water is good for you

After Raj completely covered his bed he went out to his castle. Wand in hand he reached his wall. With recently installed ladders he climbed over to see a group of people. With a quick glance, he could tell they weren't people sent from the kingdom. Not only were they not donning the armor or crest of the people who saved the village from Cyclops his first death, but most of them were hardly wearing anything. Confused, Raj jumped down. At this point, raj had no doubt these people couldn't pose a threat. "What's your purpose for coming here"

A middle-aged man spoke. "Our village was attacked by red-eyed orks around 4 months ago, we've been searching for shelter but no one would take us in," he said. Raj thought, 'This is a perfect chance for more workers, but I have no true need for them. But capital! The more the merrier anyway' Raj nodded. "Ok you may come in, but first every single one of you has to work to earn their keep" With that Raj wandered back into his castle. "Open the gate for them" Raj yelled to the self-appointed gate watchers. 'Laziness finds its way into every society' a few teens after finding out they had to work had the great idea to be gate guards, and since no one showed up they basically got free food and housing for nothing.

"It'll pay off eventually"

-with the villagers

"Do we finally have a place to stay?" a middle-aged man wondered. After being rejected from 3 other villages and the rest were too expensive to stay in, they had been wandering, and half their group had died in the first week. it was a miracle they survived this long.


'Something isn't adding up'. 'They say they were attacked 4 months ago, but Thorfinn told me that the "monster explosion" had only started around 2/3 weeks ago.' After thinking for a while, Raj started getting suspicious. "Not to mention the army was supposed to get here around the same time". 'But why would they infiltrate, obviously they had more than enough power to overthrow such a small place with only one person with combat experience.'

"that leaves two options, either they aren't really villagers, or someone has been controlling the works long before the explosion." Raj walked to his house while storing the knowledge in the back of his mind. he needed to add several defenses if either of his thoughts were true. Although the third choice is that there are mutant monsters and that is why they showed up. "No matter, the Orks are still rampaging so it would be best to be prepared anyway."

Taking a look around his village he went towards a shop. although he gave them basic necessities such as bread and apples, people got creative. A cook had started making apple pies after requesting a furnace. Someone started looking after the animals and effectively became a stable boy. there were butchers chefs and more. Although people didn't have currency, they traded. it was nice and peaceful, no one was rich or poor. and people were happy. the people he had let in earlier had become comfortable with their new way of living.

"It's wild how quickly people adapt to new ways of living here." Raj heard a call from behind him.

"Chief, we found a weird-looking crystal underground, we were wondering what you want us to do with it."

"Take me to it" Raj followed the man down the elevator shaft. over time it had been greatly extended so now it took a solid 2 minutes to reach the bottom. During the ride down Raj asked the man a few questions. "What does the crystal look like, any weird glow or something?" The man quickly responded.

"The crystal was pink, shaped like a heart, and giving a weird reddish glow." Raj thought for a moment, 'it's not what I think it is, is it?' The elevator stopped at the bottom. raj saw several miners dragging a heart-shaped crystal out of the mines, "Chief here it is,". the miners backed away. 'just to make sure' Raj grabbed the crystal. his left hand started glowing before he got an achievement.

-No need for a nurse-

-requirements - find a heart crystal-

"This is a heart crystal, it should boost your natural health and recovery," Raj said. The miners got excited at the prospect, getting a longer lifespan was never something they would complain about. 'how should I use it though, they don't have health points like Terraria,'. Raj spoke again. "I will do some tests to try and make more of these" The miners nodded. Raj thought, 'I know I can't make more of these

Taking the crystal Raj went back to his home. "Now what do I do with it?" For one he didn't have natural health points like terraria did, and two neither do the villagers. Raj remembered that in terraria after breaking it you would get a heart that you could eat. Raj took out his pickaxe and quickly broke the crystal, unlike terraria a bunch of shards came out instead.

Grabbing It Raj saw its description.

-heart-shaped crystal-

-anything within 3 meters heals at an accelerated pace, has the effect of healing injuries, and prolongs life span when in contact for long periods.-

Raj's eyes shined in the prospect, even though he could respawn he didn't know if that went with old age as well. He didn't know if when he died of old age he would respawn and just die again immediately after. Knowing its uses Raj started thinking of how he could implement it. "I could make it like a healing chamber, and just sleep in it?" Was his first idea, you only got a prolonged lifespan when in direct contact, and he did;t want to sleep on crystals, but he could make a necklace.

"Can't do that, the crystals are way too big for that" Raj didn't know if when he broke it they would keep their effects. Raj felt a pink pulse from the crystal, the hand that was holding it had a pink hue before it went to the rest of his body before dispersing. "What if I put it in water?" Maybe he could give the water the same healing effect but diluted.

Raj quickly crafted a wooden bucket and filled it with water. raj put the shard in and waited. After around 30 minutes the water emitted a pink glowing pulse. Raj put his hand inside to see its effects.

-healing water-

-influenced by a nearby heart shard it emits a similar healing pulse and grants prolonged life when in contact for long periods.-

"so two options, I can make a Saiyan healing pod or a very large pool for the villagers to swim in." After weighing the options, even though the Saiyan pods were cool the pool was more practical. Going outside Raj chose a spot to place the pool. "I could probably make a water pipe that sends the water to everyone's houses, or even a sprinkler on all the lawns!"

Raj had to start with one thing first though. After taking a shovel and telling the villagers to stay back Raj started digging. A random hole with water would look weird so Raj did the right thing. Building a completely unneeded bathhouse in the castle. Near the farm, Raj built a 4-meter wooden shack. It was just for show because behind it was where the hot springs would be. At the back, Raj built a large circle in 3 sections.

Labeling them, one would be for males, one for females, and another mixed bath house. After making the planes for the walls Raj built the actual spring. Taking his iron shovel he dug 3 blocks down (around 9 feet). All the sections would get deeper closer towards the inner wall, to stop people from peeping on the other side of the wall. After doing that Raj added a few final touches, such as stones on the side and a nice patio of stone when you first walk in. After making an extremely miniature forest on the edge of each section Raj came to the final problem.

"How do I fill this up" First thing that came to mind was the infinite water from Minecraft. "So I need to consider terraria rules real-world rules and Minecraft rules." Raj went to the bottom and put 2 buckets down, making a 2by2 water hole. After he did this he slowly and painstakingly filled up each section, by the time he finished it was dark, and nighttime.

"And now I need lights" After making torches on each side of the wall Raj remembered he hadn't put in the shards or the thing that makes the hot spring hot. Because he didn't need sleep he continued on. Going to the giant forge Raj got 3 buckets of water before coming back. Digging a hole underneath Raj made a lava tunnel underneath, providing a steady stream of heat. Along with that, he hid the shards at the very bottom of the spring while also covering them with dirt. By the time he did all this, it was early morning.

Finally, he placed a sign with a hot spring on it and a sign for male female, and mixed bath he went to his house. Raj fell on his bed falling asleep even if he has no physical need his mind was too tired to move anymore.


yo, it's me the author, so my phone died so I couldn't upload. don't expect anything from me :p.