Chapter 11

''Severus?" Dumbledore said as the potions master stumbled into his office, "dear me, what has happened to you old friend?" Dumbledore asked as he helped Snape into a seat.

"Cru...cruciatus." Snape managed to get out.

"Is that all?" Dumbledore asked, Snape managed to nod. "Wait there." Dumbledore said before he quickly fetched a variety of potions. "Here you go." Dumbledore said as he forced them one by one down Snape's throat. "I apologise Severus but I must be leaving now, I shall return as soon as possible. Fawkes will fetch Madam Pomfrey if you still need help." Dumbledore said before he flooed to the ministry.

"Arry?" Fleur whispered.

"Yeah Fleur?" Harry asked.

"That was fun."

"It was."

"I liked it."

"Me too."


"It is."

"Do you want to go another round?"

"Am I still alive?"


"Then you have your answer." Harry grinned before he pulled her closer.

"Is everyone ready? Good." Fudge nodded as he cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for all coming here today. Today is an important and historic day, one that shall be remembered, as today we will correct a very important mistake in history. The history of you-know-who and the Potters to be exact." Fudge said, he paused for the crowd's reaction, they did not disappoint him. "Order! Order!" Fudge yelled over the screaming crowds. "Now, I hope everyone is ready as..." Fudge was interrupted when the doors opened to allow Albus Dumbledore to enter.

"Good evening everyone." Dumbledore said.

"Ah Dumbledore," Fudge sniffed. "you are quite lucky, we were about to start the trial without you."

"I do apologise but a small situation had come up at Hogwarts that I had to quickly deal with." Dumbledore said in an apologetic manner.

"Be that as it may, do try and show up on time Albus, there are many things that we all have to deal with yet the rest of us have managed it." Fudge said, a small smirk tugging on his lips. "Now would you please take a seat so we can begin? Quickly please."

"Of course Cornelius." Dumbledore nodded before he took his seat, he pushed any thoughts about Severus out of his mind as he really needed to focus on the here and now. This was an important trial, if Sirius was to go free, and he likely would, then good and bad news could come from it. The good news would be that Sirius, innocent of all of his crimes, could go free and enjoy the life he disserved. It would also mean that Dumbledore could regain a member his order.

But on the other hand this brought with it problems. He did not know how forgiving Sirius was, possibly a lot seeing as Sirius had always looked up to him as the leader of the light and understood that he didn't know that Sirius was innocent. On the other hand he might not, plus then there was the issue with Harry. In the past the boy had always returned to the Dursleys, albeit extremely reluctantly, but he had returned and powered up the blood wards. With Voldemort's return Dumbledore thought this was more important than ever before.

But if Sirius went free there was a high possibility of Harry not going back, in the past Dumbledore might have been able to convince him to do it with a lot of work despite Sirius being free, but recently the boy had changed. If he tried to force the issue then he was not sure how Harry would react, Dumbledore would do his best to keep Harry at the Dursley's but he could not really afford to fight him on this.

"Now," Fudge said. "I do believe that Mr Black has agreed to take veritaserum, correct?" Fudge directed his question to Sirius.

"Yep." Sirius nodded. "Give me, give me, give me now." Sirius said with a hint of impatience. The fact that he was willing to take truth serum had helped him a lot in the opinion of the courtroom.

"I don't consent to this!" Peter screamed, not really helping his case.

"Your compliance is not a factor," Fudge responded in a calm voice. "you are technically dead, as far as the law is concerned, you have the same amount of rights as a corpse. Aurors, do the standard checks for potions then give them both veritaserum." Fudge ordered. The nearby aurors nodded before they checked Sirius and Peter for any spells or potions that could affect the truth serum, this had already been done before but it was supposed to be also done one time in front of the court room to prove that it worked. "Are you Sirius Black?" Fudge asked Sirius once Sirius and Peter had both taken the potion.

"Yes." Sirius nodded in a monotone voice with a blank face.

"Did you go to Hogwarts for your education?"

"Yes." Sirius answered in the same voice.

"Are you a male?"

"Yes." Sirius answered, everyone looked satisfied that the truth serum was working.

"And now you," Fudge said to Peter. "are you Peter Pettigrew?"

"Yes." Peter answered in the same monotone voice and face as Sirius.

"Did you attend Hogwarts for your education?"


"Are you a male?"


"Good, the truth serum appears to be working." Fudge said to the room. "Now Sirius Black, did you betray the Potters on the night of you-know-who's downfall?"

"No." Sirius answered, almost immediately.

"Were you their secret keeper?" Fudge asked.


