Chapter 10

''Arry''  Harry heard a voice cry a short few moments after he left the hospital wing. Harry turned just in time to catch the small blonde that jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around him. Harry looked down and found Gabrielle Delacour, Fleur's younger sister staring at him with a grin. "Hello." She said, still grinning.

"Hello?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Je suis content que tu sois là. J'ai voulu te parler, tu es le petit ami de ma soeur ? Tu peux être à moi à la place ? Je suis plus mignon que Fleur." Gabrielle shot out in a single breath. [ Traslation --I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talk to you, are you my sister's boyfriend? Can you be mine instead? I'm cuter than Fleur]

"Je ne suis pas ton petit ami soeur, et désolé de ne pas pouvoir être à toi, tu es bien trop mignonne pour moi." Harry replied with a grin, at the end of his response Gabrielle ended up blushing a little. [Translation-- I'm not your sister's boyfriend, and sorry I can't be yours, you're way too cute for me.]

"Gabrielle!" A tired voice said, Harry and Gabrielle turned to see Fleur standing with her parents. Her mother, Appolline Delacour, was a beautiful blonde and obviously who Fleur got her hair from, she was dressed in a stunning white dress with a blue jacket while her husband Jean Delacour was a black haired man dressed in a blue suit.

"I did not know you spoke French Mr Potter." Appolline commented as she gently pulled a pouting Gabrielle off of Harry.

"Magic is a wonderful thing." Harry shrugged. Rowena Ravenclaw, obsessed with knowledge as she was, was not about to be limited by a language barrier and had invented a spell to understand any language, and by luck the chamber also had spells that Salazar Slytherin recorded from the other founders. Hufflepuff had some surprisingly violent ones. Harry had in fact used the spell on Dobby first to teach him French, now Dobby could praise him in two languages. Harry tried to use it to teach Dobby parsletounge but that was apparently the one language that it could not teach.

Harry theorised that might have been because there were certain noises in parsletounge that required a certain magic to properly say, upon reading more Harry realised that Salazar Slytherin had the same thoughts.

"Oh?" Jean Delacour raised an eyebrow. "I am guessing that is the reason why Fleur is suddenly fluent in English." He said, his English much like his wife was brilliant yet he still maintained a French accent.

"I said I had learnt English, I never said how." Fleur shrugged.

"Of course, your mother and I spend precious hours of our life studying and you just happen to know someone who knows how to do it with magic." Jean said dramtically.

"You poor thing." Fleur played along and patted him on the arm. "So Arry, I was..."

"I thought the boys name was Harry." Appoline comented. "You are forgetting the 'H' dear."

"I am not," Fleur sniffed at the idea of her forgetting anything. "I just like saying Arry. Anyway, Arry," Fleur said as she turned to him, making sure to emphasise the name. "I was wondering if I could speak to you later in private."

"Sure." Harry nodded.

"How are you young man?" Jean asked.

"Fine sir, I just got out of the hospital wing."

"You are not injured are you?" Appolline asked in a concerned voice.

"No, all I had was a cut on my arm but the reason I was in the hospital wing for so long is because the nurse is overdramatic and because the headmaster and minister wanted to talk to me."

"About what happened at the end of the task? Truly horrible buisness." Jean said, shaking his head.

"One of the more tamer things in my life really," Harry said as he spotted someone past the shoulders of the Delacours. "I would love to talk but I have to see someone quickly."

"We understand," Jean nodded. "thank you for everything, not just getting us a lawyer and helping my daughter, but also being a good friend."

"Your welcome, see ya later Fleur, bye Gabrielle." Harry gave a short wave at the adorable girl who waved back. Harry walked past them and rushed towards the person who he wanted to see. "Minister Fudge." Harry called, causing the man to stop walking and turn around. "Are you alright sir?"

"I have been better." Fudge sighed. "I suppose the same can be said about you. Has Albus sent you?" Fudge asked suspiciously.

"Not really sir," Harry shook his head. "matter of fact Dumbledore did not seem very happy with me when you left."

"Oh?" Fudge asked with an interested voice. "Do tell Mr Potter."

"Well right after you left he basically made it clear that he was not happy about me not agreeing with him on his theory about coming back." Harry said, managing to stop himself from saying Voldemort, if for no other reason than to just keep the conversation going without screaming.

