Red woke up to the sound of her guilty conscience. Although the article she had written in favor of the Lorenzo's was a huge success, she still felt like a scammer. She had not heard from the robot yet. She knew very soon it would order her to post the slander piece she had written against them, and it broke her heart that she would have no other choice, but to.

Her phone rang, and she groaned in annoyance. She wasn't really feeling like to speak with anyone. If it was left to her, she would lay on the bed until it was time for the party. She thought of ignoring the call, but it suddenly occurred to her that it might be from the robot. On a second thought, she brushed it off. The robot had made it clear that he would be communicating with her via texts only. It rang for the third time again. Screaming internally she picked the call.

"What do you want?" she screamed into the phone.


"Mother?" Red jumped off the bed, and hurriedly ran a comb through her hair.

"Is everything alright my darling?" her mum asked with a voice filled with worry.

"It's all good mummy, I was just making a sandwich." Red laughed nervously, as if she had been caught doing something bad.

"Hey girl, you cant lie to your mama. I know you've not been eating properly. That's why you won't let me do a video call with you." her mum said, and her heart warmed.

Suddenly, she wasn't panicking anymore.

"Mum, I miss you so much." Her eyes glistened with tears.

"I don't know what's going on, but do not hesitate to call me if you're ever feeling overwhelmed. Okay girl?"

"Okay mum."

"So give me the tea of everything happening in your life. Isn't that how you kids say it this days?" She laughed.

"Of course mum." Red said, going ahead to give her details of her new job. Although she made sure she left out any detail that could remotely spring up discussions concerning the robot.

Red ended the call, and breathed out a sigh of relief. She had successfully survived the intuitions of her mother, and for that, she was grateful. She chuckled at her mums non stop rambling about the rancher who had a mad horse. They were always at each others throat. Her mother had also filled her in on all the latest gossip. It was always a good time talking to her mum. She thought about laying back on her bed to continue her initial plan, but remembered Agnes was yet to deliver the dress she swore was made for a goddess. Red had already hated the dress before it arrived, because knowing Agnes, it was probably all just hype. She recalled a memory that involved Agnes swearing she had found the Cinderella's shoe, and that if Red wore it, she was going to meet the love of her life, and live happily ever after. Well she did meet someone who turned out to be a total jackass. To save face, Agnes had said it was because she didn't pull off the shoe when the clock struck twelve. Red learnt to pay her no mind when it came to fashion from then on.

She glanced through her tiny closet, at the tiny corner of the tiny room, which was looking smaller, and smaller in her eyes, as the days passed. As usual, there was nothing fit for an evening dinner in it.

She thought about calling her thrift plug, instead of leaving her fate in the hands of Agnes. Just then, she heard a knock on her door.

"Agnes!" she muttered seething. She opened the door, and saw the petite woman with different racks of bagged up dresses in her hands.

Red quickly took some from her.

"What are all these?" She asked..

If she wasn't so irritated, she would have laughed at the sight of the woman. She looked disheveled, and stressed.

"What do you mean by what are all these? These are all the clothing items we need for the party tonight of course." She said finally catching her breath. She chugged down a bottle of water she pulled out of Red's silly excuse of a fridge, and turned to look at her.

"That's more like it." she stretched.

"Agnes don't take this the wrong way or whatever, but haven't we gone through this already? I thought we decided you'll be staying away from all things fashion decision making for the mean time?"

"Oh common Red. I know I've missed it a couple of times, but trust me this time. You'll be absolutely blown away when you see your dress" She replied confidently.

"I vote no. Agnes, going with your pick is a disaster waiting to happen, and you know it."

Agnes pouted, and her face fell.

"Fine! Can I at least see the dress?" she moved to pick it up, but was quickly blocked by Agnes.

"Move out of my way Ag." Red said trying to maneuver through, but Agnes was prepared.

"No peeping Red. You'll end up jinxing it and then blame me."

"I am not putting any form of blind trust in you. I need to see the dress!" She moved again, but was blocked by Agnes.

"You'll just have to trust me Red."

"God! You're so fucking exasperating."

Agnes placed her hand on her chest like a scout and said, "I accept whatever you throw at me. But let me tell you this one thing my friend, when you put on that dress today, you'll be grateful for a friend like me."

"Ag, I'll say this once," She pointed a finger at her. "If you embarrass me in front of the upper echelons of New York City, I'll destroy you."

"We'll see about that."

"Okay. We should go get our hair done." Red suggested, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was beginning to shine again, despite the shit show she was going through. In about a week, she'll cash her cheque. She couldn't wait, to start spending.



"Okay," She jumped to her feet. "But you do know where we should start from right?" She smiled.

"Food!" they shouted in unison.