Your a wizard

-achievement made, your a wizard harry-

Raj saw the achievement appear on his left arm. In Front of him his inventory opened and there was a book above his crafting table.

Unlike the crafting recipe's book this one was glowing blue. Raj tapped the book and pages flung out.

When the book opened, near infinite pathways appeared. The very first square showed a single pathway he unlocked.

-human essence-

off to the side he looked at the description.

-unlock the potential of a human, gain extremely basic essence control.-

"But what is essence?"

Raj needed to get back to his castle to start researching. Raj placed his wand in his inventory and ran back to his "village". Like before it took 20 minutes.

When raj reached the wall he decided to jump up and climb the wall instead of using the gate he built specifically to get in and out.

When raj made it to the top of his wall he saw everything was going well. His iron farm had been working non stop since the kids decided they liked playing in the boxes.

"I'll get rid of the goblin, I don't need this much iron yet" Raj looked at his iron chest seeing he got 53 iron ingots.

"Nice haul" After getting rid of the goblin and taking the kids out the boxes, Raj went to the back of his house. Raj quickly crafted a book and pencil and got experimenting.

As of right now he could only theorize that magic relied on essence. How to get essence was another story. He didn't have an essence bar like he did health.

"Could it be his experience points?" Raj saw he had around 50 levels of experience. Usually you would get experience in minecraft by killing a monster and absorbing there "Essence"

To test out this theory raj casted flame. His experience bar didn't go down at all. "Well there goes that theory."

Raj thought again. In his skill tree he had the first block unlocked. Which showed he had "human essence" unlocked.

Which by description gave him an extremely basic essence control. "Well if it's human essence, it probably comes from humans' ' With this theory it would take a lot of testing.

For 1 human essence could mean a lot of things. "It could mean the presence of humans, the sacrifice of humans, or the internal energy/external energy of a person"

If it's these then it would be bad to use.

For one if it relies on the presence of people then it could be draining their "essence" and essence could lower their lifespan.

"What I really need to know is what exactly essence is" Raj kept thinking while writing in his book. From seeing the woman riding on the broom flying it could be assumed that they use magic.

Based on his first time dying, mages do exist from the man yelling for them to aim for the eyes. Another thing he knows is that a lot of people should have this essence.

Considering the fact that the multiple orks in the village were defeated and taken away in a matter of minutes.

"People or knights have extraordinary strength or a way to store their bodies." It wouldn't be too far-fetched for him to assume they have some way to store things since he has an inventory.

Raj ended up spending the rest of the day trying to figure out what essence was and how it exactly worked. Raj locked himself in his house and experimented with all his theories. The next day raj finally came out.

"I'm so lucky that the iron golems dropped a lot of points." In the end raj ended up placing 5 points in intelligence and 4 in wisdom.

The reason for this was usually in games wisdom would increase your magic knowledge and intelligence would increase your general knowledge.

Although it didn't have that effect it did help a lot. With this increase raj had managed to understand essence a lot more. In fact he came up with a few rules for essence to help him better understand it.

1 essence is basically the spirit of a being. He figured this out when casting a lot and he became mentally fatigued.

This would also explain his "Human essence" node he had unlocked. 2 essence could be increased by training his brain or spirit.

Since he only became mentally fatigued by using a spell alot. It would make sense that if you don't get drained mentally you could use it indefinitely.

3 As of now the need for saying the spell while casting is needed. It seems to help with giving the spell shape, with a regular flick of his wand without saying a spell a simple essence bolt shoots out.

Casting without a wand or spell name is not yet known to be possible.

4 essence affects being without essence more than those with essence.Raj found this out when making a simple essence bolt spell.

He hit a rock with it and it easily shattered. When hitting a goblin with it however an extremely small, almost miniscule blue hue slightly appeared around the point of impact.

Although the goblin died it took way less damage than rock did. Raj believed that those with essence, or "spirit" would be less susceptible to essence attacks since they already have essence inside of them.

"I wouldn't call myself a wizard yet but soon I will"

Raj walked out of his house doing a quick sweep around his village for anything abnormal.

Somehow no monsters had attacked his village. Not that he was complaining. Raj had created many theories for essence but as of now he only has one with any real evidence.

Raj went to the town center. After making sure everyone got food and nothing was wrong, Raj went to the back of his house. In his backyard raj took out his wand.

As of now he was only capable of channeling his "essence" through his wand. Raj put it in his crafting table seeing that it was a regular stick with a monster part infused inside of it.

"If this world has arcane crystals or something I could probably improve it" Aside from that raj go to work.

Casting simple spells but also creating others. So far he has made 5 spells.

-essense bolt-

A blue glowing ball that can shoot at great speeds.


A simple flame the size of a lighter

-fire ball-

Ball of fire able to be shot out

-air blast-

A blast of air capable of pushing iron golems back


ability to move things with his wand from far distances.

Raj took great pleasure in using these moves. Unlike most people, Raj quickly became adept at magic, from what he knows.

Raj tested a few spell combinations. Such as using psychokinesis to lift up cobblestone before using air blast to shoot the cobble stone away.

Essentially making a portable cannon. "It's gonna be so fun now, but I still have to worry about the kingdom"

Raj currently only saw 3 possible outcomes with the kingdom.

They either bring us to the kingdom by force, they make us part of the kingdom and pay tax, or leave us alone. 'I doubt they would let us stay here though.'

Raj then heard a villager knock on the door. Raj opened the front door greeting the villager.

"There are a bunch of people outside the walls asking for the leader" 'No way they got a group of people to hear already' Raj, preparing for the worst put on his iron armor and hid his bed deep underground.