I… have what?

Time is 9:35pm, south of the Canadian border


After rubbing his eyes and looking at the now empty place his notebook once was David couldn't help but be confused

" What the hell happened!? We're did my book go? How did it disappear in front of me what is hap-


[Congratulations on gaining Horror system]

"Eh.." (what the heck is going on, a horror system? Wait is this like those systems were people get to change there life!)

Ding* [ Correct ]

"Huh? You can hear my thought's… well I guess that this could be useful for myself to not sound crazy.."

Ding* [ crazy.. check.. calculating.. confirmed host is now registered as "crazy" ]

"What?!! NO take that back! I don't want to be know as crazy…"

Ding* [ Registration is now locked as crazy, can't be changed until first rule is implemented ]

"Damit! Fine I'll just call you brainless from now on!"

Ding* [ Is this how host wants to register systems name as? Yes/no ]

"No no no I didn't mean it literally I'm sorry ok!"

Ding* [ Denied name ]

After a sigh of relief David begins to ask a question

(Could you please explain this system and what does it have to do with horror)


(Also get rid of that notification ring tone)

[ confirmed- The horror system is a system that allows you to give despair to all of those around you, there will be different modes and set up's that you can created in real time as well as change events at will, this in return will allow you to gain horror points that come with every thrill and/or that gives the character despair or otherwise horror ]

(So basically I just get people scared and piss their pants? How does that work exactly?)

[ There will be a system panel as well as voice commands that you can edit to you will, you can control anything that happens when it gives them horror- By using the panel you can summon a notebook that will write with your mind as you will it ]

( why have I been given this system?)

[ the host was in the right place at the write time, Host also seems to have the right mindset for the system to be used effectively ]

(Ok then, system, open panel!)

—— —— ——

Main menu:

Name: David Miller

Register name: Crazy

Strength: 5

Stamina: 4

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 12

********: ???

Corruption: 14

Horror points: 0

horror multi- 0.7

Story's written: 0


Skills: Notebook of horror


System level: 0.5 (Tutorial mode)

Rule number: 0

Control points: 1

——— ——— ———

( huh.. Corruption.. system what does that mean?)

[How evil the current host is- max level corruption is level 50 ]

(Wow so I'm pretty evil then or at least near half way their to being evil… does being evil bring more benefits? )


[ As Host corruption rises the more the horror multiplier increases, at the moment the host multiplier is 0.7 ]

(Really? Ok than that make it a lot easier to get points then.. hey, if there's points doesn't that mean that there's a store of some kind? If so please pull it up. )

[ Request has been denied- please pass the tutorial mode before unlocking the store ]

( Oh and how dear system do I pass this "tutorial")

[ Please proceed to make a story ]

" Ok then so Umm… 'Skill' horror book!"




"Why did nothing happen! This is giving me 2nd degree embarrassment!"

[ Host, please remember to picture the notebook in your mind ]

"So I just need to think it not say it, wow thanks for letting me know before hand…"

David while moving his hands in a open palm decides to try and imagine the notebook, As he pictures the notebook in his hands a light weight manifest itself onto his open hands, he sees the same notebook just as he imagined it

" Nice, now then what story should I make… wait I'll just do the one I was thinking of earlier"

As the words were spoken from his mouth the pages start flipping on the own as the book rises in the air I front of his face, blinding him with a bright light

After a couple of seconds the light fades and Dave appears in a kitchen of a modern house near the island in the middle of the kitchen

"Heh" Dave looks around confused and lost as he is teleported into this new environment that he has never seen before but after a few seconds he caches the details of the place and can say that the place is a two story building and that the current time of day in Sunset. This is Strang for Dave as he recalls that the sun had already went down and should be pitch black outside

" System were am I "

[ You are in the story that was thought up by you and currently have full control of this place, because you are in the tutorial you have no restrictions or otherwise lack of strength in this realm ]

( So basically I'm ruler of this realm and I can control what happens here?)

[ For the time you are in the Tutorial, you are free to do whatever you want without restrictions, but as a consequence, all points earned will be lowered by 130% to composite on this freedom ]

( 130%!! That outrageous this is a ripoff!! )

Before Dave can make anymore comments on the outrageous deal he was hit with a notification

[ please understand that this is the tutorial and in the future when you upgrade the system to max level then all restrictions include the decrease in horror points will be removed! So please do a great job at upgrading the system! ]

( Ok fine let's just start this up already Im itching to see what I can do with this! )


Thanks for reading the chapter!

967 words