A heavy knock sounded on Reds door, as she typed on her laptop. She checked for the time on her phone, and it was just shy of six. She pushed her laptop aside, and gently stood up, careful not to make a sound.

"It's me Red." She heard Agnes say, as she tiptoed to the door.

She pulled it open, and let out a breath she had been holding. Agnes pushed past her immediately, and went straight to the chair.

"What is it Ag?" Red was quickly by her side. She noticed her trembling fingers, and immediately drew her into a warm hug.

"I had a dream, and ran here to check up on you." She said, still trembling in her arms.

"The nightmares are back?" A worried frown spread across Red's face, as she hugged her even tighter.

"Yes," she whispered, and a hushed silence fell. "But this time Red, it was you on the grim reapers list." She burst into tears.