Chapter 12

Harry  could not help smile back as he took in the vision in front of him. Black boots with a blue knee length skirt, a red shirt under a black waist coat and open black jacket which brought attention to her very impressive cleavage. A necklace around her neck that looked like it was made of string, it had a bunch of small, bronze orbs hanging from it. She also had bright orange earrings.

In his head Harry couldn't help but compare this pink haired, violet eye beauty to the blonde haired, blue eyed Fleur. Fleur looked like something out of a wet dream, she looked like what many people would describe as the perfect girl. This girl, 'Tonks' she said her name was, did not look like the perfect girl, nor did she look like the sort of girl one would take home to meet their mother.

She screamed unique, everything from her clothes to her physical looks to even the way she smiled.

"So...finished looking?" She said, grinning at him.

"No," Harry said as he shook his head slightly. "I could do this all day, but I will stop if you want me to."

"For now at least," She smirked before she stood up and offered Harry a hand, Harry took it and she helped him up. "sorry for falling on you by the way."

"You will not find me complaining if a beautiful girl wants to throw herself at me." Harry shrugged, smirking at her.

"You wish." She snorted with amusement.

"I do actually," Harry grinned. "so just to clarify, you didn't fall on me because of my good looks?" Harry said with mock-disappointment.

"Not this time at least," She grinned back. "so you're Harry Potter right?"

"Yep, hold on, I remember you."


"Yeah," Harry nodded. "I remember being a little first year, walking down the great hall, I glance towards the Hufflepuff table and I see a seventh year with pink hair and I spent hours wondering how that was allowed. At least until I met Snape for the first time, then I spent the rest of my time trying to will a permanent silencing charm on the prick."

"Congratulations, you have joined me and every sane person who has ever met Snape. As for me, I remember being a seventh year and watching as little Harry Potter got sorted. You were so cute and nervous then."

"Thanks, hey, your name was 'Tonks' right?"


"What's your last name?"

"That is my last name."

"Oh, in that case, what's your first name?"

"Oh, sorry sweetie," She said as she jokingly pinched his cheeks. "that's classified information."

"Nymphadora, come back in already, you can flirt with him later." A feminine voice called from inside the room where Sirius was staying in.

"Mum!" Tonks groaned in the direction of the voice.

"Classified huh?" Harry pinched her cheek in the same manner, but quickly let go and rushed into the room.

Upon entering the room Harry noticed Ted Tonks, his lawyer, in the room, no doubt related to the pink haired Tonks outside. Next to him was a rather attractive brown haired woman, she looked quite young, early thirties at best, and thanks to magical people aging at a slower rate than muggles Harry had no idea how old she was. The two of them were standing next to a bed, the occupant of that bed was grinning at him.

"Harry!" Sirius smiled and held his arms out.

"Sirius!" Harry rushed over and the two embraced in a hug. "Goddamn! I missed you!" Harry said, burying his head into Sirius's shoulder as Tonks re-entered the room and shut the door.

"Missed you too pup!" Sirius said, a lone tear dripping down his eye. "I...I wondered if I was ever going to be free...and I am! And it is thanks to you!"

"You would do the same for me." Harry responded without even a hint of doubt in his voice, the two eventually let go and smiled at each other.

"Harry, how are you doing?" Ted Tonks asked.

"Great Mr Tonks," Harry smiled. "if you don't mind, then can I ask what you and these two lovely women are doing here?"

"Well, you've met my daughter." Tonks said, gesturing to Nymphadora who waved at Harry, Harry smiled and waved back. "And this is my wife, Andromeda." Ted said, gesturing to the brown haired woman.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you." Harry said, extending a hand to Andromeda. Andromeda placed her hand in Harry's, Harry gently held her hand, he leaned his head down and kissed her hand, though he didn't let his lips touch her hand.

"There is no need to be so formal with me," Andromeda smiled at him as Harry let go of her hand. "I am glad to meet you Harry."

"Andi over here is my cousin." Sirius explained to Harry.

"Ah, so that means she is a member of the Black family as well?" Harry asked.

"Well...she was born into the family." Sirius sighed.

"Okay, obviously I am missing something." Harry replied.

"I was kicked out." Andromeda said, brining Harry's attention back to her. "And because I was kicked out before Nymphadora was born she is technically not a member of the Black family either."

"Mum," Tonks's sighed. "don't call me Nymphadora."

"I do not know what your problem with your name is." Andromeda sighed. "It is a perfectly fine name, don't you think so Harry?"

