Red woke up feeling good for the first time in a long time. Her charm, wit and charisma had gotten her things she wasn't really expecting. she had successfully done her hair, gotten a wax, fixed her nails, shopped for new clothes, and didn't even get angry when an airhead almost hit the taxi she took home last night. She wondered what kind of careless human drove the way that evil man had done. Deciding not to dwell too much on it, she got up from her bed. Determined not to arrive late for her interview, she set to work.

An hour later, she was done. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had always known she was pretty. Sure she wasn't vain about it, but she wasn't shy about it either. Her very obvious features would have come out disjointed in many people, but it complimented her so well it had an effect of leaving people breathless. She had deep bright red hair, deep blue eyes, and her facial structure was so naturally contoured she could give any goddess a run for their money. She stood about 5'9, some considered that tall for a lady but it never stopped her from wearing heels. She loved her heels. After much argument within herself, she had opted for a short white suit skirt, and white knee length blazers. Satisfied with herself, she smiled proudly, and went ahead to say her daily affirmations.

"I'm Red Phoenix.

I'm 24 years old.

I'll write an iconic book that'll be referenced in generations to come.

I'll be very successful.

My ambition will take me places, and I'll prove my haters wrong."

Ms Won's face flashed before her eyes, and she chuckled. They had gone through another round of banter this morning, when she had gone to beg for water, again.

She laughed again, when she remembered how Ms Won had laughed when she told her she was going for a job interview.

"I'll show you!"

She heard a thundering sound, followed by a car honk, and rolled her eyes. Agnes was here to pick her up, and she wouldn't hear the last of it for making her wait for even a split second. Smacking her lips one more time, she made her way outside.

"Look at you looking all professional and shit." Agnes beamed at the sight of her best friend.

"And here you come trying to piss me off with this car." Red teased, and hopped in.

"Don't you dare come at my baby. You have no idea the kind of history we have." Agnes warned, trying and failing to kickstart the car.

"Sure." Red nodded, when the car finally roared to life.

"Tuck in your seat belt Red, mama is about to drive you to success." She said driving away.

"Give it up Ag, you're not funny!" Red rolled her eyes.

"Common Red, you have to admit this was funny."

"The funniest in the land of dry jokes." She held on to the roof of the car to keep herself from swaying with the dancing car.

"Now you're just being mean." Agnes frowned, oblivious of her friends discomfort. She was used to the car already, so she didn't always feel what others felt. Everyone wanted her to get rid of the car, but that was her baby, and it wasn't going anywhere, any soon.

"Same thing I said to Ms Won this morning." She laughed.

"You and Ms Won have an interesting relationship."

"Oh you don't even know the half of it Ag." They turned their heads at the same time, and their eyes met, unlocking a funny memory. Together, they threw their heads back, and burst into a feat of laughter.

They arrived just as the last stream of reporters were escorted out of the Love Struck building. After trying, and failing to find a parking spot for themselves, one of the security finally decided to have mercy on the clueless duo, and showed them a spot.

As they stepped out of the car, Red stared at the infamous company, and a bolt of excitement ran through her. She was stunned by the artistic nature of it. Although it was a monument in the city, she had never seen it in person before today.

"So cliche, yet so stunning." She whispered breathlessly.

"I know right? It's literally architecture porn." Agnes crept up beside her

"And I'm eating right up."

"Oh yeah, me too."

They shuddered, and shifted away from each other immediately.

"Eeewwww, what was that?" Red scrunched her nose.

"I know right? So weird." Agnes shuddered again.

"Let's just go in." Red suggested, straightening her skirt.

"Yeah let's do that."

They strutted side by side, in such a way that an onlooker would swear they were used to going and coming out of buildings like these.

Just before they entered the lobby, Agnes turned to her friend again, and in a professional voice, asked, "Red, are you ready?"

"What do you mean, I was born ready."

Red did not have time to properly look at the interior decor of the building, as within a twinkle of an eye, they were transported by the elevator to the floor of their interview.

"Step into the room please. They're already waiting for you" The secretary informed them who had accosted them at the lobby, pointed at a door.

If there was any hint of nervousness in Red before now, it had completely disappeared. She believed in herself that much.

As soon as they approached the door, it opened up. They stepped it, and it closed behind them.

Red observed the three men seated in the room. By her left was a man who looked interesting, he seemed to have a thing for contrasting colours. He had kind eyes though. Next to him was the man she was a hundred percent sure owned love struck, Matteo Lorenzo. His aura was so powerful she almost got nervous, but kept her composure. The last one she guessed was the heir. She couldn't see his face because he was very focused on whatever he was doing on his laptop. She could only see his thick black hair that was tied into a man bun. He looked way over 6ft tall, just by how tall he looked sitting. His shoulders were broad and steady. His fingers typing on the system looked slender and magical.

