Your Too Trusting~

Date: January **, *****

Location: Realm of horror-



-After a couple of hours going over the rules an contingency's-

"…and that's how you deal with fire, any questions anyone?"

Sam gave the impression that he did not want to answer any questions which is contradictory to his question which now seemed to be a formality

Everyone in the room remained silent, quenching Sam's need to stay quiet

"Ok then.. this will do for today" as Sam says this he stands up and walks out the door " Have a good rest of your day lads!"

James looks around once more and decides to leave as there is nothing to talk about

"Hey Roland I'll take Jeep 18 back to my post I'll see you tomorrow."

"SOUNDS wonderful James!!" Roland gives a big smile with a big thumbs up and returns to whatever conversation he was having with Eve

James walks to Jeep 18 expecting to work the first try only to be disappointed 14 attempts later…

A loud roar could be heard as the 15th attempt had worked "Finally!" James finally gets the Jeep to starts and head back tower 34

On the way there james try's to listen to the nature he so yearned to listen to only brightening his mood, he gets to listen to nature on a daily bases while staying here for free heck he was getting paid a good amount of cash too! Even if James didn't like nature he would still get to enjoy the material gain after he was done, still the earnings for even the largest park seemed to be a little too much… he was getting paid the same a revered engineer!




James hears a branch to his right break off and fall to the floor next to him causing him to stop the Jeep " What the hell? How'd that happen?"

James takes another look at the broken branch and notices some big scratch marks along the broken end of the branch, it looks as if someone or something had clawed away a it until it fell.

He things nothing of this and thinks it gave out after along time of animals jumping in that branch, and so he carries on


POV change: Eve


Eve silently walks up the stairs to her tower( Tower 13 ) and reaches the door, but before she goes to unlock it she notices that the door is open…

" Huh "

Eve is usually a quiet Individual and likes to be by herself, it's actually one of the reasons she even decided to go work at this forest. Because of this she likes her privacy and makes sure that no one invades her sanctum, so the unlikely case of her forgetting to lock the door was a scenario that was out of the question. She locks her door almost without thinking about it most of the time, this puts her on edge as there is only one option left… something broke in.

Eve taking a step back looks at the door to inspect it and finds that the only thing out of place was the door being unlocked, this tells her that it was a human being who actually picked the lock and let themselves in. And since there's no Drag marks on the old wooden planks nothing Of deep important's was taken out, this leaves her only assumption that someone was inside

She takes another step back and begins to slowly walk towards the door, the only way to get help was the radio that was inside, if she wants anyone to help her then she needs that radio

After debating on this she takes the handle in her right hand and punches the door open


The door opens up and what she sees inside is nothing… no one at all… in fact one could say it was actually dead Silent giving Eve an erie feeling again but also gave a strange sense of Comfort.

"H-Hello..?" Eve stumbles over her words as she gets no response. Relaxing a bit she reconciles that she may have left it open on accident even though it was unlikely she is still human… and besides it's the only logical conclusion other then someone hiding in this small place

Eve sighs and walks insides and closes the door this time locking it and jumps on her bed


Eve closes her eyes thinking that today was done and that she can finally rest


Morning: 4:59 am

Eve wakes up to a knocking on the door which not only irritates her but also makes her slightly paranoid due to yesterday, the early time of the morning was not helping either

"One minute p-please" Eve gets dressed appropriately and goes to open the door

" h-hello? " Eve opens the door to look at a man of average build wearing the rangers uniform

"Hi there nice to meet ya, my names Dan!" This short interaction reminded Eve of Roland but because of his lack of presence at the meeting she suspected that he wasn't a Ranger but continues to play along

"Ummm E-Eve nice to meet you, so umm, why are you here?"

The man gives a slight smile and says

" Well to meet you of course! I was told

that because of my late transfer I should be directed to you as my senior! "

Eve gives a confused smile and looks back at the radio before asking Dan to wait for her

After closing the door back on him she reaches for the radio to call in if she was getting a transfer to meet her but only got static, she tried again and again before she eventually giving up and leaving it on just in case.