"Okay, so now I'm being brought into this." Harry blinked before he shrugged. "It's a rather unique name, I like it." Harry said honestly. "Better than Harry at least, Harry is so...boring...and plain."

"See." Andromeda said with a smile as she gestured to Harry, earning an eyeroll from Tonks. "Anyway," She said as she turned back to Harry. "I was kicked out after I eloped with Ted."

"Her family was not exactly happy with her for marrying a muggleborn." Ted added, he gave a look to Andromeda that looked like a cross between apologetic and happy.

"Screw them then," Harry said simply. "if they don't love you enough to accept who you are then they're not worth the effort." Harry said, earning a smile from everyone else in the room. "Anyway Sirius," Harry said as he turned to Sirius. "how are you doing? By the way where the hell is Prof...Moony?" Harry corrected himself, remembering that Lupin was no longer a professor. "I thought he would be here."

"I'm fine Harry," Sirius said with a small smile. "the healers say they want to put me on a potions diet to help me get back up to full health, as for Moony he is currently with some wolf clans in Germany so I imagine it would take him a while to get the news about what's happened here."

"Hmm, so you remember my third year?"

"Like it was a year ago."

"Great, you remember that conversation about us both living together?" Harry asked.

"I have thought about it every day since," Sirius said, a sad smile on his face. "I asked at my trial if I could have custody."

"And?" Harry asked, a hopeful look on his face.

"Dumbledore stopped it from happening, he said that I might not be fit enough to look after you." Sirius said, his face showed how upset he was and it became worse when he saw Harry's happy face fall and be replaced with a disappointed one. Though Sirius found himself looking a little surprised when he saw Harry's face suddenly turn into a thoughtful one. "Harry, are you..."

"Shush." Harry said gently. "My Slytherin side is thinking."

"Slytherin side?" Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Everyone has a Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw side, there is a time for each one." Harry said, if he looked then he would see Andromeda giving him an approving look. "Mr Tonks," Harry said suddenly. "are you busy today?"

"Um, no, not really." Ted said, shaking his head.

"Can I talk to you later in private then? I have an idea I want to run by you."

"Sure." Ted nodded.

"What idea?" Sirius asked.

"I'll tell you later, I want to see if it is possible before I get either of our hopes up." Harry said.

"Arry," Harry heard Fleur's voice when he entered her room. "is that you?"

"Yeah, are you alright Fleur?" Harry asked as he closed the door.

"I am in the bathroom, wait one moment, I will be right out." Fleur's voice said just as Harry sat down on her bed.

"Take your time, I am not in a rush." Harry said, as he looked around. Tomorrow Fleur would be going back to France and he would be on a train back to the Dursley's, this was probably his last time in this room. He had grown to like it.

"Arry," Harry's head snapped to the bathroom doorway, Harry saw Fleur walking out. Her beautiful blonde hair was flowing freely down just past her shoulders, her face had an infectious grin, her blue eyes were bright as she sauntered over to him, hips swaying, while wearing nothing but a blue robe that ended just before her knees. "how are you?" She asked.

"As of the moment I am great." Harry smiled as he made a show of looking her up and down, earning a small musical laugh from her. "A little sad though."

"Oh?" She asked, raising one of her perfect eyebrows.

"This is our last time in this room, I have been enjoying it if we're being honest."

"Good," She said as she stopped right in front of him. "after all we have done together it would be horrible if you did not enjoy it." She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips, as he returned the kiss she slowly undid her robe and allowed it to fall down to the floor. When the kiss broke Harry had a massive smile as he looked at her in all of her naked glory. "Seeing as this is our last time in this room," Fleur said as she straddled his lap. "I wanted to make it memorable." She said as she placed her hands on either side of his voice.

"Oh? And how do you plan that?"

"In the past we have just had sex," Fleur whispered before she placed a small kiss on his lips. "today I want to make love. Do you want to do the same Harry?"

"Try and stop me." Harry whispered as he placed his hands on her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Hiya guys," Harry said as he sat with the three chasers at the Gryffindor table the next day at breakfast. "how are you three doing?"

"All packed and ready for a lazy summer," Alicia grinned. "what about you?"

"Don't know about lazy but I am packed, I am also pretty hopeful that this time will be my last summer at the Dursley's. By the way, why is everybody looking at me like this?" Harry asked, noticing that nearly every eye in the great hall was on him.

