
It has been three months since the last visit of the royalties- aka the third princess Hūatìan. Bai Zhīshì was now working on entertaining another important guest: The Merchant King of the South called Bu Feng. He was a well-known person in the line of trading around the continent and on the sea. Basically, he went on explorations and traded goods with the neighboring countries. When he was ten years old, his father gifted him a ship and a million gold taels, challenging him to create his own network of trading. He succeeded at age of fifteen and was the only Heir of their family when his parents passed away. He became the Merchant King in both land and sea at the age of twenty.

Bai Zhīshì stared openly at Bu Feng. Masculine with slightly tanned skin, long black hair tied in a neat high ponytail with deep blue silk, thin bangs framed his face handsomely.

'Not bad,'- Bai Zhīshì mentally nodded in his head and continued to serve him. Right now, Bu Feng already finished eating his meal and was chatting idly with Bai Zhīshì about all his trading these past few months. He was looking at the youth with amused eyes. For a local to actually know a lot beyond this kingdom was very intriguing. If Bu Feng didn't see Bai Zhīshì, this lad, working in this teahouse, he would immediately board this lad to his ship and go to every nook and cranny of this world or mistake him as a male courtesan. He admitted that what the lad was telling in terms of pieces of information was all accurate and sometimes would even surprise him. There were many things that he didn't know in this world yet when this lad opened his mouth, a thousand pieces of information would flow out regarding the riches and wealth!

He watched as the lad brewed his tea and served it to him in an elegant manner. From any angle, you cannot find anything "rough" in his image. All looks smooth and beautiful(?), his hair glossy and shiny, five facial features are exquisite, carved in finest jade, pale skin like snow, rosy cheeks and red thin lips, double-lidded brown eyes, butterfly eyelashes- in short- HE WAS A PERFECT DOLL.

He became even more interested in him. Completely ignorant of the other man's thoughts, happily gave him more pieces of information about what he needed in terms of trading.

"- and oh! If you trade sea creatures like crustaceans, a variety of fishes, pearls, and corals! The Kingdom in this continent, especially in the far north! will definitely buy it! Clothing from other continents, treasures, and books! All of it! Ooh! if I was the one doing those... ehehe,"- Bai Zhīshì was drooling with greed, eyes sparkling like stars!

Imagine if he became part of this network! Wealth would really sweep him off his feet! He needed good backing to complete the missions! And this was a good source! Hands clasped together or rubbing on each other, Bu Feng thought his face looked comical, and a smile appeared on his face. When Bai Zhīshì snapped out of his daze, he coughed and hid his face with his long wide sleeves, hastily wiping away his drool before looking up to Bu Feng, his cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment.

"P-Pardon me, it seems like my Lord Owner's crazed for gold was rubbing to me,"- He reverted back to his calm and elegant self again. HE CAN'T REVEAL HIS THOUGHTS TO ANYONE! Bu Feng merely chuckled and then sipped his tea.

"I say lad, You caged here in this kingdom is definitely a waste, Why don't you live out of these stone walls and run free?"- Bu Feng asked curiously, If his knowledge was shared with the world- That'd be revolutionary, but the thing was if he only wanders alone- He might meet his demise. Bu Feng watched as Bai Zhīshì's smile turned rigid and his expression turned solemn, his eyes fogged with unknown thoughts.

"If an esteemed guest asks this... I have no family outside the walls. Lord Owner took pity on me and sheltered me under his wings. I was groomed and taught to sharpen all my skills to survive. These small walls of this kingdom are enough protection, for now.."- Zhīshì answered giving him a small smile, eyes holding deep sorrow in them.

Bu Feng didn't know why, but he felt his heart itchy. He wants to own this young lad... Own? Weird. He never had any desire to own someone before. Maybe because almost everyone wants to throw themselves to him and share his own glory, but this lad... was very interesting.