Eve opens the door again and give the strange man a greeting "I-I got no connection through the radio s-so can we go to the cabin uuuumm, lodge to check y-you in?"

The man gives Eve a bright smile before turning around and walking to the Jeep, meanwhile Eve goes to grab the keys and walks to the Jeep

On her way down though she notices that she is missing a key but doesn't go too deep into it as she is more focused on the man named Dan that approached her door

"Yo! Let's get to it!" Dan gives a bright smile to Eva as he hops in the Jeep

"Y-Yes let's get going now." Eve hops in the Jeep and begins to start driving the 30 minutes to the cabin

The drive was mostly quiet which seemed impossible after the first minute of meeting Dan but surprisingly he is quite calm, Eve guess that maybe he was just excited

They pull up to the cabin the sun now peeking over the mountains. Eva turns the Jeep off while Dan was already jumping out

"Ok- ummm let's get you signed in then.."

"Sounds wonderful!" Dan gives Eva a happy smile again almost too bright of a smile for Eve to look at

They walk into the cabin which was unlocked by whoever was here before and moves to the list of rangers assigned on the documents in the back. After looking at the documents Eva finds a crude writing of Dans name next to a scribbled out name to the left of it, a little suspicious but nothing to throw accusations at. One thing that Eve thinking the entire was to the cabin was how did Dan get to her post at almost 5:00 in the morning, nothing made sense and everything was confusing the poor girls mind even more then last night's

"I-it looks like your name is here I just need to"Before Eve can finish Dan had disappeared when she turned around causing her to stop mid sentence "huh?! Dan! We're did you go!"

Eve runs out of the back room dropping the papers arriving into the main room, seeing nothing she runs around the entire place finding no man woman or ghost in the area.

" T-T-Theirs absolutely no way for him to just disappear w-what h-happened! " Eve continues to deny that Dan could just disappear so she continues to search the place until an hour had passed

Eve has calmed down I've the hour she has looked around, the exercise had made her fully awake and now more aware of what she is doing, she goes back to ten storage room and picks up the dropped papers, moving to the couch Eve sits down while reading the papers In it's full taking time to read every word carefully

After a couple minutes she drops the papers on a coffee table and holds her face " Nothing, absolutely nothing in this place, no Dan has ever been here nor was there a mention of a man named Dan in any form or document even the one I read earlier that had his name was no longer there, better yet as almost a replacement a man named Dave is at the vary place of the now the un-scribbled name! What is even happening anymore.." soft cries of anguished girl could be hear throughout the cabin and in her confusion and state of sadness



The door and bell go off in the room as a young girl with white hair an green eyes walks through "huh? Eve what's wrong?! Are you ok!" The young girl rushed to her senior siting down next to her. Eve looks at the young girl with open puffy eyes as she quickly tries to his them and her tears

"S-Sara w-what brings y-you h-here?" The attempt to change topic had failed, even though the girl named Sara was young she was smart enough to easily see through Eve's sad attempt to change topic

"No Eve this is about you. What happened." Sara gives a caring yet firm face to Eve as she asked this

"N-Nothing!.. really it's n-nothing to worry about.."

Sara's firm faces turns into a frown as she moves closer to Eve " Now that's a loud of bull and you know it! So don't pretend nothing is happened and tell me what's wrong."

Eve with a defeated sigh wipes off whatever was left of her crying face and looks at Sara " …O-Ok than.. Sara.. promise that you won't call me crazy after I tell you this.."

Sara gives a nod and let's Eve speak

Eve with a sigh straightened out her back a proceeded to speak " This morning someone knocked on my door waking me up.. but it wasn't anyone we met at the cabin err, aa, Lodge but someone named Dan.. he was a bright person who greeted me while saying he was a transfer sent to me for training and guidance, this not only struck me as odd but it also gave me weird vibes, I don't know how else to describe It! It was all off even the radio was working so I couldn't contact anyone, the only way I could confirm if he was indeed a Random transfer then I could find it here at the lodge… when I got here however I walked to the back to grab papers eventually finding his name and was about to tell him something until he just... Disappears, gone, poof, out In the wind. At first I freaked out because he disappeared but after looking around for an hour he was nowhere to be found. Afterwords I grabbed the papers I had dropped and came here to read it all only to find the name David replacing the name that once read Dan..."