"Probably because of Dumbledore's speech." Katie said, "he gave a speech saying that you-know-who is back." Katie added when Harry looked like he did not know what she was talking about.

"Yeah, the school was pretty divided on if he was right or not." Angelina said. "But then there was that trial where Pettigrew said he isn't, I guess most people are waiting to here what you have to say about it."

"Well," Harry spoke slightly louder as he saw more than a few people trying to listen to him, he was just loud enough for those nearby to hear but not enough to be disturbing the entire hall, with the way the rumor mill worked they were all likely to hear what he thought anyway. "like I told Fudge and Dumbledore, I saw Pettigrew and I dealt with the rat bastard. I never saw Voldemort." Harry said, ignoring the shudders of others.

"Harry," Ginny said as she sat down next to Harry. "are you alright?"

"I'm great, why?" Harry asked.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because last time I you and me had a real conversation was before you were kicking the crap out of Pettigrew." Ginny said sarcastically.

"Oh right, sorry." Harry said sheepishly as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well we can sit together on the train ride back if you want."

"Fine, I've got to go, I'll see you on the train." Ginny said before she ran off.

"Do you have anything planned for the summer?" Angelina asked.

"I got a few meetings with my lawyer, plan to spend time with Sirius as well." Harry shrugged. "Guy is beyond happy that he is free, the fact that his beloved godson was the one who got him his trial has made him even happier."

"Yes, yes, you're a little miracle child aren't you?" Angelina said, ruffling Harry's hair.

"Get off." Harry laughed as he slapped her hand away.

"Harry!" Harry heard a voice call on his way to the train station. He turned around and groaned when he saw Hermione and Ron walking up to him.

"Can I help you two?" Harry asked in a tired voice.

"Harry, Dumbledore says that you-know-who is back." Hermione said.

"And?" Harry shrugged while looking at her questioningly.

"And barely anybody is believing him!" Ron hissed, looking as if he could not quite understand how some people couldn't believe Dumbledore.

"Why haven't you said anything about it?" Hermione said, her voice was more demanding than questioning.

"Why haven't you?" Harry asked.


"Well like I told the headmaster and the minister, I did not see Voldemort in the graveyard." Harry said, idly noticing the many people who were gathered around, listening to him argue with the two. "If I am supposed to just say that he has come back on the word of the headmaster then why aren't you two doing the same? Go, send a letter to the daily prophet, send a letter to the ministry. Tell everyone he is back, why are you two trying to get me to do it?"

"You're the boy-who-lived!" Ron said.

"I am well aware of that Ronikins, but I do not really see what that has to do with our topic of conversation."

"Harry, people would believe you if you told them that you-know-who was back." Hermione argued.

"Really?" Harry drawled. "Because I seem to remember telling the school that I was not the heir of Slytherin and that I did not enter my name into the goblet of fire, the first time I had to fight Slytherin's monster to get them to believe me and the second time I had to swear a magical vow. I am not about to put myself at risk again just to prove the headmaster's point. Now, unless you two want to continue bothering me, I want to go now."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ron demanded. "You have turned into a right prat! You're like Malfoy!"

"Well that's a little hypocritical coming from his red headed twin." Harry replied.

"I am not like Malfoy!" Ron said, turning red at the thought of anyone thinking he was.

"Really? Because you both like quidditch, you both have a signature hair colour, you're both purebloods, you both have an obsession with me and Granger over there, both tried to make friends with me on the Hogwarts express, both want me to join their side on the Dumbledore-Voldemort grudge back, Malfoy hates muggles and the like while you hate all Slytherin's, Granger over there can..."

"My name is Hermione." Hermione interrupted.

"I know your name Granger, after all I spent the last few years pretending I liked you enough to have as a friend." Harry's smirk grew at the offended look on her face.

"Arry!" Harry heard a familiar voice call and saw Fleur walking towards him.

"What are you lot looking at?" Harry said to the other students, not really wanting them to pay attention to him when he talked to Fleur, thankfully they took the hint and began moving. "Hey Fleur," Harry said once she was close enough. "I thought you were gone already?" Harry asked, he and Fleur both ignored the way Hermione glared at her while Ron suddenly looked very nervous and began patting his hair down.

"There has been a few minute delay, I wanted to see if I could see you one more time before I left." Fleur explained.

"What? Last night wasn't enough?" Harry smiled.

"Last night?!" Hermione blurted. " and her...but...but you can't do that!" She said, a scandalised look on her face while a jealous one was present on Ron's.

