I am but a Writer

-The date is October 31, year 2020 the night of Halloween- -Location: Planet Earth, South of border to Canada-


"Of course this happens!!" A scream of anger could be heard coming from a rundown apartment complex. The man that is screaming, is named David Miller, his age is 24 years old and is currently trying to get a degree in writing and is now going down the rabbit hole of debt-

"Damit now what am I going to do! This stupid education system has completely fucked me over!" David says this while yelling at his box computer with the message

[We are sad to inform you that your application as not been excepted]

Now usually this would not be so bad as he has turned in several applications for different colleges, but the unfortunate reality comes on top of his head, as the message he had just read is coming from the sixth college application. Meaning that he has now only one hope of getting Into college and finishing his degree.

"Shit I am so f*****cked, I just want to watch horror movies and write my own shit, how hard is it to just do that! F****ck!"

David sits in his chair grinding his own teeth hunch over seething in anger, the light from the computer slightly Illuminates his brown eyes full of contempt and anger, but also slightly holds a look of defeat

"Ok… ok… breath David, it's not over yet we still got one more hope for this to pull through!"

After a short breathing exercise David gets up to turn on the lights of his apartment


The light is dim and seems to be shimmering everything it touches, the apartment, looks like any other apartment you can find or at least the cheaper ones; the apartment has one twin size bed that doesn't fit him placed in the corner, a couch that looks to be cut in half with the flatscreen in front of it, a desk that has his box computer sitting right next to the bed, as well as a smaller one off to the side of said table carrying his notebooks he loves to write in, with the added addition of a small trashcan that is overflowing with crunched up balls of paper he considers as his failures


"I guess I just watch a movie…"

David resigns turning back the light off while moving himself sluggishly to his "couch" or what is believed to be left of it

" Alrighty then, what new horror are we up for tonight."

David speaks to no one in particular as him speaking to himself is proof of his lack of communication with people, in fact David has not contacted anyone in any form besides ordering online, which would be asked to be left out on his front door

David turns the TV on with his controller and is unsurprised by the black and white static that pops up into his view

" Not tonight huh?"

David again resigns himself with the next best thing for him… writing! Or in his case the "art of true horror" as David likes to put it

He gets up from the "couch" and goes to his desk and opens his notebook on top of his stack

"What the…" David opens it and remembers that he actually Needs to get a new one from the store

"Let's see here, 50 bucks in cash and.. ooo some bubble gum yes!"

David gets dressed up in his other par of "clean" clothes with a sweater and is now walking to the book store. As he walks out he sees some tricker treaters walking on the other side of the road, running to the next house

" What kind of parents let's there kids out when others are killing for food? People really just need some rules for themselves, heck I'll make this part of my next idea just to give those rich bastards a big ol middle finger!"

He continues to softly speak like this for two blocks while chewing on his gum until he arrives at the front of the store, he enters the store and hears the automated message

[Welcome to Safeway]

Without acknowledging the strange automation he continues to walk until he finds and grabs a notebook and leaves paying $5.99 for it, well not without snatching some bubble gum on this way out. He walks back home feeling annoyed of himself over needing to go out again but continues his walk nun the less

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Location: **********

****: "Sir, the barrier won't hold for long! We must Evacuate or we are all done for!"

****: "NO! We need to secure that barrier and research it's purpose! What do you think will happen if it fails! What happens when this is released! SECURE that barrier!"

****: " But sir!"

****: " DO IT NOW"

****: " …yes sir…."

Guard: "Screw this man I'm not paid enough!"

The Guard try's to run away but is grabbed by a dark hand and slowly being dragged through the barrier

Guard: "NOOOOOO!!! Help.. Help M-


A sickening Crunch could be heard throughout the room as blood drips Down from the other side of the now transparent barrier, revealing the dark mass on the other side, reminiscent of the void or maybe it is the void, a dark force that seems to house evil in it's ever enclosing maw

****: "Doctor we must leave!"

Doctor: " Damit all, the barrier is not holding! It's getting out! To the elevator quickly!

As many people try to get on only 5 people are actually able to get on, leaving the rest to be absorbed Into the darkness through the now broken barrier in it's wake. As the screams slowly stop the dark mass slowly dissipates into air moving slowly into a certain inconspicuous notebook…

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The broken faucet finally stops as David walks through the door

"I'm home" David says this with a fake smile and a slightly louder voice to capture the emptiness of the apartment, he throws out his wallet and sits on his chair laying his new notebook on the desk ready to start a new story

"Ok then now let's get to it" David with a real smile this time stretches, almost comically preparing himself for his new story

Opens book*

"Mmmmhhh" after pondering a little, David draws his pen close to the first page intending to write the horror flick he promised himself to make when seeing those kids, but as the pen hits the paper the David blinks and the paper disappears…


Thanks for reading!

-1099 words