"Did he?"

"Yes, he mentioned how between both of our reputations we could have been able to convince you." Harry said, Fudge's face turned red but Harry continued speaking. "I told him that I disagreed with that."

"I am glad that you did Mr Potter," Fudge said, looking very tired. "he is not back!" Fudge hissed.

"I never said he was." Harry said raising his hands in a surrender, Fudge quickly realised that he may have made Harry uncomfortable.

"Oh I am very sorry Harry," Fudge said in an apologetic voice matched by the look on his face. "I am just very stressed today, I dare say I won't have to be explaining how stress can affect oneself to you of all people."

"Nah, I too am very stressed sir." Harry said with a small shake of his head. "Anyway, when Dumbledore asked me why I thought I would not be able to convince you I told him it was because there was no way that I could convince you that such a dark and evil wizard came back from the dead when I could not convince him that I should not be living with my muggle relatives."

"Muggle relatives?" Fudge blinked, remembering how Harry had blown up his muggle aunt with accidental magic.

"Dumbledore forces me to go back to them every year, did you know that?" Harry asked, Fudge quickly shook his head to say that he did not. "I have begged and begged Dumbledore to not do it but he always forces me back there."

"Mr Potter they are your family and..."

"They are not!" Harry interrupted, shocking Fudge with the amount of venom and hatred in his voice. "I would sooner die then call those horrible excuses for human beings family! Do you know what they did to me?!" Fudge, more than a little scared, quickly shook his head. "They starved me, they treated me like a house elf! They made me do all their work only to be given the bare minimum to survive! My muggle uncle is quite fond of using his belt if I don't meet his standards of work." Harry said, shocking Fudge. "They beat me, starved me, belittled me, treated me like I was not even human and would then call me ungrateful and freak. Did you know minister that I did not even know my own name until my first day at primary school?"


"They called me freak and boy for so long that I had genuinely no idea what my name was, that is how I ended up in a class full of muggles laughing at me because I did not know my own name. I did not know that I was Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, son of James and Lily Potter. I thought I was 'Freak, burden of the Dursley's, and son of two drunks'. They told me my parents were drunks, my parents who gave their lives for me and those muggle told me they were drunks who died in an accident!"

"My goodness, this is horrible!"

"That's only part of it, did you know they made me sleep in a cupboard?"

"What?!" Fudge's eyes went wide with disbelief, the boy-who-lived was not only abused but kept in a cupboard?

"They kept me in there for years and years until my Hogwarts letter arrived, then they gave me an actual bedroom. Their son's second bedroom."

"Second bedroom?"

"Yes, they made me sleep in a cupboard while their precious spoilt brat got one bedroom to sleep in and another bedroom to keep toys that he did not play with."

"I...I can't believe this..."

"You need to believe this!" Harry said as he grabbed Fudge by both arms, causing the man to look at him. "Listen to me," Harry said in a low voice with an intense look that quite frankly frightened Fudge. "if Sirius Black is free then I can escape! If you don't help get Sirius Black his rightly deserved trial then sooner or later there will be a Daily Prophet article talking about one thing, either me killing them or them killing me!" Harry hissed, to say Fudge looked uncomfortable was like saying Voldemort was okay at magic. "You need to help me before either of those happen!"

"I...Is it really that bad?" Fudge shivered under his gaze.

"Worse." Harry said in a quiet voice. "Get me out of there!" Harry ordered before his face shifted into a kinder one. "Please." Harry added as he smiled at Fudge, Harry gently wiped some dust of Fudge's shoulders before he let go and took a step back.

"I...I will do my best." Fudge eventually spoke. "But it will take some time what with Sirius Black and Pettigrew and..."

"I can survive another summer." Harry interrupted. "Just get Sirius his fair trial please."

"Uh...yes, yes of course." Fudge quickly nodded. "Oh and I was supposed to award you with the Triwizard cup and your rewards for winning but with all that happened..." Fudge trailed off, not really needing to explain what happened.

"I completely understand sir." Harry nodded.

"Yes, the cup is being kept as of the moment so it can be checked for dark magic and the like but once it's done it will be sent along with your rewards to your home unless you would prefer it sent to Gringotts or some other place."

"Gringotts sir." Harry answered.

"Right, well...I had better be going." Fudge said before he turned and quickly walked off. If he looked back then he would have noticed Harry smirk and walk off to the owlery.