Sara looked at Eve at first as if she was delusional but then came to a realization

"Eve… do you recall the rules that we discussed?"

Eve looks at Sara before her eyes widen in horror and shock

"R-Rule 7….." The two girls sit there in what could be called silent horror as the front door opens


"Hey girls good morning."

"Ah James g-good morning" Eve greats the man in a overly kind Tone throwing off James a moment before he regains his balance

"Um am I interrupting something? If so I could go now and-"

"NO! I mean, no your not interrupting anything… hey we actually need to discuss some, Events with you if that is fine?" Sara gives a kind smile as James awkwardly walks over

" Ok so what's going on?" As James asked this Sara asked if Eve can retell the events of this early morning, after a few seconds and a nod Ah begins retelling he story

At first James looks at them in disbelief as he believes that maybe Eve was having illusion's, however trying to debunk Eve's events as mere morning delusions seem more difficult to explain them simply by following how the rules worked and looking at the events that happed so far. Thus after a good 15 minutes James had concluded that they or rather Eve has broken rule 7…

" We need to tell this to Sam or at least to anyone else to warn what might be out there "

The girls agree as they go to the radio in the kitchen

"Hello this is James, I'm sending a message out that rule 7 has been broken, repeat rule 7 has been broken assistance and guidance of the situation is needed." After Letting go of The radio not there was a immediate response out of Sam

" I hear you don't move anywhere I'm on my way 10 minutes!"

Everyone sits tight for the ten minutes discussing of what they should do and how they can fix this, by the time they were running out of ideas the door opens

" I want whoever broke the rule to speak up."

Eve looks at Sam as she slowly speaks up

"M-Me sir"

"Eve? You of all people? No never-mind that we need to fix this and fast, how long have you not seen Dan."

Eve looks at Sam surprised that he knows that name " Y-You know who he-"

"It, and yes I do know it quite well In Fact." Sam interrupts

" It's a shapeshifting being that most call skin walkers or also known as yee naaldlooshi as the Native Americans called it"

"What is it?" James ask curiously

"It was said that it was a witch that could shapeshift into whatever they desire, but In My opinion I think they are living breathing monsters that only go after your flesh and skin, hence the name skin walker as they literally steal the skin of their victim."

All three sit in silents after what they hear but quickly, James asked a important question. "And what happens when you break rule?"

Sam answers his question in sharp and clear words

" It can leave the realm of imagination or thought and become reality, in other words they escape and come to our world. Don't be disheartened yet as their is a solution, you simply don't think or talk about it and after sometime when everyone forgets it or less, forgets its existence than it will return to its realm."

The group looks at each other as Eve looks utterly petrified as she heard those words from him "I-I don't think I will be able to forget hi— It, is there a better solution?" Eve asked desperately

Sam shakes his head and dates that his she can not stop forgetting then she will forever be hunted until she Dies or until she is eaten and devoured, those were the only other options both of which are not ideal.

"I'm sorry Eve but this is the only known way.." Eve looks at Sam giving a nod of her excepting her fate

" For now the information should only be discussed at the times 6:30am-1:00pm and only these time if necessary for your survival, these times give you the best chance to live as previous attempts confirmed. So make sure of this and you'll be fine."

The group nods in unison

"Now back to my question, how long."

"Ummm I think nearly two maybe three hours? Somewhere around that timeframe I think?" Sara answered

"That's bad… really bad, it could have killed 15-30 different animals by now we need to initiate a trap of some kind, no it's too smart and strong for that the best hope we got is to call everyone here and stay the night here, does that sound good for you three?"

Trio nod in obedience ready to stay the night in the lodge


Thank you for reading this chapter!

Words count: 2761