Chapter 5

Harry had wanted to go back to the castle but was told to return so points could be forgiven. Harry and the other champions had stood together and waited for their scores. At the end of the scores Harry was leading followed by Fleur, Krum and then Cedric. Cedric was last due to being the only one who had taken serious damage and because he took the longest time.

Krum had lost a lot of points because his dragon ended up damaging other eggs during his go plus he took the second longest, though for some reason his headmaster gave him full marks despite not going higher than five for any of the other competitors besides Harry. Fleur was fortunate to not damage any eggs or get injured but she did lose points due to getting her skirt burnt and for taking longer than Krum.

Harry on the other hand was the quickest, most entertaining and displayed the most variety of magic without getting himself injured and without damaging the other eggs. Though Harry personally thought that that was extremely good luck with all that had happened. Ludo Bagman had given Harry full marks along with Dumbledore while the others two judges (Barty Crouch and Madam Maxime) gave Harry a nine each. His scores were all pretty high apart from what he had gotten from Karkaroff, the Drumstrang Headmaster, who had only given Harry four. At least until the crowd booed and the other judges questioned him on his score, he reluctantly changed it to six. In Harry's opinion the low score did not bother him as much as the fact that the man was blatantly doing it in front of everyone and unlike the others didn't even try to act like he was being unbiased.

On Harry's way back to the castle he heard someone call his name, he turned around to see Mad-Eye Moody walking up to him.

"Potter," Moody said. "bloody good work with that dragon! You nearly killed the damn thing!"

"Oh...did I kill it?" Harry asked, wondering if he was suddenly going to have to add 'dragon slayer' to his list of titles.

"Nah, injured and harmed it without a doubt but you didn't kill it." Moody said. "Why do you ask? Hoping to become the 'boy-who-kills-dragons'?"

"Hoping to avoid it actually." Harry replied. "I've got enough titles and I don not need more added by people who gave nothing better to do than focus on my life."

"Ha," Moody laughed. "fair enough Potter."

"What are you doing here by the way?" Harry asked. "Not that I have a problem with you but I am guessing that you have a reason for talking to me."

"Atta boy, you're right lad." Moody nodded. "Dumbledore told me to tell you that he wants to see you in his office tomorrow after breakfast."

"Does he?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "He tell you why?"

"Nope," Moody shook his head. "though I can guess why."

"Me too. Probably the task, my recent behaviour change and if he hasn't already heard about it then he will definitely want to talk to me about what I did to my two former friends."

"What did you do?" Moody asked, both eyes locked on Harry.

"Blasted one into the other before I disarmed them both and hit both the idiots with a body bind, then I hit Ron with his favourite hex, one that causes you to puke out slugs. Then I put him on top of Granger and if nobody has found them then he is still probably dropping slugs on her."

"Ha!" Moody laughed. "Yeah...yeah I reckon Albus will be wanting to talk to you about that as well."

"Right...well...are you going to come with me to the meeting?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes," Harry answered. "it'd be nice to have at least one person on my side. If it's just Dumbledore then it'll be nice to at least have an adult back me up. If Dumbledore plans to have other people in the meeting then I'll also have to deal with McGonagall being an arse kisser and/or Snape being a complete and utter aggravating bastard and then I'll be ganged up on."

"You trust me to help you Potter?" Moody asked.

"Yes," Harry nodded. "you get it. You don't care about stupid shit like manners and language like McGonagall, you focus on the important things and you're not afraid to have a different opinion than Dumbledore, Merlin forbid anyone ever have that in front of McGonagall. As for Snape, you and me both know and would gladly admit that the greasy shit stain is far too confident and given too much freedom because Dumbledore is in his corner."

"Aye," Moody nodded in agreement as a scowl came upon his face. "the filthy bastard should be rotting in a cell in Azkaban or at least six feet underground, not teaching in a fancy school."

"That asshole does not teach," Harry scowled as well. "he comes in and waves his wand, instructions come on the board and then he tells us to do it and goes around making faces and insulting everyone and Dumbledore is constantly letting the son of a bitch get away with it."

"I see your point lad," Moody replied. "alright, I'm coming with you tomorrow. I'll pick you up at breakfast, be on time."

"Got it sir, thanks!" Harry grinned.

"Did you beat the dragon daddy?" Selena asked that night as she rested on Harry shoulders while he ate his dinner.

"Of course I did princess," Harry replied after swallowing his food. "I beat the other champions as well, I have the most points so far and I'm in the lead. That means I'm winning."

"What do you get if you win?" Selena asked.