"Headmaster," Snape said as he arrived in Dumbledore's office find just as McGonagall had left. "I am pleased to see that the brat and buffoon have gone. But I sadly do not have the time to celebrate that as I must go."

"He calls?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes." Snape hissed, feeling the mark burn. "I must go now, the dark lord does not appreciate being late. Especially after all of these years."

"Very well," Dumbledore nodded. "once you return come straight to my office, I have some pain relief potions in case you should need them."

"Headmaster." Snape nodded before walking off.

Snape entered a dark room to find a great many death eaters kneeling on the floor while wearing full death eater clothing, their heads bowed, all facing in the direction of none other than Lord Voldemort himself. Lord Voldemort sat on his chair looking down on them like a king looking down on peasants. Voldemort had pale white skin, a skeletally thin body, and dark scarlet eyes with cat-like slits for pupils. He had a chalk-white face that resembled a skull, snake-like slits for nostrils, and large hands with unnaturally long fingers like spider's legs.

Voldemort had no hair or lips, he had long, sharp, pale blue fingernails and was wearing a black hooded cloak and several sets of elegant black robes but no shoes which meant that his feet were visible. Next to his chair was a large, green snake, roughly twelve feet long and as thick as a man's thigh.

"Ah Severus," Voldemort said upon noticing Snape. "so nice of you to join us at last."

"My apologies my lord," Snape said as he walked forward and knelt down in front of Voldemort. "I was delayed by the old fool, if not for him then I would have come much sooner."

"Of that I have no doubt," Voldemort said as if the very idea of someone not instantly doing as he asked was amusing. "how have you been Severus? It has been such a long time." Voldemort asked in a voice that most would use if they were discussing the weather. "I trust you have been well, how could you not be? While many of my followers willingly went to Azkaban rather than renounce my name, you have been happily brewing and stirring and creating potion after potion at Hogwarts."

"My lord, I knew you would return," Snape said quickly, hoping to avoid a punishment. "I was simply biding my time."

"Oh?" Voldemort said, if he had an eyebrow then it would have definitely been raised.

"Yes my lord, I have worked hard to keep my position under the old fools nose." Snape said. "All so I can be in position for your glorious return."

"Severus, look at me." Voldemort said, his voice nearly a whisper.

Snape looked up only to fall in pain, he screamed as he felt Lord Voldemort's cruciatus curse. Voldemort kept the curse on for several seconds, he looked around and as expected nobody dared raise their heads. Eventually Voldemort lifted the curse, leaving Severus Snape sweating and panting on the floor in pain.

"Up Severus, for your sakes you had better get up before I lose what little patience I have." Voldemort said, Snape put a lot of effort into getting back onto his knees. "Now Severus, you claim to have worked hard to maintain your position. I could appreciate that if I believed it. It almost seemed to me like you were doing the exact opposite. Now do correct me if I am wrong Severus, but a good spy does his best to make people think he is trustworthy, someone who they can tell their secrets. Am I wrong Severus?"

" my lord." Severus shook his head, not daring to disagree.

"Then do tell me why it has reached my ears that you are the worse potions teacher in recent history?" Voldemort drawled, his voice dared Snape to try and interrupt and make excuses but Snape was smart enough to realise that it would simply get him more punishments. "It sounds to me like you do not know the meaning of the word subtle, I would like to think that my death eater spy would have the sense to not act like a death eater spy. While I have no sympathy for mudbloods and blood traitors, it is your job to pretend as if they matter. Yet it is widely known that you do not act like they do.

While I understand your dislike for them, it is your job to act as if you do like them, yet you do not. Barty." Voldemort called.

"Yes my lord?" Barty Crouch junior looked up from his kneeling position.

"Remove your mask." Voldemort said in a soft voice and Barty instantly obeyed, removing his mask to reveal his thin face and straw coloured hair. "Young Barty here was able to fool Dumbledore and an entire school for a whole year," Voldemort said to Snape. "he tolerated the mudbloods and blood traitors for me, he held back his emotions and desires for me. You, Severus have not, why is it someone so younger and less experienced than you is able to do this and not you?" Voldemort asked, waiting for an explanation.

"My lord I am sorry..."

