"All part of my plan"

The night passed with no troubles. When Raj woke up that morning he immediately got to work. He went over to the market buying seeds and different fruits to plant in his home garden.

After that he went over to a few stores gaining some recipes. Now with the ability to make a forge he looked at the crafting recipe.

He would need at least 25 seared bricks minimum but for all the metal he has, he would need a lot more. 'Anything else I need before I go?'

Raj looked around for a bit before coming back to his wagon. "I wonder how Thorfinn and gray are"

Gray got in his wagon doing a quick check making sure he had everything he needed. "AHHHH" "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" "WHY MY ASS" Raj turned around to see a bunch of orks coming into the village.

Raj quickly put his carriage and items in his inventory. "This should be faster. Raj got on his horse tapping its sides. "Let's go blue." "WAIT" behind him gray and Thorfinn were running towards him, an ork hot on their tail. "GOD DAMNIT."

Raj turned his horse towards the ork. Raj stood up on his horse while heading towards the horse. Raj took out his pickaxe, being the only weapon on him.

Raj jumped up slamming his pickaxe into the orks head. The orc temporarily disabled stepped back.

"Quick, come on" Raj got thorfinn and gray on the horse before getting on too. Raj heard a loud roar from behind him. An ork much bigger than the others was running at them with a club. 'I recognize that club, that's what killed me before'

Raj started riding his horse away from the orc quickly on his tail. Raj headed out of town. Just when he was near the gate, 2 more orks were coming into the village.

"Ultra parkour mode" Raj took out stones from his inventory.

"Get recked" Raj threw the blocks, growing to their full size of 3 by 3 by 3 feet. Because of their small size the rocks flew extremely fast, and when growing only increased their momentum.

The rocks hit one of them, putting a hole through his chest. On his left arm an experience bar appeared increasing by 5 levels.

Raj ignored it for now. Raj continued running past the ork who had managed to evade the boulder thrown at him. "HANG ON" raj got real low along with gray and thorfinn. Raj kicked the horse's sides.

The horse sped up.

After a full 3 hours of running they made it back to the base. Quickly Raj opened up the secret entrance letting them in. Behind him rustling came from the woods. "No way they followed us here." Raj turned around to see around 80 people on horseback come out.

"Everyone head in single file" the guard who had checked them before Had said, "Nononoono" Raj said. "This is my base you don't get to just come in." The people looked towards him. "What do you mean "your base" we all saw you in the town, you just found this by mistake"

the guard said something next. "This is an emergency, as of now this outpost is a shelter for the people of Gillamoor." "No" raj stepped in the tunnel under his base blocking it in. Every time he went back he kept placing more stones stopping them from getting in.

A few minutes later Raj came to the top of his castle's walls. Outside he saw the group of people trying to mine into the passage, No one had brought anything with them so they were more or less just hitting it with sticks. "There he goes up there" a woman yelled. The guard came to the front of the group. "Please this is an emergency, everyone is in danger out here."

"Then you should probably leave there then." raj said, taking a bite out of an apple. "Can you atleast give us some tools to make a few tents?" Raj thought for a moment. "You got money?" the people looked among themselves.

"I have 1 gold coin, can me and my family come in?" Raj nodded.

Raj threw down a ladder, a man , 2 children and a woman climbed the ladder. A few people tried to get on the ladder but seeing the spikes they decided not too. The man handed Raj the gold coin.

"You can go anywhere but the house. Don't go snooping around, don't help the people out there, you want food, we got apples and some crops."

The family nodded before climbing down. Seeing the family climb up other people thought to look for money as well. 'All part of my plan' Raj had no need for money but it will be useful eventually.

'Soon i'll have loyal workers' Raj's plan was to let some people in, in order for them to work for him. Raj looked in the top right of his peripheral vision seeing the raid symbol disappear. The first day he was killed a raid symbol appeared.

They last for around 1 hour and 40 minutes. Compare that to days in minecraft, that's 5 minecraft days, 'it's been 4 days since the attack.'

'Evil, maybe. Moral, definitely not. Would Aizen be proud? Hell yeah' Raj watched as the villagers one by one gave him money in order to come in. one woman even used a silver coin to get herself a spot instead of her family.

The man ended up forcefully grabbing the silver away and threw it in the pit. He took out a golden coin. "Can me and my children come in"

In the end they had come in while the woman was left outside. Some foolish enough jumped in the pit trying to find some coins. Raj looked on waiting. In the end a few more people found coins, raj let them in.

As for those left outside, raj had an even better idea.

"If you can survive for 3 days I'll let you come in." raj said before climbing down the castle wall. Raj looked at the people who were now in his base. There were around 30 people, 8 of them being children, 14 men, and 8 women. "Alright, there are some rules." Raj said, turning towards the group.

"I'll give you all the food and water that you want, but you have to work." Raj paused for a moment. "You can either work the farms, chop trees, or go in the mines, the harder the job, and the more you get done, the more you get." Everyone nodded their heads.

"Any questions?" A man raised their hand.

"What about houses?" raj thought for a second. "Those who do a good job will get a house built, those who don't won't." Raj waited to see if there were any other questions. "OK, one more thing."

Raj quickly built a large 30 by 30 house in 3 minutes. "Every time you mine a farm or chop trees, bring your harvest here, if you need any tools ask me. Don't go in my house, anywhere else you can go."

As soon as raj finished everyone split into groups. Raj kept an ear out for conversations, unlike he thought no one thought to attack him or overpower him/drive him out. In a few minutes the first people came into the shack and grabbed an ax.

After he went over towards a tree chopping it down. Raj noticed that above his head a name appeared. -lumber jack-with the first one getting to work the others also got to work. Mainly the children tended the farms with a man and 3 women looking over them, some planted seeds while others tilled the ground.

A few men and women cut trees while the last group stood in front of him. There were 7 men in front of him and 2 women. Raj handed them some pickaxes and hard hats, "follow me" raj led them over towards where his mineshaft was.

"This is a lift, simply move it forward or backwards to go up and down." Raj took them towards the lowest floor. "Use these torches as they don't burn, be careful when mining the rarer the ore, more rewards"


I don't want your stones, but I will happily accept them, I want comments, because they're nice. :)