"A cup which I don't really want and a thousand galleons which is basically a lot of money."

"What are you going to do with the money?" Selena asked.

"I'm going to buy you a lot of food to eat." Harry smiled at her.

"Thank you daddy!" She hissed as she rubbed her head against his face.

"Come on Potter." Moody said as he and Harry walked up to Professor Dumbledore's office. "You ready lad?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Harry said as the two entered Dumbledore' office. Upon entering Harry saw Dumbledore sitting behind his desk with McGonagall standing on his left and Snape on his right.

"Ah Harry, it is good to see you." Dumbledore said. "Alastor, I appreciate you brining young Harry up but you can leave now."

"I could, but I won't." Moody replied. "The lad has asked me to stay here with him."

"And why is that necessary?" Snape drawled.

"So I can curse you in your bloody face if I think you're acting like an arse." Moody glared at him.

"I would pay good money to watch that." Harry said as he took a seat, Moody had chosen to stay standing and positioned himself right behind Harry. "So Professor how are you?" Harry asked Dumbledore is a conversational tone. "Where's Fawkes?" Harry asked as he looked around the room, not seeing the phoenix.

"Fawkes sometimes likes to disappear though I would not worry as he always does come back sooner or later. As for myself I am quite well, may I ask how you are doing Harry?" Dumbledore responded, matching Harry's tone.

"I am fine I suppose," Harry shrugged. "bit stressed from the tournament and all."

"Ah yes, I must say you were quite impressive in the tournament." Dumbledore complimented. "It was certainly far beyond what I was expecting of you."

"Thanks," Harry nodded. "I guess that is what happens when you get rid of dead weight."

"Dead weight?" Dumbledore repeated, raising a white eyebrow.

"Yes, the two who I am sure you want to talk about." Harry replied. "So shall we skip the part where we beat around the bush and you just ask me about Granger and Weasley?"

"Very well," Dumbledore replied, taking notice of Harry's use of their last names. In the past Harry would always refer to both of his friends as Hermione and Ron, though now he was using their last names. "as you undoubtedly know Mr Weasley and Miss Granger have made a complaint saying that you attacked them when they attempted to apologise to you after the first task."

"Of course they did." Harry snorted.

"Do you disagree?" Dumbledore asked.

"I do," Harry nodded. "I really do think that they are wrong."

"Are you saying they are lying?"

"I don't know about lying but it is possible that they have a different view of what has happened compared to me."

"And I am sure that you would be willing to explain your version." Dumbledore said, it was not a question.

"Fine with me, matter of fact let's compare what has happened. You'll say their version and I'll say mine, does that work for you?"

"Very well," Dumbledore nodded. "you may start Harry."

"After the task I was checked to make sure that I was not injured or harmed, when it was proved that I was not I found myself with just the other three champions. We spent a few seconds discussing the task, I was about to leave when Miss Granger and Mr Weasley entered the tent. Your turn."

"Very well," Dumbledore said, taking note of how Harry called his friends Miss Granger and Mr Weasley once again instead of referring to them by their first names as he usually did. "Miss Granger had told us that she tried to hug you but you refused."

"I think we may have very different definitions of what a hug is." Harry said in a dry voice. "From my understanding a hug is a display of physical affection and/or a greeting."

"Then what did Miss Granger do?"

"Well the harpy screamed my name, temporarily deafening me, before I saw her charging towards me while looking like she was about to tackle me. So I dodged then asked what she was doing, she said that she was worried and I basically asked where her state of worry had gone before I went out to face a dragon."

"They both told us that they had apologised to you and you refused to accept their apology." Dumbledore responded.

"Well that's wrong. It's about as accurate as saying Han shot second," Harry paused and looked at each of their reactions. "okay none of you understood that reference. It's fine I suppose, I haven't watched star wars myself. But it is on my to do list."

"Mr Potter." McGonagall frowned at him for getting off topic.

"Alright, alright, anyway 'they' didn't apologise. Granger did apologise but Weasley did not, I believe he was under the impression that I would have simply forgiven him and that we'd be friend again. I chose not to accept Granger's apology, but as far as I'm aware that is not a crime nor is the act a punishable offence by school rules."

"They said you insulted them, that is a punishable offense." Snape said, looking proud of himself.

"If you're going to punish me for simple school insults then I insist that Draco Malfoy be punished as well." Harry smirked.

"What?!" Snape demanded. "Have you fell on your head boy?! You must have since you're brain is clearly not working."

"Ah hem," Harry coughed and looked at Dumbledore, he then gestured with his head to Snape. "you want to do something about that or should I ask Professor Moody to do it?"

