
Bai Zhīshi looked at the big Siberian tiger who obediently let him tie the green silk cloth around its neck. After making sure it was securely tied up, he looked back into the feline's eyes and smiled.

His face was just a few inches away from its mouth, just one wrong step and he might get to meet Death once more and earlier. However, he still kept his calm and started to converse with the animal.

"You were such a good lady actually, for that let's have a feast! Come out, let's walk. Do you want Duck meat? Chicken Meat or Beef?"- Bai Zhīshi is very satisfied with its obedience. Walking out of the room with the Tiger at a slow pace to not agitate it or make it fierce.

"Hmm... Seeing you like this, you should be weighing at least ninety-five pounds, If we ride a carriage made of cheap materials, it can't support your weight and the fluffs... I will have to wrong you this time and just walk. I'll compensate with you eating more than enough to feed yourself and the fluffs."- Bai Zhishi reached out to the nose of the Tiger to let her smell his scent first and get used to it before letting it take the initiative to rub itself on his hand. Bai Zhīshi is very happy.

"Later after we eat, I'll give you a bath and brush your fur! It's still Summer so I need to buy Ice so that you won't get too hot in my courtyard."- Bai Zhīshi kept on talking to the tiger as they pass the streets full of people. There were occasional shouts of fear and jumping people to move away from them but the two didn't seem to mind, it was very convenient for them. Going to the restaurant he likes to go and eat, the servant boy and the manager were both petrified and in a dilemma.

Bai Zhīshi is a valued customer, if they let him in, the Tiger beside him will scare the others. If they didn't, they would lose him! He's a person with good influence and a big background! If they offended him, What would happen to their small restaurant?!! What will the masses say to them?!

"This... if it's inconvenient, why not give me a VIP courtyard with fewer people around? I heard from your owner last time that he was doing just that. Can you offer it to me?"- Bai Zhīshi asked with quite an attitude. Do not misunderstand him, he was just really hungry now, and it was already six o'clock.

"A-Ah! Yes yes! This way please, Mister Bai,"- The Manager said and led them to the back of the restaurant. Carefully and a bit slowly and carefully because of the presence of the tiger. The courtyard was exquisitely designed with colors blue and green mixing together in harmony.

As promised Bai gave the tiger a large feast and sat next to the tiger and watched as it ate in gusto. When they already finished, it was already seven o'clock. After paying for their meal, they walk out of the restaurant and walk leisurely to the night market filled with colorful lanterns. Their direction was heading to the South, where Bai Zhīshi's mansion is located.

"My mansion is a bit small but there's a clean garden you could laze in. I only have three male servants: one chef and two are errand boys. I'll introduce you tomorrow if that's okay?"- Bai Zhīshi asked the Tiger as he looked down and stared at the side profile of the animal.

'Really a gorgeous feline... looking like a life-size stuffed toy.'- Bai Zhīshi smiled at himself before they approached the gates of his mansion.

Everything was still and quiet, Bai Zhīshi let the tiger in first before he shut the gates and they walked towards his courtyard. The tiger was left to settle first on the porch overlooking a gorgeous garden, while he changed out of his outer robe and walked around in his inner white silk robe. He was idly brushing his fingers through the tiger's fur while gazing outside the calm garden. Suddenly he uttered in a low voice.

"Everything looks calm and good, Everything flourishes and meets greater heights, Yet those who do are already high up in the clouds, yet those who do not could only dream with the mud."

Bai zhīshi yawned before looking at the Tiger. Not stopping himself from scratching its cute ears. He saw its ear twitch before he let out a small giggle.

"Although I know you're too obedient to be a wild one, At least you did not bite me and follow me instead of going to other noble's palm."- Bai Zhīshi smiled before yawning once again and leaning gently on the upper body of the tiger.

"You might already have an owner no? *yawn* If not, why are you so calm with people around? If you do, can he compensate me and give me a large sum of money? Hey Hey, Lady Tiger, I want to go to Zou Kingdom and make my Master's Teahouse flourish! Is your Master from there? Or maybe from the North? Hmmm..."- Bai Zhishi asked as his eyes were only half open. Receiving no response from the animal, he buries his face in the fur instead, and his body slowly relaxes.

"Let me... have a nap.... first... *yawns*"- He mumbled and succumbed to sleep.

Unbeknownst to him, a figure emerged from the roof of his courtyard and landed a few meters away from their forms. The tiger calmly looks at the figure and wags her long bushy tail in acknowledgment.

"You look happy there, don't want to go back yet?"- The man asked the tiger and watched as it nodded its large head once. He could only sigh and turn his attention to the defenseless and peerless-looking man snuggled against the tiger.

"You like this person?"- He asked,

The tiger nodded its head while looking at the other person. The figure went closer to them and with a flick of his hands, he moved his robe and sat on the opposite side of the tiger.

"Don't get too comfortable with him,"- The figure said and stroked the tiger's head.

"Fufufu~" - Both the man and tiger stiffened and mechanically turned their heads only to find the other person laughing in his sleep.

"... mhm... ....." - the other person kept muttering inaudible kinds of stuff as his smile grew a bit wider and more cheerful. The figure was staring at the other person and couldn't help but reach out and move the long stray hair away from the peerless face. He stared at the clean and fresh face of the man, hands lingering on his soft cheek.

"Zhuăzi,"- The figure called out the tiger's name and it looked at the figure with acknowledgment.

"(I) will be back in few weeks, be good."- He patted the Tiger's head twice before disappearing in the night.

The tiger looked back to the other person who was lying beside her tucked the red outer robe and pulled it up to his chin. It was left behind by the figure, afterward, she also went to sleep.

Bai Zhishi was looking around the place that he was currently in. From what he can remember, this was the same room that he and the third young princess always used while they were studying together. However, there were a few things that he found to be amiss.

The room was not as extravagant as he remembered, the tea set that was present in the room was not of the highest quality, and the dress that the third young princess was wearing was not appropriate for her age.

"Third princess Huatian, why are you dressed like this while going to this one's humble teahouse? Did I not advise you to change into a more elegant and charming look?" Bai Zhishi asked the princess as he sat on the opposite side of her.

There was no response, he looked up to find that he was not seen or heard by the third young princess. He looked around in bewilderment.

"What is happening in this place?" Bai Zhishi thought as he looked at the door that opened behind him. He found that it was the owner and he was talking to the Third young princess about Jin Yuan.

"Third Young Princess, are you sure that you will still push through the oral engagement between you and the gentleman Jin? He has been flaunting his relationship with that foreign beauty that he saw on the streets! You have to think twice, Your Highness," The owner told the princess who only stared down at the streets while she closed her fists.

"That Jin Yuan, I have given my heart to him before, but he was a frivolous type of man who always seeks beauty. If not for the background of his family, He would've been thrown into jail already. That General, I really want to know what kind of education he include in Jin Yuan's head," She said while looking at the back of the person she loved.

"That's what I am saying, please reconsider! I'm sure the Emperor and the Empress will agree on putting off the arranged marriage between the two of you," The owner said.

"That cannot be, I still want to know, directly in his mouth, if he really loved me, or if I just fooled myself," The princess said before standing up and bidding farewell to the owner. Bai Zhishi stood up to follow the princess but he was teleported somewhere else.

When he opened his eyes again, he was inside a bed chamber, and through the thin curtains, he saw figures dressed in black and a person sitting on the large bed.