"Yeah, you probably should have told me that before. We've been doing it for most of the year."

"What?!" Hermione and Ron blurted out.

"Every night as well." Fleur couldn't help but add, though she found it hard not to laugh at the looks on their faces. "Arry I have to go soon."

"Ignore those two, I do. So one more quick goodbye?" Harry asked, Fleur nodded in response. "Well come here then." Harry said as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close. He and Fleur engaged in a passionate kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck while Harry's hands trailed down and squeezed her rear, both of them ignoring the reactions of Ron and Hermione. "Well," Harry said once they were done. "I won't forget that anytime soon."

"You had better not." She smirked. "Goodbye Arry." She said as she pecked him on the lips.

"Bye Fleur." Harry said, slapping her on the backside as she began walking away.

"Arry!" She stopped and smiled at him.

"What? I don't know when I could do it again." Harry said defensively.

"Hopefully very soon." She smirked before walking off.

"You know, it's funny," Harry said to Ron and Hermione. "as soon as I am away from the two of you I get a hot veela falling in my lap, wonder what else I can do when I am not with you two." Harry said before he turned and walked off.

Harry and Ginny sat together on the way back from Hogwarts, the two were talking when Malfoy arrived outside of the compartment.

"Um...Harry?" Ginny gestured to Malfoy who was with Crabbe and Goyle as usual.

Malfoy was currently waving his wand, trying to undo the locking charm Harry had put on the door. He had just managed to do it when Harry lazily reapplied it. Malfoy's confused look when the door wouldn't open resulted in Ginny trying to hold back laughter, she quickly failed when he tried it a second time only for Harry to reapply it again. The same thing happened two more times before Malfoy was able to realise that Harry was doing it.

He glared at Harry and tried again, only for Harry to put the charm on again. Harry had put the charm on ten more times before he lost his patience.

"That's it." Harry said as he stood up. He unlocked the door and opened it.

"Potter!" Malfoy sneered. "I..." Malfoy suddenly found himself cut off as Harry simply kicked him in-between the legs with as much strength as he could muster. Malfoy let out a squeak as his face turned a reddish pink, Harry removed his foot and gently pushed Malfoy, the blonde wizard fell back and on the floor where he assumed a fettle position. Crabbe and Goyle looked dumbstruck and weren't sure if they should attack Harry or help Malfoy.

"I'm going to make this very clear and simple for you two idiots, take Malfoy and go back to your compartment and enjoy the rest of your journey back." Harry said before he closed the door, he waved his wand several times, the end result was a locked and silenced door with the blinds down. "Bloody prat." Harry said under his breath. "So Ginny, I think that.." Harry was cut off as Ginny pounced on him, placing her hands on either side of his face as she straddled him and gave him a passionate kiss.

"That was the hottest thing I have ever seen!" She whispered in-between kisses.

Harry did a small mental shrug before he returned fire, he and Ginny were soon in full blown snogging. It was not as fun as sex but Harry still enjoyed it. The rest of the train ride seemed to alternate between talking and snogging and Harry was okay with that.

"Get in boy!" Harry's Uncle Vernon said as he shoved Harry inside the house, the two other members of the Dursley family, Harry's Aunt Petunia and Cousin Dudley, came in after Vernon. "Go to your room, I don't want you bothering us!" Vernon said as the three Dursley's went into the living room.

Vernon made sure to 'accidently' shove Harry with his shoulder on the way in to the living room, Dudley did the same while his Aunt Petunia simply sniffed at him like she smelt some dung. As the Dursley's entered they did not see the small smile on Harry's face, nor did they see the glint in his eyes. They also did not see the snake tattoo that moved around under Harry's clothes until the head was visible on Harry's left hand.

Harry brought his left hand up and gave the tattoo a small kiss as he glanced at the Dursley's who had quickly become immersed in the TV program they were watching. Harry hissed under his breath, the tattoo shifted and moved back up his body. Harry slowly undid his belt after taking one more look at the Dursley's, he held it in his right hand while he placed his wand in his left.

"Uncle Vernon." Harry said as he walked in to the living room, Dudley was sharing a sofa with his mother while Vernon sat in his own chair.

"What?!" Vernon demanded as he shifted in his chair so he could look at Harry, as soon as he turned around he was blasted off the chair and onto the floor.

Harry's aunt and cousin screamed as they jumped off the couch, Harry waved his wand and the two fell back onto the couch. Harry waved his wand, throwing the chair out of the way so it was not in-between himself and Vernon.

