. The only thing he wanted was to always be in control of things. Lately he could feel the control slipping away from him, and it was making him mad.

Antonio paced around his room frustrated. He had spent twenty-six years of his life on Earth, without regrets, up until Kim. He took in a deep breath as he recalled that one night that changed his life.


Antonio stepped into lavista club against his will. His cousin Mariano had insisted that they go have some fun. Left to him, he would have loved to spend his night in the serenity of his house, painting. One of Antonio's best kept secret, was his love for art. It was really only a secret to the world, because all his family knew how talented Antonio the artiste was. It came as no surprise as it was seen as an inherited trait from his maternal side. Antonio hated clubs. Contrary to the popular party boy misconception the media had of him, he enjoyed solitude. He hated how everyone's eyes always rested on him everywhere he stepped into. He wasn't oblivious of his looks. He started getting love notes from both sexes at a young age. It did even amaze him, how much power he had over the hearts of people.

"This is a stupid idea." Antonio said for what must have been the millionth time. He signalled for the bartender to supply drinks to their VIP section.

"What do you mean?" Mariano asked feigning ignorance. Antonio scoffed and shook his head.

"Rian, do I look dumb to you? Or do you think I don't know you dragged me all the way here so you can spy on your ex?"

Mariano laughed nervously, "What are you on about? I did no such thing."

"So why are you scanning through the crowd?" Antonio lit up a cigarette, and took long drag. "Anyway, I saw Michael grinding on another guy. Mystery guy looked super hot too. I'll bang him myself if I was gay."

Mariano became pale. He shut his eyes tight, fighting to steady his breath, "Yo...u. s..a..w ..wh.a.t"?

"What does it matter? We aren't here for him right?" Antonio shrugged.

"You are a horrible brother Toni"

"I was just messing with you Rian." Antonio called out to Mariano stormed out, fuming.

"First he invites me to this loud ass affair, then he leaves? I swear I'll kill him." Antonio muttered under his breath. He squashed the last bit of smoke on the smoke tray, and took a quick glance at his watch.

"Are you alone?"

He turned around, and saw a pretty blonde girl that stood about 5'6 and spoke with a hint of a southern accent. She was pretty but he could smell the desperation from a mile, and it clung on her like cheap perfume.

"Not interested."

"Ouch! Why so mean?" She pouted, and crossed her hands over her chest.

His eyes travelled across her lips, and rested on her chest. This was probably her game. She knew those gestures would get his attention.

"Fine book a room at any hotel of your choice, since you obviously can't take a hint." He expected that to do the trick. He didn't mean to be that degrading, but some people only react to disrespect.

"Why a hotel room when we can get creative?" She threw him a wink, and bit her lip seductively.

His brow raised in alarm, and he really looked at her now. She looked really young. Not a day above twenty-one. She obviously had no self respect, because if she did, she'd have either slapped him, or thrown a drink at him for being that condescending. How careless could she be, to just walk up to any stranger and demand to be creative with them? whatever that meant.

"Listen, I don't know what you thin.. he was saying when the noise from the crowd interrupted. A fight had broken out, and it wasn't pretty.

He was going to resume his speech when he caught sight of the man who had pinned down another man.

"Jesus Christ Mariano!" He swore under his breath, as he rushed down to stop his cousin from causing more harm.

He successfully saved the poor man from Mariano's deathly grip after the second attempt.

"The hell is wrong with you?" He pushed his hand away from his, when they were safe outside.

"He hit me first!"

"And you dealt with him, as you should."

"Not you again!" Antonio turned to see the weird girl from earlier, smiling at them.

"Don't be rude Toni" Mariano pushed Antonio aside, and drew closer to the pretty intruder.

He rolled his eyes, and balled his fist.

"It's no problem. I'm Kim by the way," She stretched out her hand, and Mariano kissed it, causing her to giggle "You can call me your guardian Angel for the night. Allow me erase the bad energy, and take you to where a good time is guaranteed." she purred.



"No!" Antonio repeated. "Common Rian, we're going home"

"Oh for fucks sake Toni, live a little would you?"

"You already dragged me out here against my will, it'll be a cold day in hell, before it happens again." Antonio said walking away.

"Fine go. I always knew you didn't care about me. I mean everyone knows you don't have a heart, but I guess I just thought you'll help me get through this heartbreak" Mariano called out, and hung his head.

Antonio paused, and turned around, "Really Rian, emotional blackmail? What are we? Ten?"

He hung his head further down.

