Chapter 6

''Whoa!" Harry grinned, he resisted the urge laugh out loud as Fleur shifted her lips from his jaw to his neck.

The two had talked in an abandoned classroom after leaving the hall, they figured it was better to make sure they knew where they stood with each other. Both had eventually come to an agreement after making it clear to each other that neither of them were interested in a long term relationship. The two then talked for about half an hour about the ball.

The two had then started on what was supposed to be a simple kiss, yet somehow ended up with Harry being pushed against the wall with Fleur furiously attacking him with her lips. As she got to work on his neck Harry's hands slowly trailed down from her hips, he hovered over his desired area for a second and once he figured that there was no objections coming from her he grabbed and squeezed, earning a delightful moan from her.

She ran her right hand through his hair, sometimes holding on his head and sometimes yanking his hair while her other hand had started on his neck and slowly slid down to his chest then to his stomach before it went around and pushed him closer to her from his back. Speaking of close Harry was rather enjoying the feeling of having an older Veela pressed against him.

"Damn you're brilliant." Harry smiled before the two began engaging in a passionate snog, though Harry would probably have described it as 'tongue wrestling' because that was pretty much what it felt like. The two continued for several minutes before they broke apart for air. She had her hands on his shoulders while his hands were still on her rear. "Hi." Harry said, not quite sure what else to say.

"Hi." She replied, breathing heavily. "I hope you liked that."

"No, I didn't." Harry said, earning a surprised look from her, she was about to respond but he cut her off by giving her a squeeze with his hands before he gave her a small kiss on the lips. "I loved it." He grinned. "I hope we can do it again."

"Perhaps we could." She smiled. "And after the ball, if I think you've earned it, perhaps we can do that and more. But for today why don't I continue to show you why the French have a kiss named after them."

"I never thought I would say this but thank god for the French."

"Potter!" Harry heard a familiar voice shout at him as he walked down the hallway. He recognised the voice instantly, how could he not when Malfoy just would not fuck off and leave him alone. But right now he frankly could not care, he had just locked lips with a Veela, he doubted there was anything that could probably ruin his mood now. He looked and saw Malfoy storming towards him with a letter in his hand and his two gorilla body guards, Crabbe and Goyle, who were struggling to keep pace with him.

"Malfoy, hello, you look upset. Have you run out of hair gel?" Harry asked with fake concern, may as well enjoy himself if the prat was here.

"Shut it Potter!" Malfoy snapped. "What the hell is this?!" He demanded when he held the letter up.

"Well Malfoy, it is called a letter. Now a letter is when one person writes something down on a piece of..."

"I know what a letter is!" A red faced Malfoy shouted, attracting even more attention then he already had. "I mean what's on the letter!"

"How am I supposed to know? I have not read it yet, though I do appreciate that you think so highly of me to think that I can know things without reading them."

"You're suing me?!" Malfoy demanded, glaring at Harry with hatred in his eyes.

"Yes, you see if you was just a regular kid then there would be nothing to sue but seeing as you can not last a day without reminding people how rich you are I figured that you had the money to pay for it, and if not you then old Lucius Malfoy can do it."

"You can't sue me!"

"No, that's what my lawyer is for. Are you alright Malfoy? You're slower than usual, perhaps you're slowly turning back into a ferret." Harry could not help but grin when he saw Malfoy shudder.

"Shut it Potter!"

"Did you know that the ferret is a member of the weasel family? Perhaps you could be related to Weasley, wouldn't that just be lovely? Red and Albino Weasleys or is that Malfoys?"

"I'm warning you Potter!"

"A ferret that speaks!" Harry gasped with fake shock. "Won't wonders ever cease? Maybe that's why you were so scared of that hippogriff in third year, they do eat ferrets after all. I remember when it attacked you since you were either too stupid or deaf to obey instructions, for any other boy or even first year girl it would've been a simple scratch, but I assume your ferret instincts would not let you stay calm until the big and bad hippogriff was away. I once heard that ferrets can eat cat food, perhaps you and McGonagall could share a bowl."

"That's it!" Malfoy hissed, his mood was not helped by people around him laughing. He pulled out his wand and aimed it at Harry only to suddenly let out a squeak of pain before he could finish the incantation of his spell, Malfoy's face was bright red as a couple of tears dripped out of his eyes.

"Well it's not like you were using them," Harry said in a calm voice as he pulled his foot out from between Malfoy's legs, Harry gave Malfoy a small pat on the shoulder with his right hand before using his left hand and delicately plucking Malfoy's wand out of his hand. Harry then gently shoved Malfoy back with his right hand and Malfoy fell onto the floor, his hands going between his legs in an attempt to reduce the pain. "what about you two?" Harry asked Crabbe and Goyle as he tossed the wand away and pulled out his own, the two hesitated and glanced between each other and the downed Malfoy. "Come on lads, we fighting or not?"

