Betrayal and Secrets

Deja's Perspective

Michael gave Deja an uneasy feeling. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. She casually positioned herself beside Neculai's side. Now that she was closer to Michael she could search through his memories without tiring herself out. She scanned through visions of Michael’s past few days and his upcoming weeks.

She could hear Neculai and Michael still lost in their conversation. They seem to be reminiscing on their past escapades. She was glad they were lost in their conversation, she didn't want Michael getting suspicious over how quiet she was. She continued to look around at his thoughts and future actions when finally what she sought came into view.

She slowly looked over at him only to find his eyes settling on her as he grew quiet. They had to get out of there! Deja smiled trying to appear friendly as she looked over at Neculai who was watching her thoughtfully.

“What is it, Deja?” Neculai asked. She paused in shock. Neculai had never said her name unless she prodded him. He called her Deja this time. She smiled brightly, the dimples in her cheeks peeking out. She knew she had to be extremely careful about what she revealed or Michael would kill them. Neculai was closest to Michael, it would be easy for Michael to kill Neculai there before Neculai even realized what was happening.

“No, I can’t see what he knows. I don’t see any information pertaining to Jovian.” She stated.

"I had Deja scan your thoughts Michael in case you did know something about Jovian but just couldn't remember, but I guess you really don't know anything more. I'm sorry for invading your memories." Neculai stated. Michael who had been sitting tensely waiting, relaxed and set back.

Neculai swung around and looked her over. She smiled uneasily and shrugged. Neculai turned back to Michael.

“Do you know anyone who can tell me where I can find his residence?” He asked. Micahel smiled sadly.

“As I said before, and clearly as your friend stated she couldn’t see anything about Jovian. I’ll state again, I know nothing except he comes from the old land. The land of the vampires beginning.” Neculai frowned.

“I know but, I was hoping for something more concrete,” he said.

“Neculai, we should go,” Deja interrupted, they were getting nowhere and The Order had finally made it to the halls where they were at. They couldn’t get caught here. Neculai looked back at her and nodded. He turned back to a smug Michael who seem to be enjoying some secret as he sat observing them.

“We have to leave but if you think of anything, let me know?” Neculai asked.

“Of course, how should I get in contact with you?” He asked. Deja rushed to the door and cracked it. A person moved down the corridor. He stopped at the first door and looked inside. She stepped back and closed the door. She whipped around and found Neculai standing directly behind her. She looked up at him, his eyes were intense moss green as he examined her. He was standing too close to her. His breath settled across her forehead causing her to shiver.

“We have to leave, another way is preferable to this door.” She looked away from his intense stare, and step around him.

“Do you have another way for us to leave?” She asked Michael. He was quiet for a second as he looked them over, then standing up he beckoned them to follow him. She followed Michael and Neculai followed in the rear. He led them to a sliding glass panel door at the back of his office.

“This is my private patio, there are stairs that led below to another room. The room has an elevator that will take you to the garage, where you can get out.” He shared that as he was leading the way. Neculai leaned close to her and whispered.

“Was he lying about Jovian?” He asked. She looked over her shoulder and nodded. Before turning and picking up her step to keep up with Michael. Michael led them to the patio and beckoned them to continue on past him and on down to the bottom apartment. Just before they were to head past him Neculai turned to Michael.

“You and I have always had a good working relationship, even when we weren’t friends.” Michael nodded looking confused. Neculai placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. Deja had stopped on the first step and looked back up at the scene behind her. She could instantly see what Neculai was up to but stood observing anyway.

“Yes, Neculai we have communicated well on certain issues,” Michael replied, looking between Neculai and Deja and back to Neculai again.

“Well for all your loyalty, I thank you,” Neculai said sounding sincere. He squeezed Michael’s shoulders slightly.

“You’re welcome, I guess.” Michael seemed unsure. Neculai smiled. A sinister smile touched his lips.

“And for your betrayal,” He slammed his lengthened talons into the man’s chest, pushing past skin, muscle, and bone to get to his heart. He gripped the man's heart and squeezed.

“I asked for your loyalty one last time, but you refused me.” He squeezed. Michael wheezed, he reached up both hands to grip Neculai’s wrists.

