
After half a month, Third Gongzhu finally went to visit the Teahouse. For the past few weeks, she tried to send letters to Bai Zhishi, inquiring about her next lessons or asking about her previous assignment that he left for her. But there was no reply directly from Bai Zhishi. for the first few days, the princess didn't feel anything was amiss, in fact, she was happy because she could leisurely play inside her palace without minding anything at all. but after the first week, she started to feel suspicious and upset about his lack of response. Because he was not replying to her letters at all, she decided to go to the teahouse instead.

She was served by other regular servants, and though the quality of service is good it's not that appealing when it's not Bai Zhishi. Half an hour passed but there was still no sign of Bai Zhishi. She finally cannot wait anymore and orders them to bring Bai Zhishi out to serve her. The two servants who are currently serving her nervously look at each other before looking back to Third Gongzhu timidly.

"Our apologies Third Gongzhu, Bai Zhishi cannot attend to guests because... because Owner Lan said so,"- one of the servants said bowing down. She still tried to persuade them but to no avail, they were not being cooperative with her a all. Finally, with gritted teeth, she ordered them to call Owner Lan to exchange a secret. She knows about this fact because Bai Zhishi told her about this in case she wanted something directly from the owner, and it worked! In a few minutes, Owner Lan came in with an elegant bow and sat in front of the low table between them.

"The information will be graded if it's accurate and beneficial, if not, you cannot bargain with me."- Owner Lan seriously told her which made her gulp in nervousness but still nodded.

"... Emperor Father tried to expand his connections to other kingdoms. Here are the pieces of information that could be gathered mostly about war potentials:

To the North, the Long Kingdom is well-known as the Great archers in war. Father Emperor wants to extend to them a hand for trading and avoiding wars between them. To the East, the Ping Kingdom they were known as the Great Bomb experts in war a few decades ago. Father Emperor sent a spy to that kingdom to see what they were planning for the past two years. To the West is the Shui Kingdom they are well-known Great Poison Experts in war. The Father emperor sent an envoy there related to trade and involving war preparations. Lastly, to the South is the Zou Kingdom which was well-known as the Great Army Tacticians. The Zen and the Zou kingdoms were always on bad terms with each other and Father Emperor sent a spy inside that kingdom to have some updates on their royal family."

"The goal of this mission was to see who to side with since the Zen kingdom is built as a gate from each kingdom. For now, will it suffice?"- Third Gongzhu asked a bit nervous inside her, but her face still tried to maintain her stoic expression. Owner Lan was pondering on the information given.

Originally, He and Zhishi intended to branch out to the Zou Kingdom... but this information- will they be caught in the middle if a battle happens or what? That's for another time to ponder.

"What do you want in exchange, Third Gongzhu?"- Owner Lan asked her. Third young princess Huatian perked up before she spoke.

"Bai Zhishi, Where is he? Take him to me"- She said seriously. Owner Lan furrowed his brows. His expression clearly tells her that he wasn't willing.

"He cannot be seen until next month. Apologies Third Gongzhu,"- Owner Lan told her, planning to leave her soon. Third Princess Huatian furrowed her brows and slammed her palm on the low table.

"It's not a request Owner Lan. Bring. Bai Zhishi. To. Me."- She said strictly. Owner Lan pursed his lips as he stared back at her. She tried to maintain stoicism and fierce, all for the sake of seeing his idiot vice manager- Bai Zhishi. sigh, Another butterfly caught on his web! This is getting ridiculous!

Owner Lan exasperatedly threw his arms up and sighed as if he had given up. Kneading his forehead he muttered, "Fine, Fine! Someone come! Get Bai Zhishi dressed up and send him to the Third Gongzhu"- He left just like that. Princess Huatian was anxiously waiting for him to arrive.

The door of her room opened, and Princess Huatian's eyes widened as she saw Bai Zhishi supported by other two male servants. They stand in a ceremony, Bai Zhishi looks calm but his posture is shaking, he also looks pale. She immediately dismissed everyone except Bai Zhishi. The two male servants who helped Bai Zhishi inside the private room felt that something was amiss. Why is Bai Zhishi's posture trembling and his limbs weak? There have been more than two weeks after the punishment he received, yet why was he still like that? Like a newborn fawn learning how to walk. They both look at each other before notifying Owner Lan, one of them leaves outside the private room in case the Third Gong Zhu need anything.

When the door closed, Huatian immediately bombarded him with questions.

"Hey, Bai Zhishi, Why aren't you sending letters or lessons to this princess for this half a month? What happened to you? Why is your posture awkward? What happened to you?"- Princess Huatian asked him, He only smiled at her and slowly (very slowly) sat down on the cushion, Princess Huatian looked at him with a weird look, Why was he so slow, ah?

"It's nothing... Did you enjoy your small vacation? The third young princess looks prettier today," Bai Zhishi smiled at her kindly. His overall attitude was kind and warm towards her, Princess Huatian was perplexed at his behavior.

"What happened to you after half a month? Why do you look awkward and pale? Did you get sick?! Hey! Bai Zhishi! BAI ZHISHI!"- Princess Huatian panicked as his upper body swayed and lay flat on the floor. She scrambled closer to him and rested his head on her lap as she examined him. Blood was dripping down his lips, his body was quivering and his brows were scrunched up as he produced cold sweat and drops of black blood flowing down his closed lips.

'What happened to him?! This blood- BLACK! POISON?! SOMEONE POISONED HIM?!'- Huatian panicked as she called for the others to help him. The servants immediately went into action and carried Bai Zhishi to his room first while the others looked for a physician.

She was immediately sent back to the palace after that, many times she tried to inquire about Bai Zhishi's well-being but the letter from the teahouse only came a few days after the incident.

The letter said that indeed Bai Zhishi was poisoned unbeknownst to all who did it. Other than that, nothing else was written in the letter. Princess Huatian still tried to look for them to inquire but was only told to not worry and that Bai Zhishi was slowly recuperating.

She did not know... two men were currently having a staring competition at each other.

"Oi Brat, I told you to take physical punishment, but it doesn't mean for you to get poisoned to death! Are you getting out of your wits, Bai Zhishi?!"- Owner Lan was feeling faint. Why was this youngster getting so out of hand, unable to discern what was right and what was wrong?! Wrinkles! He can feel them on his face already!

"Owner Lan, You don't have to worry, I'm fine. You could forgive me after visiting death once"- Bai Zhishi carelessly said without looking at Owner Lan. Lan glared at him and wanted to whack his head one more time. Where does all his knowledge and quick-wittedness end up? Was he that tactless after his punishment from being reprimanded about his foolishness regarding his plan with the Third young princess and that Merchant king? Unbelievable!

"If don't want your life so much or you regret spewing those idiotic words before, you don't need to resort to killing yourself! Ugh! I'm having a headache because of you!"- Lan groaned while massaging his forehead. Bai Zhishi was quiet and looking at his hands, his thoughts were unknown. After a few more sermons, he heaved a sigh and left.