" can't do magic outside of school!" Vernon screamed, his eyes had a bit of triumph mixed in with a lot of fear.

"Let me worry about that." Harry said, flicking his wand, causing all the curtains and doors to close and lock. Thankfully it was still light enough for everyone to clearly see each other. "Have you met my daughter yet?" Harry asked.

"How could a freak like you have a child?!" Petunia spat as she glared at him, despite her fear. Her anger vanished and gave way to her fear when she heard the sound of hissing. The frightened Dursley's watched as Selena slithered out of Harry's left wrist, her head aimed towards Petunia and Dudley. She hissed angrily at them.

"Argh! Mummy!" Dudley cried, ready to get up and hide behind his mother.

"Sit down!" Harry shouted and Dudley instantly sat back down in place.

"G...get rid of it!" Vernon said as he stood up, trying to sound in charge but failing thanks to his shaking voice. Harry talked to Selena in parsletounge, the Dursley's could not understand him but they still shivered at the sounds coming from Harry.

"But she just wants to play." Harry said in a sweet voice as he tossed her at Dudley, all three Dursley's screamed, Selena quickly wrapped her body around Dudley's neck, not squeezing hard enough to kill but enough to discomfort. She bared her fangs at Petunia. "What is on your son's shoulder's at the moment is called a basilisk. The most dangerous and deadly snake in existence, so dangerous in fact that even wizard kind fear them and would try to kill her if they knew she existed." Harry said, he was tempted to laugh at Petunia and Dudley who were too frozen in fear to move.

"'s just a snake." Vernon said, trying to sound brave.

"Not just a snake," Harry grinned. "she has the most dangerous venom of any animal, capable of killing you within a minute, no antidote either, unless you count phoenix tears but we're not likely to find a phoenix anywhere around here. And her most dangerous weapon is her eyes, she has a protective eye layer, if she gets rid of it then it can kill you with a single look, much like the stories of Medusa, except you won't turn into stone. The best part, she only listens to me." Harry grinned. "It would just take one word, one bite or even one look and your son is dead, so you're going to want to cut the dramatics and listen to me before one of us loses our patience." Vernon, who had been growing more and more pale as Harry went on, glanced at the snake on his son's shoulders.

"W...what do you want?" Vernon asked, his voice nearly a whisper.

"I want you to take this belt and hit me." Harry said as he tossed Vernon the belt in his right hand.

"" Vernon said with disbelief.

"Y...y...yes," Harry said, mocking Vernon's stammering. "you."

"I...if you...want." Vernon said before he gently tapped Harry's arm with the belt.

"That's not the proper way to hit someone with a belt," Harry said, shaking his head. "give it to me." Harry said, holding his right hand out for the belt, but Vernon quickly held it as far away from Harry as he could. "Hey tubby." Harry said in a warning voice as he shot a stinging hex at Vernon's stomach, causing the fat man to yelp in shock and pain. "I said give it to me." Harry said in a low voice.

"O...okay." Vernon said as he slowly handed the belt to Harry.

"Thank you." Harry said before he struck Vernon's right knee hard with the belt, causing Vernon to scream out in pain. "Now you try." Harry said as he tossed Vernon the belt.

Vernon caught the belt, and within that moment his anger was more dominant than his fear, he raised the belt and was about to hit Harry only for it to fly out of his hand with a quick disarming spell from Harry. Suddenly Vernon's fear came back tenfold. Harry caught the belt and wrapped it around his right hand. Harry whipped Vernon hard on the arm with the belt, and continued hitting him, striking him in any and every spot Harry could hit. Every time Harry hit him he made sure to add a stinging hex in the same spot after. Vernon screamed each time, his wife and son would have probably screamed as well if not for Selena who was hissing at the two.

Harry struck Vernon multiple times and showed no sign of stopping, Vernon was quickly gaining bruises and marks on his arms, legs, stomach, back and even his face. Harry had paused momentarily, but that was only so he could kick Vernon between the legs, Harry continued whipping Vernon even after the man had fallen on the floor.

"Don't cry Vernon." Harry said after a particularly vicious belt slap to Vernon's stomach. "This isn't even a years worth of punishment, I still have a ton of love left to repay."


"Shush." Harry said in a soft voice after he whipped Vernon's back. "It'll be quicker if you just let me get through this." Harry said before whipping Vernon once more on the back. "You two are next." Harry said to Petunia and Dudley before he continued whipping Vernon.