Red Phoenix for the first time in her life was left speechless. She was also too stunned, and impressed to even consider any sort of movement, or expression. There was an avalanche of emotions going through her, but at the forefront was genuine admiration. She likened it to a sudden power surge emanating from a source. She now understood this was really just her first time encountering real people in power. Sure she had met some rich people, but compared to these men staring at her, waiting for an answer, they all looked small. These were obviously men that had stood in the face of poverty with just their hands as weapons, and managed to fight their way through it. The confidence they exuded was overwhelming. She could see it in their eyes. She stared at the cheque again. Never had she wielded the tool to liberate people of this caliber from the demons called 'the press.' It was all happening really fast and she barely had enough time to wrap her head around it. She could feel their burning stares. As much as they needed her, which considering how excellent a writer she was they really did, she understood she wasn't indispensable. If she delayed for too long, they may run out of patience, but still she was Red afterall. Nothing excited her as much as a challenge.

"I'll like to discuss this first with my agent, if you don't mind." Red replied, her outer composure in total contrast with the riot of emotions storming inside her.

"Of course you can." George who had been quietly observing Red said for the first time since the meeting began.

Red was taken aback by the sound of his voice. she had known his voice was rich when he laughed alongside Matteo, but isolated, it was captivating. She watched him recline back to his seat after handing some documents to Agnes. Red noticed how he squinted while scanning through the papers in his hands. It reminded her of her own self. She didn't have an eye problem, far from it. Her eyes were sharper than an owls, but it was a bad habit she had gotten too used to.

"These are the documents you and your client need to sign." George handed some papers to Agnes. "Go through it, and kindly get back to us as soon as possible"

They spent the next hour discussing the details of the contract. Agnes insisted an upfront payment be made if they decide to accept their offer. George impressed at how good she was at her job, negotiated half payment first.

This was time for figures, and deals. Red and Matteo decided to take a back seat, and let the pros handle it. Soon, a middle ground was reached. Satisfied with the outcome of their discussions, they shook hands and called it a day.

Throughout the walk back to Agnes car, Red could not hide her excitement. Her face was spread into a permanent smile, and she could barely hear what Agnes was waffling about. This time around, she had taken her precious time to stare at the interior decor of the lobby, and she experienced bliss.

"Red." She felt Agnes touch her when they finally got out.

"Ag." She breathed out

"I know." Agnes replied.

As they got into the car, Agnes placed a hand over her mouth and screamed into it.

"I know!" Red laughed.

"Sweet Jesus."

"Don't wake me up Agnes, just drive." Red said still in a daze.

Agnes kick-started the car and this time around, the girls didn't even notice the annoying sound the car usually made just before it moved.


Antonio drove into his house tired, and drained. He alighted from his car and took a long look at his house. His house that was occupied by himself, his house keeper Edith, and her husband Michael. They were an old couple that had practically raised hm alongside his parents. Edith his housekeeper tried for years to conceive, but was never been able to. Instead of wallowing in self pity, she decided to pour all her energy and love into Antonio, taking him as the child she never had. In turn, the Lorenzo's took proper care of the couple. It was only natural they chose to move in with Antonio when he decided it was time to get his own place. They loved him so much, moving out with him was a given. His parents were also in support of this decision. It was good he had genuine people who were always ready to look out for him.

His usual routine was to go round the house every time he returned late, but he was feeling too tired to do that. Instead, he observed the house for some additional minutes, noticing the lights had been put out. This simply meant it was light out for everyone. They had all gone to bed. Grudgingly, he made his way into the house. He couldn't comprehend his fate lately. Everything seemed to be falling apart and he didn't know how to fix it.

"You're back." A soft voice whispered when he came in.

"You're still up, Edith?" He turned on the lights and there she was.

"I was worried about you. Why are you home so late?" She tapped the space besides her. He smiled,and moved to sit with her.

"I had a meeting run late. Why are you still up?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to wait up for you. I made some food. Should I get it?" She asked with a special brightness in her eyes, solely reserved for Antonio. He was the child she never had. Although on paper she was just a housekeeper, she considered herself lucky to have the devotion of such a beautiful man.

"Thanks Ed, but I'm not hungry," He picked up her hands into his. "Come, let's get you back to your room."

"It's fine Toni. I'll just sit here for a while. You go in."