"Don't even try it!" One voice hissed and everyone turned to see Moody limping towards them.

"Sir, Potter and Malfoy..." One Ravenclaw started only to be interrupted.

"I know, I saw the whole damn thing." Moody said as he walked over to Malfoy. "Get off the floor you yellowbellied idiot!" Moody said as he grabbed Malfoy by the arm and roughly pulled him to his feet. "That's ten points for Slytherin for shouting in the halls, ten more for creating a disturbance, ten more for drawing your wand as well."

"But what about Potter?!" One nearby Slytherin demanded.

"Self defence," Moody grunted. "the lad only made a move after Malfoy drew his wand."

"But he insulted Malfoy!" Another Slytherin argued.

"If he can't handle insults then the boy has no hope in surviving school, let alone working anywhere after."

"You're just biased against Slytherin's!" The first Slytherin accused.

"I am a Slytherin you mushy brained idiot!" Moody glared at the Slytherin, causing him to step back with realisation about who he was talking to. "You can join Malfoy tonight in detention and thirty points from Slytherin for arguing with me. Now come with me!" Moody hissed the last part to Malfoy as he summoned Malfoy's wand and began dragging him away.

"Huh..." Harry said eventually, breaking the silence and causing everyone to look at him. "I suppose this is what you must feel like when Snape let's you get away with shit that you shouldn't get away with." Harry said to the nearby Slytherin's. "It feels good." He smiled, ignoring their glares.

"Good afternoon Mr Potter," Harry's lawyer said as the two met in a private room in the three broomsticks. Harry's lawyer was a rather kind looking man with brown hair, he looked fairly young as well when compared to most of the lawyers that Harry had seen, he was also dressed in a muggle suit. If Harry had to guess then he would put the man in "I hope you're doing well."

"I'm doing great, and please just call me Harry." Harry replied. "So how is the case going?"

"Quite well actually," The man grinned. "firstly you are in the right seeing as Malfoy not only used your name in a negative way but also did it without your permission and had indeed profited from it. With the amount of badges that he has sold he's likely made a lot of money, however it's also a point against him as it makes it easier to get your hands on one. Matter of fact I already have," He paused to pull put one of the badges. "I brought it off a Ravenclaw outside. This is lovely evidence that we can use, this way even if Malfoy somehow manages to convince everyone in the school to get rid of their badges then we still at least have one for evidence. Do you think he is still selling them or has he stopped?"

"I'm not sure, the smart thing would be to stop but then again Malfoy is an idiot. However I do know that less people are wearing them now, apparently my success in the first task means I am suddenly popular again."

"Well that's good isn't it?"

"In a way, but on the other hand I can't help but think of them like people who simply are not worth my time. I mean I would have figured that a few years of school with me would have been what was important for them but apparently my success in a tournament is the deciding factor."

"I understand that I suppose." He sighed. "The Malfoy's have offered a small sum for you to drop the case."

"Small?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Not as much as you would make in court but still a lot less effort." He shrugged. "It's entirely your decision if you want to accept it or not." He said as he slid a note with the amount they offered towards Harry.

"Do you enjoy working for me?" Harry asked, leaning back in his chair, not even looking at the note.

"I don't hate it if that's what you're asking."

"Are you saying you don't enjoy it?"

"No, merely saying that I'd prefer to be at home with my wife rather than work at all."

"And here I thought all lawyers loved to tell lies."

"Only the ones that need to."

"Well, seeing as you have nothing beyond the standard objections of the working man, I'd say I would like to go through with this. This isn't just about money..."

"But you would like as much money as possible right?"

"Of course I would like as much money as possible," Harry said without missing a beat as he ripped up the note. "I'm not the sort of idiot who would refuse money, but it's not about money. It's about making things difficult for the Malfoys. I don't care if you have to waste an entire day just to get another galleon from them, I want to make them suffer. I want them to lose as much money as we can take and I want them to be embarrassed and pissed off that all of this between the lost money and bad publicity is because their son thought he was smart by getting someone to make him badges."

"You think someone made it for him? Do you have proof?"

"No but I just think that he is too much of a dumbass to make them on his own." Harry confessed. "But like I was saying, I want the Malfoys to suffer, that's why I chose you as my lawyer after all."


"Well you are a muggleborn aren't you?"

"Wow, never thought that Harry Potter would discriminate against muggleborns."

"In this case it is positive discrimination, it would make things so much better for me if the Malfoy's, haters of 'mudbloods' as they would say, suffered thanks to none other than the boy-who-lived and his trusty muggleborn lawyer."