"Severus," Dumbledore sighed. "please control yourself."

"Very effective." Harry said sarcastically while rolling his eyes. "Now if I may continue, Snape said that..."

"Professor Snape." McGonagall corrected.

"Snape said that insults are a punishable offence," Harry said as if he hadn't heard her. "well in that case Draco Malfoy should be punished. He's been insulting me, Miss Granger and Mr Weasley since first year. He has called Miss Granger 'mudblood' and Mr Weasley 'blood traitor' on many occasions while also calling me 'scar head' amongst many other things, and that's just this year. So if you're going to put me in detention or take points from me for insulting people, not that you could this year since I am a champion, then I insist that Malfoy loses the same amount and is right next to me in detention."

"Why you little brat!" Snape snarled.

"Snape!" Moody snapped, aiming his wand at the scowling potions master.

"Alastor, lower your wand." Dumbledore ordered.

"I will lower my wand when you control your little pet death eater!" Moody responded.

"Death eater?" Harry glanced at Snape. "Hmm, that does explain quite a lot. I mean unlikable, death eater behaviour..."

"Enough," Dumbledore interrupted. "Alastor you will lower your wand. And Severus, you will control yourself!" Dumbledore demanded, his face daring the potions master to argue against him. Snape glared at everyone in the room before taking a step back and nodding to Dumbledore, Dumbledore looked to Moody who looked quite disappointed missing out on a chance to blast Snape, not that Harry could blame him as hurting Snape was a lovely dream that Harry had at least once a week, Moody reluctantly lowered his wand before gesturing Harry to continue.

"Alright, I told them that I didn't want to be their friend anymore, something that once again does not break any rules and is not punishable by British or Hogwarts laws, then I tried to leave. I only took a few steps when Ron Weasley started getting aggressive so I blasted him."

"Mr Weasley and Miss Granger have said that you shot the first spell without provocation." McGonagall frowned, not believing him.

"Oh I had plenty of provocation. First of all if you build up all my emotions from since they abandoned and betrayed me, plus I had just beat a dragon only to have the two traitors come in and then demand that we suddenly be friends again. Then like I said, Weasley got aggressive."

"How did he get aggressive?" Dumbledore asked.

"Professor Moody," Harry turned to Moody, his willingness to call Moody 'Professor Moody' was not lost on anyone. "if you had just fought a dragon for a tournament you didn't care about and told two traitors that you didn't want anything to do with them after a long time of being emotional and walked off, what would you do if one of them suddenly grabbed you by the shoulder and span you around before shouting in your face?"

"A few weeks in the hospital wing if they're lucky." Moody answered.

"So would you say that incapacitating them followed by a simple hex is overboard?"

"Under if anything Potter." Moody replied.

"There you go," Harry said as he turned back to the three teachers. "blasting Ron into Granger was unintentional," It was not. "however when they both got up I saw them draw their wands. I dealt with Granger first as she was the bigger threat and then I dealt with Weasley, the slug hex was payback and my response for the spell that he had shot at me when I was dealing with Granger."

"Harry they are your friends." Dumbledore frowned.

"Not anymore, thank goodness." Harry replied. "I am finally free of both of those prats."

"Mr Potter if it wasn't for Miss Granger than your grades would be far lower." McGonagall replied.

"My grades are only so low because of Weasley and Granger." Harry responded.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Simple, I've had to hold back in class so the two prats don't be jealous. I wanted friends so I did what I could to keep them happy. If I did better than Weasley then he would complain and whine, if I did better than Granger then she would get competitive and angry with me. I am glad beyond words that I no longer have to deal with that pathetic excuse for a wizard and that insufferable know it all."

"Mr Potter." Dumbledore said in a disapproving voice.

"Hey, I was just quoting your potions master." Harry shrugged. "I've heard him call them both that so many times throughout the years, amongst other things such as 'bushy haired nightmare', 'the worst Weasley' and..."

"We get it," Dumbledore interrupted while sending Snape a look before he turned his attention back on Harry. "Harry either way this is not acceptable behaviour."

"Just tell the two to stay away from me." Harry said if it was an obvious solution.

"Harry, I understand that you are not fond of them at the moment but they could be valuable friends in the future."

"I do not want a friendship where I have to constantly do all I can to keep them happy yet be forced to forgive when they do something I don't like. If I did something then the two would drag it out for as long as possible. I have had enough, if I need friends then I will find someone else but not those two."

"Very well," Dumbledore sighed. "I will not force you..."

"I don't really see how you could, now are we done?"