"Okay." He stood up to leave, but her frail voice stopped him.

"You know Toni, very soon, you'll be a free. You'll get justice." He gave her a weak smile,, and proceeded to his room.

He went straight into his wing, walking carefully so as not to wake anyone else. He had converted his house into two wings. The left was for the couple and some of the other workers in the house, and his was the right. It wasn't really that he needed a whole lot of workers, but they keep coming in search of work, and he really did not have it in him to not help anyone in need. Soon enough he had a whole family of employees ready to cater to his needs. This was quite funny because he didn't have that much needs, if any at all. All he ever did these days was go to work, come back and spend the whole night deep in thought. There was nothing quite interesting in his life, neither was there anything worthy of looking forward to.

Antonio successfully got to his room without causing a ruckus, and breathed a sigh of relief. He took off his clothes, and went straight for the shower. Turning it on, he let the water wash away the pain he felt.

But then his mind pictured a certain red head beauty, and he felt a soothing of his heart.

How is anyone so beautiful?

He pictured her eyes, and the way it's blue had stared depths into his soul. She had held onto his gaze, without even as much as flinching. She had even flirted a little. Everything about her, screamed dangerous. There was no middle ground. Despite that, he wanted her, and he couldn't remember the last time he wanted anyone.

Then his mind went to Kim's accusations, and he became sad again.

He reminisced about the meeting he had today. A whole lot of major shareholders were threatening to pull out of the company if the rumour continued, and who could blame them? No one wanted to be associated with an alleged predator. He cursed himself for being so careless. He had managed to stay out of trouble for Four years. All it took was one night for everything to spiral out of control. He wanted to punch the wall and scream, but managed to restrain himself.

He got out of the shower only after he felt the chill in his bones. Just then his phone rang. Antonio casually strolled naked as the day he was born towards his phone he had placed on the bed. He looked at the screen and saw 'Unknown Number.


He was going to ignore the call, but something made him pick up.

"Don't speak, just listen." An animated voice behind the call immediately said.

"You have gotten yourself into some fine mess young man and you won't easily get out of it.

"You come from a very powerful family but not even them can save you from this.

"The case will be dropped, if only you agree to give ten percent of the company to us.

"Think carefully before you make any decision.

"We'll be back."

"Who the fuck are___" he was asking, when he heard the call dropped.

"What the hell?" He looked at his phone still unsure of what that conversation was all about.

"Who the fuck do these people think they are?" His mouth agape, and his nose flared. Wrinkled line spread across his creased forehead, as he began to pace black and forth.

He fought the urge to punch, or anything at all. He clenched and unclenched his fist, and his mouth trembled. One minute he was fighting the urge to scream, the other minute, he was praying that this was all some silly prank.

He could already feel his breath coming out short, and uneven. His heart clenched within his chest, and there was banging in his head. It would be so easy for him to relapse, but he needed to fight. And to fight, he needed strength.

But how?

How do you strengthen yourself to fight forces that you can neither see, or touch? Forces that are dead set on ruining you?

He stopped pacing for a bit, suddenly feeling too hot. His demons were back, and they were now a legion. They taunted, laughed and mocked at him. They dared him to react. They knew he couldn't, still the voices in his head wouldn't stop. He crouched in pain. Every pain, anger and fear he had thought dead and buried came , and the control he had fought years for, was at the brink of falling apart.

He began to feel the urge to relapse. He tried to think of a distraction, but nothing seemed to work. His art supplies were in his art room and he couldn't find the strength to move. Suddenly, he began to shiver. He tried to move again but ended up falling on his back. He held his head in pain as his breathing Intensified. He tried to call out for help, but everything he said came out as a whisper. The shivering ceased and he began to sweat all over. He felt like his body was deep in the ozone layer. Just when he was about to give in to the pain, he saw a face, and heard a voice.

"It's fine." She had said.

Although it was in reply to something different, it applied to him now. He held onto that voice. He clung to her beauty, floating around his head. He recalled how she stood proud and haughty, daring him. He saw her beautiful red hair he was certain fell to her waist, if she let it down. He saw her blue eyes that exuded both sexiness and defiance. He knew he couldn't give up now. He had unfinished business with Red Phoenix. Managing to let out a chuckle, he fell unconscious.