
Lan Chénsha is shocked beyond words!

"H-How did you know?!"- He asked in surprise, watching as Bai Zhishi turned to him with a raised brow.

"The flower in that lady's skirt, it's the same kind on your outer robe, the only difference is the color. This is weird, Why did you suddenly react when I mentioned the Auction House, but with the Phoenix Pavilion it's the opposite?"- Bai Zhīshi asked with an arched brow. Lan Chénsha only held his gaze for a long time.

"What is it? Don't stare at me like that,"- Bai Zhīshi shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"You're correct, I am also the Owner of this Auction House- Could you give me another jelly?"- Lan Chensha asked with a hopeful look, Bai Zhīshi's lips twitched before giving the other person an awkward smile. Why are they so obsessed with the jelly? What did he add that made it taste addictive? Bai Zhishi sighed before giving the other man a small piece of jelly.

Lan Chénsha happily took the jelly and relished the delicious sweet taste and incredible texture of the sweet in his mouth.

The Auction started below. There was a lot of jewelry, clothing, and wild animals that were out on the stage, getting sold one by one. Everyone was very excited about the items that would be sold tonight.

"Hmm? Is that the Empress of the South Kingdom's dress? How come it's here?"

"Eh? These pearls came from the West Oceans? Really?"

"Oh, That is a Rare Bird, you say? That's a native one in North-East regions"

When Bai Zhīshi criticized the auctioned items, Lan Chénsha kept on hearing bad comments! His heart was so so bitter! If it wasn't for the jellies this guy could make- He'll definitely throw out this person!

"Lan Chénsha, That expression of yours is saying that you want me gone. Keep it hidden well."- Bai Zhīshi told him making him stiff and compose himself back to his aloof expression again.

"Lastly, This feline breed is known from all over the continent: The Siberian Tiger!"- Ah-Xian pulled the large red cloth from the big cage and everyone saw a large Siberian Tiger. Every male and female wanted to obtain it for different purposes.

"I want it! I could get a fine fur coat from that large Tiger!"- An old Noble lady said.

"The meat of that kind of Tiger will be very delicious! I want it!"- A nobleman exclaimed.

"It could be trained to be a house cat! We should get that for the lord," Another nobleman said.


Loud voices could reach the third floor and Lan Chénsha couldn't help but look at the person beside him- and became dumbfounded.

Bai Zhīshi, who looks decent, admirable,e and an upright young gentleman... He had a murderous look in his eyes, the light from the ancient chandelier reflecting the deep and hostile emotion within his eyes.

"B-Bai..."- Lan Chénsha tried to call him but stuttered. Bai Zhīshi kept his gaze as he shifted near the edge of the screen and stared at the cage below.

"Lan Chénsha"- He called him with a strict and monotonous tone. Lan Chénsha couldn't help but sit straight in salute and gulp nervously. Even though he is clearly the older one here in the Jade Box, Bai Zhīshi's momentum and aura made him feel weak and sluggish.

"Y-Yes?"- He keeps on stuttering.

"I want that cat"- He said, Lan immediately nodded without thinking.

"Yes Yes, You want it- E-Eh?! Are you sure?! Where are you even gonna keep it?!"- Lan Chénsha asked aghast.

"Where I'll take it, does it matter? I want it, get it for me,"- Bai Zhīshi said in the same manner that agitates Lan Chénsha again.

"You- how would I do that? Can you hear the people below?! It already reached five hundred thousand silver taels! I can't compete there without being broke,"- He said defeated.

"Get it for me, the payment, I could train your chef and share the jelly recipes for you to eat or sell, and I'll add a trinket that could help you flourish even more."- Bai Zhīshi told him and Lan Chénsha was immediately sold.

"One million silver taels!"- Lan Chénsha shouted which made the rowdy people below quiet down and look up at the Jade Box in shock.

"I see that The Masters in Jade Box on the Third floor finally made a bet! Who will compete with One Million Silver taels?"- Ah-Xian asked the audience in delight,

"... One Hundred and one Gold taels"- Everyone turns to the box next to the Jade Box when the person inside it speaks.

"Oh my! A domineering Master! That is equivalent to one million and one hundred silver taels!"

"One Million and three hundred silver taels!"- Lan Chénsha trembled but did not back out! For the jellies and the riches that he could gain from Bai Zhīshi! MUST! GET! THAT TIGER!!!

"One hundred and five golden taels"- the other person made a bet,

Back and forth the money grows bigger and bigger, Bai Zhīshi feels like the other person is just making fun of them and tells Lan Chénsha to lower his bet,

"But Bai-"

"Do it,"- He said and kept his eyes on the tiger.

"...Oh, the two Masters suddenly became Quiet,"- Ah Xian was frowning a bit and seemed like trying to taunt the two Masters from the third floor.

" One Million and five hundred one silver taels, this is my final bet."- Lan Chénsha said and waited for the other person to speak.

"... I withdraw"

"*TUT!*"- Lan Chénsha cannot help but curse and almost flipped the table inside the box as Ah-Xian sealed the bet and he won the Tiger.


"W-Wah! So scary! B-Bai! There's the Tiger, I want my prizes!"- Lan Chénsha said hurriedly but Bai Zhīshi waved him off.

"Wait for two days, also, send your cook to the Huatian Teahouse, Then you'll have your prize in two weeks."- Bai Zhīshi said and Lan Chénsha could only purse his lips and nod.

"I'll go and see the Tiger now, Please go ahead first. Thank you for your time." Bai Zhīshi stood up and bowed down to Lan Chénsha's dumbfounded form before going out of the Jade Box and walking downstairs.

What he didn't see was the other person from the Box beside him going out and staring at his back.

That person was wearing red, with his raven hair tied up in a high ponytail, his bangs swept to the side showing his clean forehead. There were gold accessories that could be seen on his ears and his robe was exquisitely made complimenting the white inner robe, and the black and red outer robes.

He was called Quin Lei, the famous and well-known Wang Xia General of Zou Kingdom. He was out here in the Zen kingdom to actually look for the irritating and annoying first princess of their kingdom. Although she's an exceptional beauty who could destroy the cities, he is immune to her because of being able to grow up with the royalties and seeing her nasty side. Other than that, he also has a task to finish in this place.

The earlier gimmick made him was to provoke the other party from the Jade Box, he has the money, and that's why he's so confident about owning that tiger but then when the other person made the final bet, he withdrew. It's not fun anymore.

Tailing the other person discreetly, they both arrived at the room where the caged Tiger was held.


The person in green didn't flinch from the loud noise and observed the Tiger.

"An iron cage... with your body so big, why are held up like this in this small cage? Hmm? This smell? Oh, it seems that they want you to sleep so deeply. Your belly is bulging... could it be? You're a female and soon to give birth? Hmmm... I need to get you out now and let you eat." Quin Lei watched as the other person talked to the tiger as if it were something that could understand human language.

"Let me wear this cloth around your neck first, then I'll let you walk beside me without restrictions. You will follow me and will not cause any ruckus, then I'll give you a large feast to feed yourself and those little fluffs inside you."-He stood up and opened the lock of the cage, what happened next shocked Quin Lei.