"I suppose I can see the appeal." He grinned. The two spent the next hour or so talking about the case before Harry decided it was time to go.

"Alright, thanks again." Harry said as they stood up and shook each others hands.

"No problem Harry, just send a letter if you ever need me and I'll come as soon as I can."

"I'll remember that, thank you. See ya Mr Tonks." Harry said as he walked out of the room.

On the day of the Yule Ball Harry was stood outside with the other champions. Cedric Diggory had managed to get Cho Chang as his date, and because of that he had earned a little bit of Harry's respect, Cho was no slouch in the looks department. Krum had, for one reason or another, gone with Hermione Granger. Harry did not know or cared to know how or why that happened. Speaking of Hermione, the girl had made sure to look her best as she was wearing a rather expensive looking dress and had finally managed to fix her hair.

Harry was also positive that she was using enlargement charms in certain areas. One reason for his belief was the fact that he had spent time with her for quite a while, the second was the fact that the girl barely ate as she always preferred to read at her table despite the fact that many considered it rude to do so, plus the fact that the girl's only real form of exercise was moving books from point A to point B.

As for Harry, people still were slightly disbelieving that he had come to the ball with Fleur Delacour of all people. She currently had her hair done up in a bun and was wearing a beautiful backless silver dress that clung to her like second skin, it also happened to have a lovely slit so her right leg was far more visible. Not that Harry would complain, in fact he loved it if anything.

As for Harry he had chosen to go with a simple black muggle suit, naturally he had gotten Fleur's approval before as she was his date after all, she had taken one look at him in a suit and decided that she liked it enough to be willing to take more looks. In Harry's opinion the suit, combined with his hair and no longer wearing glasses, made him look nice. If Fleur's eyes were any indication then she also agreed.

"Alright line up," Professor McGonagall said as she arrived in front of the champions and their dates. "in a moment you will all be called inside where you will do the opening dance. Mr Potter, what are you wearing?"

"Clothes professor." Harry answered, earning an eyeroll from Fleur and Hermione, although both for different reasons.

"I can see that Mr Potter," She said, frowning at his sarcasm. "but I'd like to know why you are not wearing robes?"

"Why aren't you wearing robes?" Harry shrugged.

"Mr Potter I asked you first."

"Miss McGonagall I asked you second." Harry shrugged again.

"Mr should be wearing robes."

"Hmm, maybe but I don't have to." Harry replied. "I looked up the rules and I don't even have to come to the ball beyond the fact that it's traditional for me to do so, matter of fact the only reason I've come at all is the opportunity to spend time with the beautiful blonde next to me. As for my clothes you did not, nor did anyone related to the tournament specify a dress code to me. Now, I am going through my teenage rebellion phase, may I please continue to do so without interruption?" Harry said, giving her a small smile.

"This is not over Mr Potter." She glared at him before walking off.

"Harry, you can't talk to a professor like that." Hermione glared at him.

"Hermione you are no more likely to have your opinion valued by me simply because you've worked out how to look presentable for once." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"What?! How dare..."

"If you'll excuse me Granger I'd much rather spend the evening focusing on my lovely date instead of being irritated by you." Harry cut her off before turning to Fleur and smiling at her. "So have I told you that you look brilliant today?"

"No you have not." She said with a fake frown.

"That's because brilliant does not do your appearance justice." Harry replied quickly.

"And now...the four champions and their dates!" The group heard Dumbledore call as the doors opened.

The champions and their dates walked out with Cedric and Cho at the front followed by Hermione and Krum then Harry and Fleur. Harry overheard a few of the students gossiping and talking about him and the other champions but decided to drown them out and focus on his date.

They began dancing, fortunately Harry and Fleur had spent a lot of time practising before, after all she did give him good motivation to do so. After the end of the first dance other couples joined the dance floor while the champions were guided towards their seats at the dinner table. Harry, being a gentlemen, held Fleur's seat out for her. She smiled and sat down while he took a seat next to her. The champions ordered their food and began eating while making small talk with each other.

After a short dinner Harry escorted Fleur back to the dance floor, the two had a few more dances with each other and a few with others before the ball ended and Harry escorted Fleur out of the hall.

"Thank you Harry, today was a nice night." Fleur smiled as he walked her back to the Beuaxbaton carriages.

"I rather enjoyed it too," Harry smiled back. "quick question, you haven't fallen in love with me tonight have you?"

"I am pretty sure I have not." She said in an amused voice as they stopped in front of the carriage. "Why do you ask?"

