Miracle Doctor?

After the defeat of Athens in the Peloponnesian War and the brutal rule of the "Thirty Tyrants", the wise men of Athens more or less realized that there was a flaw in the system, but no one had ever said anything like Davos that had completely denied the democracy of Athens. These deafening words were like a thunderclap, which made Xenophon unable to recover for a long time, and he was confused,"… Is Sparta… the best?"

"Sparta?!" Davos sneered, "When it decides to turn its compatriots into Heracles (which refers to the Messenians), it is doomed to never become strong! Although the Spartan warriors are very brave, thousands of Spartan warriors have to suppress their slaves ten times more than them. Their city-state is like a volcano that will erupt once they encounter a major failure."

"Davos, Sparta is now the most powerful city-state in Greece!" Olivos interjected.

"Then let's wait and see how long its strength can last!" Davos answered confidently. He vaguely remembered that a war broke out in Greece not long after, and Sparta was defeated by the rising Dibis and fell.

"Is this an oracle?" Several teammates were surprised.

Davos smiled without answering.

"So, which city-state has the best system?" Xenophon asked unwillingly.

Davos also gave a mysterious smile.

At this time, Xenophon seemed to have regained his calm on the surface, but in fact, his heart was fluctuating. The things that he had been used to and believed for decades were beaten by Davos' words. He did not completely lose his composure, because he relied on the teachings of Socrates for many years, which made him better at learning and thinking independently than ordinary people.

He couldn't stay any longer due to his uneasiness, so he had to go back and think about what Davos had said. So he said goodbye to Davos.

Before leaving, Davos asked casually, "Xenophon, have you ever commanded an army before?"

"I was a cavalry captain," Xenophon answered hurriedly.

Looking at the departing back of Xenophon, Davos' expression became grave. As a student of Socrates, Xenophon's knowledge far exceeds his teammates. However, as a newcomer and an unknown Athenian without rich mercenary experience, how could Xenophon lead this retreat?!

Thinking that Xenophon was the author of The Long March, Davos couldn't help but wonder if Xenophon had put the credit of others on himself.

"Davos, are Athens and Sparta that bad?" Compared with the others who were confused, Hielos understood and was even more confused.

Davos nodded and sighed, "If it were a peaceful period, Athens and Sparta would have lived well, but this is an era where they will perish if they don't work hard!"

Hielos seemed to understand and couldn't help but ask the same question as Xenophon, "Then is there a city-state in the Mediterranean that has a better system than Athens and Sparta?"

Davos looked at the curious and eager gaze of Hielos and turned his head. On the horizon, the setting sun was emitting its last afterglow before it fell. Looking at the dyed clouds, he thought of the Mediterranean world in the future, where wars are frequent and strong countries are rising, until the appearance of the emperor, and the dazzling light shone on the western world for more than 2,000 years…

Davos suddenly felt a sense of pride. This time, he didn't refuse to answer, but said with certainty, "Not now. If you and I can live on, then maybe one day you can see it!"

In the early morning, while Davos was still in a daze, he heard a commotion outside the house.

"He's awake! He's awake! My nephew is awake!!" Antonios rushed into the house with joy and hugged Davos, "Thank you! Thank you! Asistes is alive!!"

Davos, who was still not fully awake, asked in a daze, "Really?"

"It's true!" Immediately after, Herpus excitedly said, "Asistes is awake! His body temperature is not as hot as yesterday. Although he is still weak, he can already drink porridge made from bread. Davos, the method you taught is indeed effective!"

In the face of Herpus' admiring gaze, Davos finally felt relieved. He suppressed his excitement and calmly said, "Although Asistes is out of danger, we still can't relax and continue to take care of him according to the method that we had said before so that he can return to normal as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Herpus answered respectfully.

"Davos, there are many people outside who want to see you." Hielos came in and said.

"Oh, it's Kapus and the others. When they heard that Asistes had woken up, they were very surprised and must come to see you. They might want to get your help." Antonios answered with some shame. Davos had put in so much effort to save his nephew that he might even pray to Hades. And before he could repay him, he might bring him new trouble.

"Kapus?" Davos had no impression of this name.

"Another centurion of our camp," Hielos explained.

Davos pondered for a moment and immediately stood up, "Let's go out and not let them wait."

Surrounded by the crowd, he walked out of the house.

"Look, Davos is out!"

"This is Davos? He is too young!"

"Don't look young, he is the true patron of Hades! Otherwise, how could Asistes be saved by him? It's not like you and I have never seen Asistes unconscious before."

"Davos, one of my brothers is also injured like Asistes, he is burning and unconscious, I hope to get your help!"

"I also have an injured subordinate…"

"And me…"

In the small courtyard, the crowded people were desperately waving their arms, and the shouting was like a surging tide, one wave higher than the other.

In the face of some out-of-control situations, everyone was a bit nervous, except Davos, whose expression remained unchanged. In his previous life, as an officer promoted from the bottom, he had seen many public visits, whether it was in the towns or counties. Even when he was the village chief, he had a meeting in the town and caught up with the farmers who had surrounded the town government to demand an explanation due to land expropriation. The leaders all hid, and only he stood up and faced the hoes and sticks held by these excited farmers and tried his best to persuade them to leave. The small situation in front of him was not difficult for him, not to mention that it was a good thing for him.

He raised his hand and shouted, "Everyone, please be quiet!"

"Quiet! Quiet!!…" Antonios and the others also helped to shout.

Everyone gradually calmed down.

"I am very grateful for everyone's trust!" Davos said excitedly, "We are all comrades who fought together and faced death together! We are all good brothers who can give their right shoulder to their teammates to protect! If any of our brothers get injured, I will take Herpus and do our best to treat them, and will never abandon any of them!!"

Herpus was excited to hear his name.

Hearing this, the soldiers in the courtyard were even more grateful.

"Great! Thank Hades!!"

"Thank you, Davos, you are our savior!!"

"Davos, you are our best brother! If you have any requests in the future, I will do my best for you!!"

In this era, it is common for warriors to get injured and die, and it is also a nightmare that troubles the army. Now, Davos has let them see hope. And this man is so generous and kind, how can they not be touched!

"Davos! Davos!…" The shout echoed for a long time above Menon's camp.