
It was already the eight-month after that incident, and Bai Zhīshì was continuously teaching the once braindead, arrogant princess, into a well-reserved, polite, and open-minded person.

She took new scholars and made a new decree; new scholars can participate in court sessions and will stay at the palace after the session to talk to the third princess for bright ideas. The royal family was more than happy to give their work to her. They didn't even think of the third princess being malicious- they're too lazy! LAZY I TELL YOU!

But that aside, it was a bit suspicious. Bai Zhishi knows, this common era of this small world always emphasizes the patriarchy. He saw that when he was growing up in the Huatian Teahouse. So a young princess with almost zero knowledge about politics or internal strife should be rejected... unless... she was a doted royalty?

"Third Princess Huatian... can I ask how close you are with the Emperor and the Empress?" Bai Zhishi asked while they were studying on one of the third floors of the tea house.

"My emperor father and empress mother are very close to me. They cherish me and they want the best for me," Third Princess Huatian answered while holding the book that she was reading.

"Hmm..." Bai Zhishi hummed and looked back down at the book that he was holding as well. Cherish her? want the best for her? then this kind of move... what are they thinking, letting her get involved?

"What is it, Bai Zhishi? You seem to ponder on something?" Third Princess Huatian asked and tilted her head while looking in his direction. He shook his head and just smiled at her, telling her that it was nothing important.

When Bai Zhīshì heard about the movement that the Third Princess had already started for the first time, he was happy and gave her a large serving of jellies decorated in colorful swirls and leaf decorations. He also gave one more for her to eat at the royal palace. The Third Princess, delighted, worked in full vigor and lifted one-fourth of the populace of poor commoners in their kingdom.

It was still not enough to be remarkable but at least it was progress nonetheless. Bai Zhīshì and the Third Princess became close and he considers her his close friend. He also plans to make the Owner migrate to another Kingdom. The idea was to make Lan go to the Zou Kingdom and create the second branch of Hūatìan Teahouse there, much grander than the original Hūatian Teahouse so that he could start the downfall of the Zou Kingdom as his main mission, taking account of the higher status of the commoners there compared here and the vast prosperity all in the display. It has a better chance of getting famous and loved by the masses.

The jellies he made have also arrived on the branch's menu which was chased by all, even royalties! He wanted to introduce more but knowing that he was the only one who knew how to decorate it was pretty useless. Bai Zhīshì has faith in his skills, but he's only one person... He needs a successor. As Lan agreed and set to go to Zou Kingdom next month, He simply cannot wait to swim in a sea of gold!

Bai Zhīshì also has an agreement that he will personally look after the second branch with half of the skilled staff in the Zen Kingdom. Lan mulled at this for a while, he didn't want to gamble his trusted and highly expert staff for newbies from the other kingdom but when he was promised to exchange new recruits three months after the opening of the second branch, he readily agreed. It doesn't matter! Life is good and GOLD IS BETTER!

With the business running smoothly, and the information gathering in heaps, Bai Zhīshì can finally say that he has stable backing. Now, his next job is with the Auction House, of course, he was still an ordinary guest with money, so by sharing Lan's glorious light (He just means fame) he can go in and out with ease. The said auction is set today, with a few things that he found pretty and unique, he wants to try his luck on joining today, also, it was his day off! He has all the time of the day to do everything.

Putting on his green silk robe, emerald waist belt, and a gray fur coat made from a rare gray wolf's pelt, he took a hefty sum of golden taels with him before he went outside. He strolled around the plaza and ate from the assorted food stalls selling sweets in skewers. He enjoyed them very much and wished to eat more but he knows that it will spoil his appetite if he doesn't discipline himself.

Next, he went to look at the different stalls further down the street that sell some trinkets. he bought some longevity bracelets and watched the stall that creates kites in the form of different animals fly through the sky. He then rode a small boat and traveled here and there around the capital city by the lake, getting mesmerized by the jade accessories and other treasures that were sold in the town.

The commoners were all familiar with Bai Zhīshì, always seeing him at Hūatìan Teahouse who was always with a friendly smile and known as a meticulous worker. They were all satisfied. Originally, he tried to help build new courtyards to accommodate the orphans loitering on the street, he may not have helped physically but financially, he did make it all happen and a lot of street kids were grateful towards him.

While he was taking a stroll earlier, there were a few kids who saw him and approached him to greet him. He smiled kindly to the children, telling them to do their best and learn how to read and write for their future. After that, he went to the next block to have a meal at the famous restaurant there.

Right now he was also pondering about himself and his sexuality. In his original world, he lived with pure and honest life, which means he has no love life and he never really fell in love with someone at all. Here, he seems to be not attracted to females and finds them irritating and cranky.

The possibility of him falling for males, however, he has been too used to seeing old men and old women from the village near his home below the mountains in his first life. Maybe that's the reason why he does not know how to associate with their own peers. See this reality right now! Owner Lan, who was way older than him, and yet can interact very well with him! As well as the other staff in the Huatian Teahouse! Because everyone was already old! They were all adults already! *sighs* He remembered his side tasks again.