"Yes," Voldemort cut Snape off. "yes you are, tales of your arrogance and how you believe you are superior to everyone else has spread like a plague yet you did not realise how to properly act as a spy even though you knew that my return was inevitable. If you were serving under any other fool then I would be worried."

"Dumbledore...he trusts me." Snape gasped out.

"He is a fool," Voldemort said softly, knowing that it was something that Dumbledore probably did. "but that is far from my only issue Severus. Dumbledore may trust you but the members of his precious order likely do not. You have greatly limited the abilities of many people to become aurors and healers due to your teaching, while I do approve of that there is the fact that your teaching is also affecting my Slytherin's. You are costing me valuable workers Severus."

"My lord, I apologise but I have been teaching a select few Slytherin's, for example Draco Malfoy is..."

"Crucio." Voldemort said softly, after several seconds of screaming he lifted the spell. "I will assume that you mentioned young Draco's name due to his skill and not any opinions you may have as his godfather. It is far too late to correct your idiocy, any sudden changes will cause Dumbledore to keep a closer eye on you. You will continue to act as you have done, however I will not have you cost me more potion masters, I want the Slytherin's, the loyal ones at the very least, to be able to have the ability to serve me. Am I understood Severus?"

"Of course my lord." Snape quickly nodded.

"Good, good." Voldemort said softly. "I do hope you appreciate Severus that it is only my firm belief in your loyalty and your value as a potions master that has stopped you from joining Potter's mudblood mother."

"Yes, my lord." Snape said, doing his best to keep his voice respectful.

"Now Severus, tell me, what are Potter and Dumbledore doing?"

"Dumbledore has realised that you have returned," Snape replied. "he has tried to inform the minister but the minister is refusing to believe him."

"I see," Voldemort said in an amused voice. "and what of Potter?"

"The boy has not been supporting Dumbledore in agreeing that you have returned." Snape answered. "He say that he had not seen you so he had no reason to lie to the minister, the boy is actually using Fudge for his own desires."

"Oh?" Voldemort smiled, amusement dancing in his red eyes.. "And how is he doing that?"

"The boy is using the capture of Pettigrew along with his own fame to convince the minister to get Black a trial."

"Hmm, what is the boy doing now?"

"I am not quite sure my lord, he is probably off playing with his veela slut." Snape sneered.

"My, is that jealousy I hear Severus?" Voldemort smirked. "Do continue, tell me everything you know then I will place you under the cruciatus curse."

" lord? D...Don't you mean 'or I will'?"

"I meant what I said Severus," Voldemort's smirk grew bigger. "if you think I will simply leave your punishment at a few seconds of torture then you re sorely mistaken, no, I don't want to cause your mind to snap so I think five minutes today should suffice followed by another five the next time you arrive. Now hurry with your report before I turn it into six minutes."

"Fleur," Harry said as he arrived in her room in the Beuaxbaton carriage. "you said you wanted to..." Harry did not get much further because Fleur had rushed towards him and closed the door before she locked it and placed a variety of charms on it. "Fleur are you okay? I mean you...

Harry once again found himself cut off, this time it was by Fleur shoving him against her door and bringing him into a searing kiss. Harry's hands instantly went to her waist as their tongues battled for domination. Fleur's right hand ran itself through Harry's hair while her left snuck up his shirt, her right leg hooked around his left. Harry's left hand slid from her waist to her leg and began stroking her thigh while his right reached down and grabbed a handful of her rear.

Fleur removed her left hand and wrapped both arms around his neck, she moved her other leg and now had both legs wrapped around Harry's waist. Harry's left hand joined his right as he held Fleur up, Fleur's hips began grinding against Harry's, earning a pleasurable moan. Harry slowly walked forwards until his knees hit the bed, he placed Fleur on the bed only for her to pull him on top of her. Her hands were all over his body and Harry was more than happy to return the favour by doing the same.

"Damn Fleur!" Harry said when the two had to stop for air, but Fleur did not cease in her attacks and quickly moved her lips to his jaw and continued kissing down until she reached his neck. "What brought his on?" Fleur span him around so he was on his back, the young veela straddled him and gave him a passionate kiss before she gasped and pulled back, placing her hands on his chest.

"I was worried." She said, Harry was barely able to hear her. "I know we are not boyfriend and girlfriend but I do care for you Arry...and when you were taken away...I was worried." Fleur admitted, she sniffed and rolled her eyes. "This is your fault you know."