After an hour, Bu Feng finally bid farewell. At the entrance of the teahouse, many spectators can see that the tall masculine Merchant King of South and the infamous Handsome Beauty of Hūatìan Teahouse were talking rather intimately, as the Merchant King and his carriage left, They even saw The Handsome Beauty's action, waving goodbye to the carriage! All were shocked! They all know that Handsome Beauty was always polite and cheerful, but that look on his face now tells others thoughts that their relationship was beyond friendship.

Is young master Bai Zhīshì...BENT?!!!

Others' minds exploded from that stray thought, these rumors spread like wildfire and the ignorant Zhīshì became the hottest topic of the Zen Kingdom Capital City.

When Third Gongzhu happened to catch the wind of it- She was stoned to immobilized.

'That pretty guy- bent?! He's bent?! No wonder he's too strict with me! No wonder he wasn't charmed by me! Damnit! HOW COME A STRANGER CAN MAKE HIM BENT BEFORE I COULD EVEN GET MY HANDS ON HIM?! THIS IS INFURIATING!' The third young princess threw a fit inside her palace at that time.

She immediately set off to meet with Bai Zhishi at the Teahouse the next day. When she saw him walk inside her room, she observed that this guy was having a dreamy look on his face. His eyes were not focused on reality and looked like he was daydreaming. She was so irked that she threw a dim sum to his face. Bai Shizhi immediately evaded it and gave her a stink eye. The Third young princess frowned back at him and pointed her finger at him.

"You! How come you are getting swayed by an immoral merchant?! You're this Third Gongzhu's Teacher and the Owner Lan's Vice Manager! How come that small person can make you bent?! Ridiculous!"- Princess Huatian fumed at him. He rested his chin on his palm as his arm was placed on the table, eyes fixated on her. His whole demeanor is calm and relaxed.

"Who told you I was bent? And who are you to believe it? Rumors are rumors. It transforms as it passes to one mouth after another. And I wasn't admiring THAT guy, I was actually planning on making a bridge for you and that merchant. Imagine this! If the Merchant King takes you, the Third Princess of Zen Kingdom as his wife, wouldn't all the possible richest be at your arm's length? And I get the large profits too, hahaha!"- Princess Huatian glared at him. Her hands clenched into fists as she stared at him indignantly.

"B-Bai Zhishi... You ..."- Bai Zhishi arched his brow while looking at her. Without continuing, she suddenly fled away. Bai Zhishi blinked and stared at the empty space she was sitting in before.

"Eh... what just happened?"- He mumbled to himself and looked outside the window, watching the carriage of the third princess go back to the palace.

Weeks passed by, and Bai Zhishi didn't hear anything from the third princess. He worried slightly before turning to Lan to ask for an inquiry.

When the letter was sent back to Owner Lan, he was excessively berated by him. Owner Lan made him kneel before him in the office while being scolded.

"What did you do?! You actually dared to think of making a bridge between the Third Gongzhu of Zen Kingdom and the Merchant King?! BAI ZHISHI! WAS YOUR BRAIN CATCHING COBWEBS?! SINCE WHEN CAN YOU DECIDE ON SOMEONE'S MARRIAGE?! ARE YOU THIS COUNTRY'S EMPEROR?!"- And he gets excessively hit with Lan's bamboo fan. Every smack was hard and it hurts his arms.

Realization struck him after that, Bai Zhishi look at him.

"E-Eh? Y-You mean... she's upset about what I said that time?"- Lan only gave him a look as if saying "What else?!"

"R-Really?! How come she became so sensitive?"- Bai Zhishi's brows furrowed as he looked down. Lan scrunched his brows and hit him on his head this time, making Bai Zhishi yelp in pain. He held his poor head while looking up at Owner Lan, his eyes looking at him with confusion.

"You idiot! Third Gongzhu is a lady of high status! Marrying an insignificant person means she's throwing away her status in the Royal Family! Bai Zhishi do you now understand?"- Lan asked him seriously. Bai Zhishi nodded with a solemn look on his face.

'Damn, I forgot about that. It slipped out of my mind actually.'- Bai Zhishi sighed inside his heart as he took his punishment from Lan.

Having not eaten for three days and drank just water, as well as getting hit with thick planks on the thighs and his back for three days too.