"Who was the secret keeper?"

"Peter Pettigrew." Sirius answered, the room burst into a shouting and loud talking which took several moments to die down.

"Did you kill the thirteen muggles that you were accused of killing?"


"And now on to Mr Pettigrew." Fudge said before he turned to Peter. "Were you their secret keeper?" Fudge asked.

"Yes." Peter answered. The room once again burst into shouting and loud talking but this time it was quickly cut off by several ministry officials and aurors.

"Did you kill the thirteen muggles that Sirius Black was accused of killing?" Fudge asked.

"Yes." Peter replied.

"Where have you been since the downfall of you-know-who?"

"I hid as the pet rat for Percy Weasley, then I was given to the family's youngest son about five years ago." Peter answered.

"Why? Why did you stay with the Weasley family?"

"So I would be fed and cared for, and be able to keep up with the news in the wizarding world."

"Have you committed any crimes besides the ones you have admitted to today?" Fudge asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I stole several galleons from Remus Lupin, James Potter and Sirius Black when I was at Hogwarts, I raped and killed a muggle for my initiation into the dark lord's army, I am an illegal animagus and I tried to kill Harry Potter."

"Mr Black are you an illegal animagus as well?" Fudge asked.

"Yes." Sirius answered.

"Were either of you planning to register?" Fudge asked.

"Yes." Sirius said.

"No." Peter said at the same time.

"Black, explain." Fudge frowned.

"My animagus form was a secret weapon to help me survive the war, once the war was over me and James planned to register our forms so to keep Lily happy because she wanted us both to set a good example for Harry."

"And you Mr Pettigrew?" Fudge asked.

"I thought the dark lord would rule over all so there would be no need to register my form." Peter answered.

"Why did you try to kill Mr Potter? Was it for Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked quickly.

"Dumbledore!" A red faced Fudge shouted after he and most people in the room shivered at the name, he was about to speak when Pettigrew began answering.

"I tried to kill him because he ruined everything," Peter said, his voice still monotone. "and because I hate him for getting rid of my master. I did it for my master."

"Is he back?" Dumbledore asked before anyone could stop him.

"Dumbledore!" Fudge hissed.

"No." Peter answered before anyone could say anything else. "He died when he tried to kill the Potters." Fudge paused, suddenly looking very pleased, he pulled out his wand and stunned both Peter and Sirius.

"Dumbledore, I do not care what your reasons are, but if you keep interrupting and talking without permission then you will be removed from court and charged, am I understood?" Fudge said in a surprisingly firm voice.

"Understood." Dumbledore said in a soft voice as he gave a faint nod. Internally he was wondering why Peter said no, he knew that Voldemort was back thanks to Severus's dark mark plus the fact that Severus had recently returned after being exposed to the cruciatus curse.

"Good," Fudge said, he could not help the smile that was on his face, he knew he was right and now he had proven it! Actually, something that made the situation even better was the fact that Dumbledore himself and a death eater had proven it. Fudge was already making plans to celebrate later. "aurors, please give them both the antidote and revive them." The aurors nodded and did as they were told. A minute later Sirius and Peter were both awake. Sirius looked like he had just waken up from a nice dream while Peter looked like he had just woken up to find his nightmare was real.

"How many galleons did you steal?!" Sirius demanded as he turned to Peter.

"I don't know! I don't remember!" Peter said honestly.

"Was this third year when I was supposed to go on a date with that seventh year and was about to get lucky only to find there was no money to pay for our food?!"

"Umm...I think so, or at least that's when it started."

"Give him the dementor's kiss!" Sirius screamed.

"That will be decided now." Fudge replied. "Firstly, all those in favour of Sirius Black being innocent?" Fudge raised his hand, so did everyone else, nobody dared be the only person to not raise their hand when it was far too obvious that he was innocent. "Innocent!" Fudge said as he slammed his gavel down repeatedly. "Mr Black, for your unfair imprisonment the ministry will give you a large sum of money for each year that you have spent in Azkaban along with free medical treatment and your animagus form shall be registered for free along with an order of Merlin. I know it will not equal the years you spent in Azkaban but..."

"It's fine." Sirius waved him off. He remembered Harry's letter telling him to play good for Fudge, as of the moment Sirius wanted nothing more than to get custody of Harry, flip Dumbledore and everyone off then go out the door but for his godson he would play nice.

"How gracious of you," Fudge smiled before his lips shifted into a frown as he turned to Pettigrew. "all those who believe Mr Pettigrew to be guilty?" Once again everyone raised their hands as it would be stupid not to do so in such a clear and obvious case. "Now there is simply the matter of your punishment."