"Son, the ladies are here." Matteo Lorenzo tapped his son to get his attention.

Antonio pulled out his ear plugs, and raised his head to welcome the ladies. However when his eyes swept up from the pair of legs that looked like they went on and on, and into the most gorgeous face he had ever seen, he froze, and lost the ability to speak.

He was staring into the bluest eyes he had ever seen and she was looking at his eyes that looked like the sun and the moon dancing above fire.

Antonio was one of those few men that had been bestowed with the privilege to encounter many beautiful women. He had joined his dad to take many trips around the world, and had come across truly gorgeous women. However, the woman that stood before him, took his breath away. The strange contrast between her crimson hair and deep blue eyes, and how they both converged to illuminate the room, left him stunned. She was so enigmatic, it caused a stirring in his heart. She was exceptionally beautiful, and the way she stood tall, and stared headstrong at him, he knew she was a woman that understood the power of her looks. He knew she embraced her charms, and wasn't shy about using it if needed.

Matteo cleared his throat, "Son?" He tapped him again, bringing him out of his imagination.

He tried to play it off, but the little jump was a dead giveaway. Everyone knew he had been gawking at Red.

Matteo smiled. When George had told him about the woman who's pen game was unrivaled, he didn't quite know what to expect. The only thing he now knew was that the young woman standing before them was definitely gorgeous. And his son could see it too.

"Please sit down." Matteo pointed at the empty seats opposite him. He waited for the ladies to oblige before he continued.

"Welcome to 'love Struck' I am Matteo Lorenzo, to my right is my son Antonio, and to my left is my lawyer, George." They all stretched out their hands for a professional shake

Red who was anticipating the moment Antonio's hands would touch hers was a bit disappointed when his phone rang in that moment.

She catched the disappointment in his eyes, as he moved to take the call.

The call was brief, and he went to his father after. He whispered, and Matteo nodded.

"I'm sorry, but something just came up, and I have to excuse myself." He said more to Red than anyone else.

"It's fine." She replied, holding his gaze. The softness of her voice sent shivers down his spine, and he had to push himself to leave.

Sparing one last look at the beauty, who had a glint in her eyes, he nodded and left the room.

As soon as he left, Red let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She knew it was wrong, but she had flirted with him. She had never met a man with such a piercing gaze, it set her body on fire. She was used to men staring at her, but something about the way Antonio's gaze felt on her skin, set him apart. Alarm bells sounded in her head, warning her. She had heard about Antonio Lorenzo, the heartthrob of New York. She did not want to be one of his conquest.

"So I'm guessing, Red right?" She felt Agnes brush her hand against hers, and she looked up.

"I was trying to confirm if you're Red." Matteo smiled as she nodded. It seemed his son had an effect on the lady too.

"Beautiful. I won't want to take much of your time. I assume you're a very busy woman. Basically, We would like to hire you to aid in countering the numerous lies the press spills on my company and my son, on a daily. Can you handle it?"

Red studied the man briefly. She had watched various interviews of him, and had always thought they were kindred spirits. Both overly ambitious, driven, passionate about success, they even had similar migration pattern. They had left their childhood country to seek greener pastures elsewhere. However, this was the first time she was seeing him upfront and what she saw intrigued her. She saw a man that was ready to do anything to protect his family and his legacy. His once dark hair was contending with the many grey hair springing up. There were dark circles in his dark eyes, which she presumed was from lack of sleep. Despite all this, he was a handsome, confident man.

"Will I be writing lies, half-truth, or the reality?' Red surprised everyone by asking. Agnes shifted uncomfortably. She had known the long silence Red took before she answered was dangerous. She understood Red was a straight talker, but she honestly wished she would tone it down sometimes.

As if on cue, Matteo and George burst into peats of laughter. George had heard a lot about Red from her colleagues. 'She's strong headed,' 'She is very competitive and doesn't like to lose, 'Red is absolutely stunning but she cannot be contained' they said. Seeing her display in person was a whole new discovery for him. He adored outspoken women, and if he had a daughter, he would have hoped she turned out that way.

"You're quite brave I must say. You've impressed me." Matteo said gesturing to George, who handed him a cheque book.

"However," Matteo continued. "I do not work or indulge people that question my authenticity. I am Matteo Lorenzo, a simple business man. My son and heir to my company is also not a rapist. We are not dubious people. What you see, is what you get," Matteo played around with the cheque book. "I know a lot of people have their reservations about my family, but I would never have gotten to this height, if I had paid attention. Here is a blank cheque Red, name your price."