Antonio dreamt of Red. He woke up to the vision of red hair. Plenty red hair. He smiled as he opened his eyes. He visualized her deep blue eyes, and chuckled. He felt like he was losing his mind. He wondered why he was suddenly always thinking about Red. Turning to his side to check the time, he stiffened at the pair of eyes staring and smiling at him.

"Jesus Mariano! What are you doing ?"

"Not drooling." he dodged, as Antonio threw a pillow at him.

"Get out of my room Rian." He pointed to the door.


"What do you mean, why? Cus it's my room?" He threw his hands in the air.

"Okay fine, I'll leave. But you should here what I have to say first "


"Oh common!" Mariano stomped his feet, and pouted.

"Not interested Rian." Antonio drew his covers above his head.

"It's about Red."

"What about Red?" He threw the covers of his body, and sat up.

Mariano broke into a feat of laughter, while Antonio stared at him.