"Fine let's go to this stupid place."

After driving for a while, they arrived at a house that had an eeire feeling about it.

"Why are we here ?" He asked.

"House party!" Kim screamed, dragging them in, before Antonio could change his mind.

The interior of the big house was less scary, than it's exterior. There was a rave going on, and everyone was going crazy.

He saw someone jumping with reckless abandon, and shook his head. On closer inspection, he realized it was Mariano.

"When did... Never mind." He whispered to himself .

He forced his way out, in search of an empty room. He could barely breath from the amount of people clustered together, inhaling one air.

A pretty girl handed him a drink on his way out, and he collected it with a smile. Finally he was out again, and breathing properly. He took a gulp to quench his thirst, and immediately after, everything became blurry. The last thing he could remember was him in a room with a strange figure that looked like that of a woman.

He woke up at noon the next day in his car on an empty field, and Mariano, snoring by his side. Antonio tried to remember how they ended up there, but his memories were all over the place, and his head hurt. He finally regained enough strength to drive out of the field. Grateful to Google map, he was able to find his way home. He woke his cousin up surprised the man was asleep throughout their journey home.

Antonio managed to drag Mariano into the house, and dumped him in one room.

He was about to take a shower, when he realized he had not seen his phone. He searched his car, and found it under the seat.

When he finally powered the phone, series of text trooped in.

"Billionaire heir to the love struck company a rapist? Victim cries out for help."

Antonio froze, and his phone dropped to the ground.


Antonio's phone rang, and he looked to see his father was calling.

"What now?" He muttered, picking the call.

"Good day pops."



"Okay, I'll be there."

The line went off. His father wanted to see him, and it worried him. He couldn't tell what was on anyone's mind, but he hoped his father believed him.

It was evening already by the time Antonio stood up from his bed. He had almost forgotten he had been invited to dine with his parents. Still, he took his time to dress up. His family was big on always looking good regardless of whatever one was going through, and he really wasn't in the mood for his mum's overreactions.

Antonio stepped out wearing a simple white round necked tee shirt and a black jean. He contemplated wearing sneakers, but he had pushed the buttons too far by dressing so 'casual'' to dinner. Instead, he opted for a black leather boot. He stepped into his parking space, contemplating which of his numerous luxurious cars to drive. He wasn't feeling too extravagant, so it was definitely not the Rolls Royce. Finally, he settled for the black Porsche.

He drove out of his mansion already dreading the events of the evening. Naturally, Antonio loved to stare at buildings while driving, but unfortunately he was already late.

"Shit!" He cussed, when he realized he was going empty handed.

"Just great Antonio. First you're dressed like this, and you didn't even bother to bring anything along. Where are your manners son?" He could just hear his mum's voice loud and clear. He decided to deviate a bit, to get wine at least.

He was rounding up a bend, and didn't see the car coming towards him. He swerved quickly when the taxi was within an inch. The taxi driver pushed his head out of the window of his car, raining insults on him. He was blinded by the light from the car but he could swear he saw lots of red colour.

What are you waffling about?

Antonio got to his family house just before the second course was served. His mum had muttered something between the lines of "God's blood" when she saw him. His dad on the other hand was preoccupied with his ongoing discussion with his best friend George. Antonio wondered why George was having dinner with them.

Midway into the third course, Natalia got really upset at how no one was present in the dinner. She ordered that the food be taken away so they could discuss the situation.

Everywhere fell silent when she cleared her throat to speak.

"Since it is obvious I wasted my time making sure dinner was well prepared, can we get straight to the point ?" Her nose scrunched in disgust.

"Mi amor." Matteo tried to take her hands, but she swatted it..

"Now is not the time. Let's hear the reason for this dinner." She Insisted, seething.

The three men shared a look between themselves, and smiled.

George spoke up first, "We have a plan," he turned his attention on Antonio. "Your father and I have decided to hire a writer to counter the lies of the press."

Antonio stared with the utmost respect at the brilliant old man. Despite his weirdnesses, and his love for contrasting colours, which was on full display right now, he was still extraordinary. There was no one more loyal, and intent on seeing him out of this mess, than him.

"It is a good idea, but what about the rape case? How do we deal with that?" Silence fell on the room again, everyone in their thoughts.

"We all know you didn't do it son." His mother said reassuringly.

"And the court? The press? Hell, we have women's rights on this case already. I don't see us winning this." He signed.

"Let's just take it one step at a time." George advised.

"Yeah." Antonio whispered, an idea forming in his head.