"Because it might make the next part really awkward." Harry said before he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close before kissing her on the lips, Fleur wrapped her arms around his neck and returned fire with just as much enthusiasm.

The two kept going for several minutes until Harry's hands had slipped down and took a handful of her rear with both hands. Fleur gasped before she pushed him off. Harry was about to ask if he had done something to upset her when she grabbed him by the head and pulled him into a searing kiss before she let go and grabbed his hand, she pulled him with her as she walked into the carriage. Fortunately nobody saw them.

Once they got inside Fleur's room she closed the door before activating a silencing and locking charm, she grabbed him and kissed him, all as she constantly pushed him back until the back of his legs hit the bed and he fell on top of it. Harry crawled backwards so he was more comfortable on the bed while Fleur crawled after him before she straddled his legs and began removing his belt buckle.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked in a low voice.

"I guess we'll see won't we?" Harry grinned in response.

"So how did it go?" Angelina asked as Harry sat along with her, Katie and Alicia at the Gryffindor table during lunch the day after the ball. They had talked together for a few minutes before the conversation inevitably moved onto the yule ball. Harry for his part simply gave a wide smile and a quick nod in response to Angelina's question.

"Wait...does that mean you and her..." Katie trailed off and Harry gave another quick nod, the smile not leaving his face.

"You and a veela?" Alicia gasped. "I...I don't how to describe how I'm feeling..."

"'s like..." Katie continued. "'s sort of like..."

"An overwhelming amount of pride!" Angelina finished before high fiving Harry. "Well done Harry!"

"Thank you!" Harry grinned as the other two high fived him. "how were your dates?"

"Nothing bad, not special but it was alright." Katie shrugged. "How about you two?" She asked Alicia and Angelina.

"Good, at least for me." Alicia replied. "How about you?" She asked Angelina who nodded in response.

"Who did you guys go with?" Harry asked.

"I went with a Gryffindor in my year called John Brown." Katie answered.

"We both went with Ravenclaws in our year." Angelina answered. "We had asked them after we both refused to go with Fred and George."

"Sorry about that." Harry said. "I know things are awkward between you guys..."

"It's not your fault Harry." Angelina said.

"Of course it's not." Harry frowned. "I did nothing wrong, story of my life really."

"Be that as it may, it is definitely the twin's fault." Angelina replied. "I mean I don't know what they're thinking, I've put up with their jokes for years but this time they've abandoned a friend for it and that's not acceptable."

"Alright girls," Harry stood up and kissed them each on the forehead. "I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go and take a nap."

"What? Why? Still worn out from yesterday?" Katie teased.

"Nope," Harry grinned. "I want to save my energy for later tonight, she liked it enough to want a second performance." Harry said as he walked away with a proud smile. He had briefly turned back and waved at the chasers when they gave him a round of applause.

"Oh, this looks exciting." Ludo commented as he looked at the goblet of fire. He along with Barty crouch and the three school heads were currently all together, waiting to chose who would be the hostages for the second task.

"Indeed," Dumbledore nodded. "this will inform us who the champion values most in their life, we will use it to determine who will be our participants in the task. We simply need to write the question down on a piece of paper and pop it in the goblet."

"Yes, yes, let's get this over with." Karkaroff said impatiently.

First they started with Krum, the first name came out was his mother, they realised that they could not use her as she was not even in the country and decided to ask the goblet again. After three more family members they decided to simply go with Hermione Granger as she was Krum's date. They then checked Fleur, her little sister's name came up and Madam Maxime assured them all that she could convince her to participate. Cedric had gotten Cho and then it was Harry's turn.

"Oh...who is Selena?" Ludo asked.

"I'm not quite sure." Dumbledore frowned, there was no last name on here for some reason. Selena? Dumbledore didn't think there was any Selena's in Harry's year, he'd have to double check the school registers, maybe she was in a different year. But then again there was no last name so it's possible that Selena was just a pet of some sort that Dumbledore did not know about.

"Alright," Ludo said as they tried a second time. "Hedwig?" Ludo asked.

"Ah, young Mr Potter's owl." Dumbledore explained.

"We are not having an owl." Barty frowned before they tried a third time. "Who the devil is Dobby?"

"That would be a house elf." Dumbledore answered, while making a mental note to check if Dobby was still working for Hogwarts.

"A house elf?" Karkaroff sneered.

"Alright, let's try this one more time." Barty sighed before they tried again. "And who is Angelina Johnson?"

"Ah, that would be one of the lovely young woman on Harry's quidditch team." Dumbledore answered, he was hoping that it would have been Miss Granger or Mr Weasley but it appeared that Harry still had no intention of reuniting with his old friends.

"She'll do." Barty Crouch said as he wrote the names down of each hostage.