Trip to the village

Dreyfus watched as the man went inside of the worn down caravan. Guards in completely silver armor rode beside them on horses. "Come one, you're riding with me.,"

The woman said atop her horse. Dreyfus stood still for a second before climbing on. "Let's get moving people"-stone fortress the next day-

"Ok let's see" 'Food, check. Water, check. Horse, check. Saddle, check. Chest, check.' Raj was going over everything he would need for the trip to Grey matter, or whatever the name was.

Raj slowly climbed onto the horse. Raj needed to get used to riding it before taking it on the trip to Gillamoor. "Ahh this is uncomfortable" Raj got off the horse before heading to his crafting table.

"Let's make some wheels really quickly." Raj used some wood to make 6 wheels.

After making them Raj created a wooden floor with wood slabs. After that he put the wheels on and made a few support beams.

Finally, he used some leaves and grass to make a canopy above the wagon. For the final touches he added some chests, a few benches, a window and some sleeping bags. They were just beds without the frame.

"Time to head out." Raj hooked the horse, deemed blue, to the wagon. "HEY, COME ON" He yelled out. Thorfinn and Gray came out of the house. "Where did this come from?" Thorfinn said,

"As I told you before" Raj turned around putting his thumb, index and middle finger in the air while posing.

"I'm a crafter, minecrafter" Raj said mysteriously. 'I'm so freaking cool' 'this dude is crazy' Gray and thorfinn shared the same thoughts.

"Anyway, it's time for us to go to Gillamoor." Raj said sitting on the wagon."Ok, how do we get out?" Throfinn said before pointing towards the stone wall which had grown up to 18 feet in height/5.4 meters.

"That's a good point." Raj took out his shovel and his pickaxe and got to work. "This will get better when I have more materials."

Raj quickly dug a path under his walls and under his moat surrounded his walls. Coming back up when outside of the moat. In 30 minutes raj had dug an underground pathway out of his base accessible by horse.

After coming out the other side Raj blocked it off with some stone blocks. "Even if monster's notice it they shouldn't be able to break through" Raj, now finished, started steering the carriage.

Thorfinn was in front of him giving him directions to gillamoor. Gray sat in the back on the bed fumbling with a few branches.

Throughout their journey the trip was relatively peaceful save for a few holes in the ground. "I should make a path through here" Raj kept heading through the jungle towards gillamoor.

"Hey not to be rude but, I haven't seen any creatures around here at all, how did you get attacked by a horde of goblins?" Raj asked."Goblin's must've just been born" Raj cocked an eyebrow up at that.

"What do you mean?" Thorfinn turned towards him, starting to explain.

"Monster's have this nasty habit of once a year in between summer and winter they move, most can't stand the cold so they migrate, or they attack villages to store up on food and such" Thorfinn said.

"But the worst of it is dead winter. Next to no monster can be found during this time but after winter, and early spring an abundance of monsters appear for around a week before they calm down again."

Thorfinn said while looking out the carriage window. "If you knew all of this, why would you go hunting during this time?" Raj said to the blond. 'Why would we go hunting?' Thorfinn started thinking. Raj taking this as a sign the conversation ended turned his eyes back on the path to gillamoor.

'This is the one week where monsters are the most abundant, why would we go hunting then. We had plenty of food back at the house, so why?'

Thorfinn stood walking back and layed on a bench. 'If he's still alive he needs to answer some questions' thorfinn thought before falling asleep.

Like that a few hours passed. In the distance a road could be seen coming into view. "Wake up, we're almost there," Raj said. Finally on a proper path they could go much faster than before.

With the newfound increase in speed within 20 minutes a village could be seen. Once in front of the village 2 guards stood next to the entrance. "Proof of identification?" Raj smacked his forehead. 'Of course I would need an identity'

Thorfinn stood up before talking to the guard. "We were attacked by a horde of goblins and lost everything."

"Then explain the full carriage with multiple goods inside" The guard said unamused. 'Everyone thinks they can use the same excuse.'

"I have been living in the wild for as long as I can remember . I even have a huge house out there." Raj said to the man. 'He must think I'm an idiot.' "You got any proof?" The guard said. 'This should've been way easier'

"I'll throw you a bone here, sit tight and we will see if you have any bounties and while he checks your cargo" Raj nodded his head while one guard went to the back of his wagon.

"Awful lot of food here, how did you have so much when winter was not too long ago?"

Raj turned towards the guard. "Secret" The guard scoffed. A few minutes later the other guard came back. "No bounties or anything for them, you're good to go but make sure you get some identification papers in the town hall"

The guard said before opening the gate of the village. Raj started riding the carriage into the town. "Alright I got you back to your village, good luck" Raj said before heading away. The boys went on their way.

Raj hreaded towards the town center and set up a quick stall out of his wagon. "Fresh carrots and apples for sell"

A few people came up and ended up buying some for 8 copper. A few hours later Raj had gotten 2 silver coins in total. Raj parked his wagon and put all of his items in his inventory. After this raj went towards the town hall.

"Pretty nice building here" raj walked in walking up to a receptionist, 12 minutes later raj walked out with a new identity. "Raj, you sly dog " With a new identity, Raj walked towards the blacksmith.

Raj went into the store. Grabbing an item and quickly putting it in his inventory crafter before taking it out. The crafting recipe still appeared in his crafting table.

Raj grabbed many iron weapons, food and more to get the recipe for. Finally raj went over to a forge. The blacksmith wasn't there at the moment so Raj quickly broke it and put it in his inventory before replacing it.

"Too easy" With that finished raj went back to his carriage. With now the ability to make iron weapons, next time he comes to town, he'll be rich. Raj layed in his carriage bed smiling. "This new life ain't that bad"

Raj went to sleep peacefully. This time there was no special elaborate plot twist or random cut to some unipmortant side character that won't be relevant for another 80 chapters.

-okay as you guys can probably tell 1.5k words every 3 days or twice a week was chosen. Obviously when I want to I'll give a 2k to 4k word chapter, but expect updates on mondays and thursdays. :).