"Give him the kiss!" Sirius begged. "Come on, it'll be the first one he's ever had! If you're not going to kill him then life in Azkaban at least!"

"Those for life in Azkaban?" Fudge asked. Roughly thirty percent of all people, Dumbledore included, raised their hands. "And those in favour of the dementors kiss?" Fudge asked as he raised his own hand along with the rest of the room.

"NO!" Peter cried when he saw the results.

"Peter Pettigrew, you are hereby stripped of your order of Merlin, unless you have a will written all of your money and property will be divided between Sirius Black, Harry Potter and...Remus Lupin was it?" Fudge asked Sirius who quickly nodded.

"Ahem," A cough came, followed by a girly voice. "are you sure that is a wise idea?" Dolores Umbridge asked. "Mr Lupin is a werewolf." She said, trying not to make a face at the word 'werewolf'.

"So?" Sirius said defensively. "He's still my friend and he still suffered because of Pettigrew."

"Mr Black is right Dolores," Fudge said before turning to Pettigrew. "finally you will be sentenced to the dementors kiss first thing tomorrow."

"No! Mercy! Please!" Pettigrew cried.

"And the rat is a going, and the rat is a going and the rat is a going and the rat is nearly gone." Sirius said in a sing song voice as Peter was stunned and dragged out. "By Peter!" Sirius called in a cheery voice before he turned to Fudge. "This has all been great but I would like to move on to the part where I get custody for my godson."

"Forgive me for interrupting," Dumbledore said to Fudge. "but I believe that this is not the best time to discuss that."

"Dumbledore Mr Black is innocent." Fudge frowned at the old man, he was sure that Dumbledore was just trying to make things difficult for him now that it was proven that you-know-who was not back.

"I am innocent." Sirius agreed with an emphatic nod.

"That is true," Dumbledore agreed. "but young Sirius has spent the last few years in Azkaban then in hiding. We do not know how healthy it would be for either of them." Dumbledore said, it was a simply but effective argument as many of them began thinking and agreeing with that.

"Very well," Fudge frowned, realising that most were agreeing with it so there was nothing he could do about it. "Sirius Black shall be sent to receive medical help and a check up, then we shall reconvene at a later date pending on Mr Black's report. All who agree?" Fudge raised his hand and most people raised their hands in agreement. "Very well, Mr Black, you will be escorted to St Mungo's. Court is closed for the day." Fudge said before he slammed his gavel down.

Dumbledore watched as Sirius was taken away, Sirius glared at Dumbledore, letting Dumbledore know that now was probably not the best time to talk to Sirius.

"Severus," Dumbledore said as he returned into his office. "are you feeling better?"

"I am, has Black been freed?" Snape asked.


"And I now suddenly feel worse."

"Pettigrew has said under veritaserum that Voldemort has not returned." Dumbledore frowned, looking at Snape, waiting for him to explain.

"You left before I could explain," Snape sighed. "Pettigrew had his memory and mind altered before he attacked Potter. That way if Pettigrew failed..."

"Then Voldemort would not be dragged down with him," Dumbledore finished in a soft voice. "an ingenious plan."

"A necceary one as well it seems, Potter had defeated Pettigrew and returned. Once he had gone it was Barty Crouch Junior who came and took Potter's blood to complete the ritual."

"Hmm," Dumbledore said with a thoughtful face. "now that people have listen to Pettigrew say under veritaserum that Voldemort has not returned it will be all the more difficult to convince people."

Harry could not keep the smile off of his face as he walked up the stairs and towards the private room in St Mungo's hospital. Sirius was free! He could hardly believe it!

Harry eventually reached the door to the private room, Harry stopped shortly before knocking the door. He took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself, he shook his head and once he was ready he raised his hand to knock on the door. He knocked three times in a row.

"Sirius!" Harry called. "It's me, Harry! You know, Prongs junior! Prongslet!" The door opened, and Harry smiled only to find himself tackled down.

Harry ended up with his back leaning against the wall opposite the door as he sat on the floor, he looked down to find a knee that had narrowly avoided landing on that special little area between his legs. His eyes rose up, taking notice of the rather unique clothes, he glanced a few seconds longer than he should on the cleavage when his eyes finally reached the top. He saw a heart shaped face with bright shoulder length pink hair and beautiful violet eyes.

"Um...hi." Harry blurted out. The person in front of him blushed slightly before quickly recovering and giving him a grin.

"Wotcher, I am Tonks." She said as she gave him a dazzling smile.