“Neculai wait!” he whizzed.

“Jovian, his home is located deep in the Bergitka mountains. You should search there, that’s all I know. I swear.” He whizzed again. Neculai only smiled.

“You see how easy that was. You could have saved us both all these problems if you would have just told me what I wanted to know earlier.” Neculai replied smiling. Michael nodded. Neculai petted his shoulder one last time.

“Oh and Michael, for calling The Order and betraying me, well that I can’t let go.” He stated and ripped the man’s heart out of his chest. Michael gasped. His grip on Neculai’s hands went limp as he crumbled to the ground.

“Neculai, let’s go!” Deja yelled, turned, and rushed down the stairs. Neculai was faster, grabbing her from behind and speeding to the elevator. The door opened and they were in but not before seeing Quintus' face. He gripped the doors of the elevator and pushed them back open. Neculai set the much smaller woman down and pushed her behind him.

“Quintus, you don’t want to do this,” Neculai exclaimed. Quin only starred past Neculai at Deja.

“You come with me. Neculai your life is in your hands. I don’t have to do anything the others will take care of you.” He spat the words out.

“Deja, come!” He demanded. She didn’t move. Neculai knew now was not the time to fight, but he had to get them out of there. Neculai gripped Quintus by both shirt points before kicking him with such force out the elevator he flew back and slammed, a good 30 feet back into the wall.

He appeared knocked out. The elevator doors slide closed, as it begin to descend down to the garage. The car was left where Neculai had parked it. They climbed in and speed off without a backward look. ..

Neculai was quiet while they speed away. Deja wasn’t sure if Neculai was hurt by Michael’s betrayal. She set quietly waiting for Neculai to speak, waiting for some type of acknowledgment. Finally, he spoke.

“I guess I should have seen that coming.” He stated. Deja remained quiet.

“Do you think I should have anticipated Michael’s betrayal?” he asked her. She turned to look at his calm demeanor. He always seemed like he could care less about anyone but himself. He was the ultimate playboy. Yet Neculai was anything but, he was just as insecure as anyone else.

“No, I don’t think you should have already known from what little I gathered, you really were not good friends with him or so I thought.” She said looking at him. Neculai shrugged.

“The thing is not really the betrayal, but the fact I’ve made so many enemies, I have literally no one in my corner. I’m just surprised that Michael prides himself on only having his own best interest at heart and being enemies of The Order. Yet he would betray me, whom he had closer ties to than them.” He said matter of fact.

“Neculai, I think you already know you shouldn’t go down the what-if train of thought.” Neculai nodded before turning to her.

“Now your turn. How is it that Quin knows you so well?” He cast an irritated stare her way for a moment before focusing his attention back on the road. Deja knew this would come up. She sighed.

“It was shortly after you rescued me from the attacker.” She said going quiet. He waited for her to continue.

“I hoped to find you and so I went back to that same area every night for a month. That’s how I met Quintus.” Neculai controlled his shock even though her admission really floored him.

“When Quintus approached me, I knew what he was right away. So, I asked him to help me locate you.” She shrugged. He looked at her.

“Why?” He asked a slight frown forming on his face. She looked away but didn’t answer. He sighed. He knew he would get nothing more from her right now.

“Is that it?” He asked her. She nodded. Again he cast a skeptical eye her way.

“What?! If there was something more to it I would just tell you.” She said. He didn't reply. They continued to Neculai’s house. They parked in their usual spot, and they climbed out of the vehicle. As they started up the driveway, Neculai stopped before he reached the porched of his home. He stood quiet for a moment. Something was not right. He turned to look across the street and down the opposite direction. Deja was walking up to the front door but paused to look back at him.

“What is it?” She asked, confused. He debated just leaving her there then. He could be gone in seconds. Whatever waited for them in the house she would walk right into it. He turned about to do just that when she called out to him again. He stopped and turned back to her, putting a finger to his lips, and beckoned her over to him. She came without hesitation. He slipped an arm around her waist and looked down into her wide brown eye stare.

"Hold on," he whispered. His green gaze never looked away.