
While Davos and Herpus were discussing how to treat the wounded more efficiently, Meno sent a guard to him.

As soon as he entered, Meno shouted angrily, "I said, 'If you have any new ideas, you should tell me first!' and you agreed. But now, you have deceived me! You have violated your promise!"

"What did I do wrong?" Davos was puzzled.

"You didn't tell me that you could save those unconscious soldiers, but you secretly did it!" Meno didn't look worried.

When Davos heard this, he felt amused, "Esteemed Leader Meno, the situation was urgent and saving people was more important. If I had to report it to you first and then organize people to treat him, Asistes would have died!"

Davos then said with sarcasm, "Besides, this is not a new idea, but a medical skill passed down from my ancestors. I came to be a mercenary, not to be a slave, but to get your approval for treatment!"

Meno was at a loss for words. Just now, when the soldiers called him "Davos", he was blinded by jealousy and angrily called Davos without thinking, which made him feel awkward.

He simply said, "I am still lacking a guard. From now on, you will be responsible for my safety, and you are not allowed to leave without orders!" He had a hunch that Davos must be separated from the soldiers, so as to avoid further influencing them and thus weaken his control over this mercenary.

"I am sorry, Leader Meno. I am more suitable to be an ordinary soldier than a guard. Besides, my captain won't agree!" Davos had guessed Meno's intention, so he naturally wouldn't agree.

Meno didn't expect that he would directly refuse and laughed in anger, "I am your leader! Who dares to disagree with my order!"

"I disagree!" With a shout, Antonios stepped into the living room.

"I don't agree either!" Following him was Kapus, followed by several captains.

Seeing Antonios nodding at him, Davos was relieved that he was safe. Of course, he didn't know that when the guard angrily called him away, Hielos felt that something was wrong and immediately ran to inform Antonios, which is why Antonios and the others appeared here so quickly.

"Who let you in?! Where are my guards?!" Meno was anxious and angry. Several of his main captains came without warning, which made him feel uneasy.

"Leader, the wounded in the camp are still waiting for Davos to treat them, so we can't delay!" Antonios listened calmly, and his threatening words made Meno's heart tremble, and the cold gaze of everyone made him feel more guilty.

He chose to give in and said with a stammer, "Um… Davos used his excellent medical skills to save the wounded and unconscious soldiers. I… am very happy. So I asked him to come… um… I want to appoint him as a military doctor to treat more soldiers."

"I am very willing to treat my injured brothers! But whether it is the doctor or the guard that you have mentioned before, I will not be one! I am only willing to be a soldier under Hielos." Davos answered very straightforwardly. Although it is safe to be a military doctor, it is not in line with his plan, not to mention that he is unwilling to accept Meno's reconciliation. Since they have already fallen out, it is difficult for him to reconcile with Meno with his initial understanding of Meno. There is no need for him to be polite to him, and give the officers who came to support him a wrong signal.

In front of everyone, Meno felt embarrassed to be refuted by a common soldier with a low status, and immediately shouted, "Davos!"

As soon as he said this, a thunderous voice came from outside the courtyard, "Release our Davos and give the soldiers a way out!!"

"Meno, if you don't let Davos out, we will rush in!!"

It was the cry of countless soldiers, which made Meno tremble with fear.

"Davos, you go back first." said Antonios.

Davos nodded and said loudly, "Thank you for your help!!"

As soon as Meno heard this, he immediately looked at the captains with hatred. After Davos went out, he immediately said faintly, "Antonios, Kapus… you are also against me?"

"Meno, you are our leader, so of course we have to listen to your command. However, Davos is the favored of Hades, and the soldiers have witnessed the many miracles that he has created! The gods are watching us from the sky and bless us to be able to return home smoothly from the land of the other races, and they will not allow us to blaspheme." Antonios answered tactfully.

Meno, of course, understood what he meant. We all know what you have done to Davos. We can listen to your command, but when it comes to Davos, we must defend him. He also wanted to refute a few words to preserve the dignity of his leader, and Amintas, who hated him the most among the officers, shouted, "Meno! Our employment mission is over. If you mess around again, we don't mind electing a new leader! I believe that the soldiers will never choose you again!"

Amintas' words hit Meno's weak point: The mercenaries are a loose military organization, and Meno was able to become the leader because of his wide connections, he was able to receive missions, get money, and pay the soldiers. The current situation is that after Cyrus the Younger died in battle, Meno lost his employer and could no longer get any money, and could no longer send money to the soldiers. The reason why the soldiers still regard him as their leader is firstly because returning home safely is everyone's common goal, and they must be united, and it is impossible for the scattered soldiers to survive on the land of the Persians. The command system of the mercenaries is readily available, and the management is also effective, and the soldiers are used to it. Secondly, after living as a mercenary for a long time, the experienced officers under him rarely change, and most of them have a good relationship with Meno and help him control the whole troops. Now, for Davos, the officers and the soldiers have joined hands to oppose his control of the troops, which is in danger.

Meno did not have a good reputation in the hearts of the soldiers, and he knew it very well. In the past, he didn't care, because as long as he had money, he could replace a group of soldiers at any time. Because of the barren land in Greece and the previous Peloponnesian war, the people's livelihoods were destitute, and there were many young men who went out to live. But now, it has become his biggest worry.

After he calmly sent Antonios and Kapus away, he then returned to the living room and roared to vent the depression in his chest, "I will kill that kid!!" As soon as he said it, he realized something and quickly went to the gate of the courtyard, and the guard who had followed him for more than a year had disappeared.

He felt afraid and couldn't sit still in the living room. Looking at the house that had become a mess because of his anger, he hesitated for a long time and finally decided to look for Ariaeus. He heard that many relatives of Ariaeus have come to look for him these two days. With their help, the mercenaries might not need to go back so hard…

Thinking of this, Meno had an idea. He tidied up his makeup and went to the yard to take a horse, then fiercely clamped the horse's belly and flew north.

After testing his influence in Menon's camp, Davos returned to his residence and actively called Herpus to discuss the treatment of the wounded.

Although Davos was not a doctor in his previous life, he had more knowledge than the people of this era for more than 2,000 years, which was enough for him to formulate a more perfect medical plan that far surpasses this era. First of all, establish a medical team with Herpus as the leader, then find one or two soldiers in the camp who are interested in medical skills to be physicians, and get a few female slaves from the supply camp. As nurses, they will train and treat them, and I believe that they will soon adapt to their new role. Secondly, open an area as a wartime hospital, and concentrate the wounded to treat and improve their efficiency. Thirdly, develop a medical system that is in line with the practicality, and nurture the sterile concept of physicians and nurses. The most common thing in the army is trauma. As long as it can prevent infection, with the strong physical condition of the soldiers, most of the light and moderate injuries can be improved. Finally, collect some native treatment methods from the Persians along the way, and Mesopotamia is one of the most ancient medical methods on earth. Of course, Davos had used one of the most ancient methods to expand his own land after thousands of years.

Davos intends to develop this medical team into a fixed and essential organization in the camp for the future.

By controlling the health of the soldiers, they will control the morale of the soldiers.