"My fault?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I am a veela, sex incarnate." Fleur said as she rocked back and forth, causing Harry to groan, empathising her point. "It should have been you who would have wanted to be with me." Fleur still found it hard to believe, at the start of the year she had dismissed him as just a little boy. After that the had gotten together physically, both had agreed to simply enjoy each other physically. But it slowly began changing, she had began to care for him.

It was not an instant thing, if she had to guess then she would have said it had started from after the second task. The fact that he had helped her sister and then her family had only endeared him to her, she always looked forward to each and every time the two were together. But now, when Harry had disappeared in the third task she came to realise that it would not be just his body that she would miss.

She would have missed the talks they always had after they were done, she would miss his jokes, the fact that she could talk to him without him drooling, his beautiful eyes, that lovable smile. She was a veela, she was perfect, if she wants something then she is going to take it.

"I kind of do." Harry said, very much enjoying what she was doing to him.

"Kind of?" She raised an eyebrow and sped up.

"Okay I really, really do." Harry quickly amended, earning a satisfied smirk from Fleur. "It's just...I don't think I am ready for a proper relationship yet." Harry said, and it was true. A short while ago Fleur was just a hot body for him but the French veela had gradually became more and more prominent in Harry's life. Harry did not know if this was simply because they enjoyed their time together or because of actual feelings or even if they would develop actual feelings.

"When will you be?" She asked in a husky voice as she placed her hands on either side of Harry's chest and leaned closer.

"I don't know." Harry said honestly. "I don't even know, I just want to enjoy myself at the moment. Maybe in a year, maybe sooner or maybe much later I might change my mind, but for now I just..."

"I understand," Fleur said as she leaned even closer, her breath could be felt on his lips. "I will wait, if you are lucky or simply intelligent then you will change your mind before I change mine. And when you do change your mind I had better be first in line Mr Potter, is that understood?" She finished by playfully biting his ear.

"Understood." Harry managed to get out before she began ripping his clothes off.

Harry was not the only one getting fucked, the next day it was Peter Pettigrew's turn, sadly for him the word 'fucked' had different meanings as he was not in bed with a hot veela, no, he was in a court room full of people who were going to decide his fate. In the Wizengamot court room there were two chairs in the centre of the room, one was currently unoccupied while the other contained Peter Pettigrew. He was chained to the chair and was surrounded by several aurors with their wands ready.

The room was filled by all the Wizengamot members, not including those too young to attend, and the room was also packed full with aurors. A few short moments later the doors opened, Sirius Black entered the room, escorted in by a couple of aurors. Sirius wore stylish black shoes along with black trousers, a red jacket over a grey waistcoat and shirt. Not his best look but rather good considering how quickly he put it together. The crowd instantly began talking as soon as he had entered.

"Ah Peter!" Sirius exclaimed as if he had simply spotted an old friend. "How are you doing you fat lump?" Sirius asked in a cheerful voice as he sat in the other chair, though everyone could not help but notice that he was not being chained to his chair. "It has been so long since we last saw each other!"

"S...S...Sirius..." Pettigrew stuttered, feeling like a rat that could not escape a cat, or in this case dog, but that did not mean he would not try. "My old friend...I..."

"Yes!" Sirius clapped. "We are old friends! I remember that! I remember keeping secrets for you, like how you kept wetting yourself until you were fourteen. I remember hanging out with you constantly, I remember you, me, Remus and James being a family. Oh yeah...I also remember you betraying them and sending me to Azkaban for it." Sirius said, his voice turning ice cold. "You know what Pettigrew, we are not friends, I hate you with every fibre of my being."

"But...but James wouldn't have wanted..."

"Don't you dare bring him into this!" Sirius roared, startling everyone. If Sirius noticed the wands aimed at him, he didn't act like it. "Don't say his name when you brought death to his door! Don't say his name when his son suffered because of you! Don't say his name when you gave him up like a bad habit! If James was alive then he would have killed you himself for all that Harry has suffered because of you! You are well and truly a rat!"

Pettigrew bowed his head and looked away, realising that continuing would only dig his hole deeper. A short while later Fudge walked into the courtroom with Dolores Umbridge, Fudge's undersecretary, following behind him.

"Well," Fudge said as he took his seat. "shall we begin?"