"Mr Potter, show respect to the headmaster." McGonagall admonished.

"You know that it is rude to interrupt?" Harry raised an eyebrow, he was tempted to laugh at her look of disbelief but held himself back and looked towards Dumbledore. "Are we done now?"

"For now," Dumbledore nodded. "however I do have two more things to say to you. Firstly a yule ball will take place as part of the tournament, as a champion you are required to be there for the opening dance and you will need to bring a partner."

"Fine," Harry sighed. "what else?"

"I know that this is a difficult time in your life Harry..."

"As opposed to when?" Harry replied, if his life wasn't dealing with the Dursley's then it was dealing with the madness of Hogwarts.

"But you shouldn't lose a hold on who you are. I fear for you Harry, while I do have faith that you won't, it is possible for you to take a...less than ideal path. A darker path. Many like you have been angry and joined that path, Voldemort was one who was also angry at the world."

"I'm not angry with the world," Harry said as he stood up. "just the idiots in it." He added before walking out the room, once he got down the bottom of the stairs he realised that Moody had followed. "Thanks for the support Professor." Harry said as the two began walking.

"Not a problem lad." Moody replied. "Did Dumbledore or the grease ball try to read your mind?"

"Nope," Harry shook his head. "Snape probably didn't because I did my best to not look him in the eye."

"Atta boy." Moody said, clapping Harry on the back.

"Thanks, as for Dumbledore I kept looking at his ear, beard and basically anywhere apart from his eyes without being obvious about it. Besides you were in the room."

"Ah, that's why you wanted me there." Moody said with an impressed look as realisation hit him.

"It was part of the reason why," Harry admitted. "with you there Dumbledore would be much more careful about what he tried plus the 'grease ball' would show at least some level of control so he does not get cursed."

"You call that control?" Moody snorted.

"It's better than what he usually does." Harry replied. "Honestly part of the reason he infuriates me is the fact that he does not even hide what he is trying to do."

"Huh? Well I suppose I can understand that." Moody grunted.

"Now unless you need something I'll be off sir."

"Oh, I see how it is. Stick with me as long as I'm useful huh?" Moody raised an eyebrow. "Off to see someone Potter?"

"Yes, a very special girl sir." Harry grinned.

"What's she like?" Moody asked.

"Smart, curious, dangerous and if she gets angry she has a look that would probably kill whoever she targets it at." Harry answered. "Now I'll be off before she decides that I am who she wants to direct it at. I might introduce you two later, bye sir." Harry waved before walking off.

"Hello Daddy." Selena hissed as soon as Harry entered the chamber.

"Hello precious," Harry said as he picked her up and put her on his shoulder. "how are you?"

"I'm good daddy, daddy is that mommy?" Selena asked as she gestured with her head to the dead basilisk. "Is she asleep?"

"Yep that's mummy, sorry Selena but she's dead."


"She didn't listen to daddy." Harry answered. "She was being naughty as well."

"I won't be naughty daddy, and I listen to you!" Selena said proudly.

"Yes you do." Harry smiled.

"So mama died because she didn't listen to you?"

"I'll explain it properly when you're older sweetie." Harry said as he stopped in front of Dobby who was drawing on the floor. "Are you done Dobby?" Harry asked.

"Um...just...done." Dobby said as he finished the circle. "Dobby has got master Harry's ritual ready."

"Good." Harry said before he placed Selena on to the floor. "Stay there Selena, don't move until I tell you." Harry ordered before he walked into the centre of the drawing that Dobby had made. Harry removed his glasses and tossed them away.

"Daddy it broke." Selena hissed as she looked at the damaged glasses.

"Doesn't matter, I won't need them anymore."

"Whoa." Alicia Spinnet said the next day as she sat at the Gryffindor table at lunch.

"What is it?" Angelina asked as she looked up from her lunch.

"Look who just came in looking ten times better than usual." Alicia gestured to the entrance to the hall, Angelina looked to where she gestured and her eyes widened when she saw Harry.

Harry calmly walked in, this was his first appearance in public since the first task. Thanks to that plus the ritual that had fixed his eyes so he no longer needed glassed he was able to get a lot of attention, including some very flattering look from many girls.

"Hey girls," Harry grinned as he sat next to the two. "what's up?"

"Don't 'what's up' us, look at you." Angelina laughed. "I mean the new hair and no glasses, you look great."

"Oh stop it, I'll blush." Harry smirked, he looked down the table to see Katie Bell grin at him and give a thumbs up which he returned with a grin and a wink which caused her to smile before she began chatting with her friends.

"You look brilliant Harry." Alicia said. "Is this part of the 'new you'?"

"Yep," Harry nodded. "have you two heard about the ball yet?"

"Yep," Angelina nodded. "McGonagall made all of Gryffindor practise dancing this morning, we were thinking about going with Fred and George but we're both still mad at them."

"Your anger on my half is lovely," Harry smiled at the two. "I personally could think of better things to do than dance but as a champion I have to do the opening dance."

"Oh poor Harry, you'd rather take on another dragon wouldn't you?" Alicia joked.

"Actually no," Harry replied. "I did good against a dragon and ended up nearly killing it, imagine what would happen if I did great with a girl."

"Oh, hoping to get lucky?" Angelina raised an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't object if it happened." Harry replied with a smirk. "Any of you two interested?" Harry asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Down boy." Angelina said as Alicia lightly slapped him on the head. "Sorry Harry but I don't see you that way."

"Me either." Alicia replied. "You're like our younger brother."

"Hey incest is wincest." Harry joked, earning another slap, this time from Angelina.

"Look if you can't get a date and one of us can't then we'll ask you and go as friends." Angelina asked.

"Friends with benefits?" Harry asked hopefully, earing a slap from both girls this time. "Alright, alright, I was joking." Harry said as he rubbed his head. "That's what I get for messing with girls that are chasers, bloody brilliant arm strength." He said.

"We'll take that as a compliment." Angelina smirked.

"As well you should." Harry replied. "Oh wait entertainment." Harry said as he gestured to Ron who was walking towards Fleur Delacour.

"Oh this'll be something." Alicia said as nearly everyone in the hall looked in the same direction.

"Uh...hi..." Ron said to Fleur, when she looked up from her breakfast he suddenly found it even harder to speak. "Um...I..."

"Yes?" She asked in a bored and irritated tone as she looked at the drooling boy in front of her.

" know...the body...nice...dancing...with music...and"

"What?" She asked, wondering if he had been affected by something beyond her allure.

"I just..." Ron turned, ready to leg it but stopped when he saw Harry standing in front of him. "What are you doing here?!" Ron demanded.

"I do go school here you know." Harry said as he walked past Ron and stopped in front of Fleur. "Hello Miss Delacour, I hope I am not interrupting you." Harry said as he gave her a small bow.

"No, no you are not." She smiled at him, she looked at him and saw him smile back at her.

At first she had dismissed him as just a little boy, trying to hold on to his fame. But after the first task she was proven wrong, not only did he cause the most damage to his dragon, which happened to be the most dangerous of all four dragons, despite being the youngest but he also performed such a powerful display of magic. She could practically feel the power coming from him then. He then dealt with the bushy haired girl and this red haired moron in such an easy manner. It was Veela instinct to always go for the strongest male available, she knew it was very unlikely for her to end up marrying this boy but it was still good for her Veela side to approve of him.

Plus the fact that he could clearly resit her allure unlike most of the school made him incredibly desirable along with the fact that he was looking incredibly attractive with his messy short hair and bright green eyes, his attractiveness had increased now that he no longer wore those glasses and now she was able to take a better look at those gorgeous green emerald gems that he called eyes. She was pretty sure that they came with their own allure as she found it hard to focus on anything but.

"How wonderful, I am sure that you have heard of the upcoming yule ball?" Harry said, waiting for her response.

"I am." She nodded, pleased with where this seemed to be going.

"Do you have a date yet?" Harry asked.

"I do not." She replied.

"In that case I would like to ask you if you are willing to attend the ball with me? I am sure that you'll agree with me when I say it would do wonder for school relationships." He said, giving her a charming smile that would not be out of place on the face of James Potter.

"Well...I must accept...for school relationships." She said with a smile. She had to accept, for the school obviously.

"Wait hang on! I was going to ask her!" Ron objected.

"Yes but by the time you would have finished asking her the ball would have finished, besides I doubt that the lovely Miss Delacour would be happy dancing in close proximity with a stuttering baboon whose breath smells like slugs." Harry replied, earning giggles from Fleur.

"Oui, that is true." She said as she stood up. "Perhaps, Mr Potter, we can go discuss our date in private." Fleur suggested.

"It would be my genuine pleasure." Harry smiled, he would have offered her an arm but she was on the opposite side of the table and neither of them were going to climb over the table. She began walking with Harry walking after her, Harry sent a wink to the chasers before he followed Fleur out of the hall.

"Damn," Angelina said. "we said no so he goes after a Veela instead."

"Just like him," Alicia shook her head as she spoke in a fond voice. "always above and beyond people expectations."