Hide and Seek

Time: January **, *****

Location: Realm Of Horror-



[1 human broke a rule, 10 horror points]

[Achievement made, "the rule breaker", 50 horror points ]

"Nice they broke one of the rules, hey system do you know if I can make this well, more interesting?"

[ Host only needs to give instructions and the realm will bend to your will ]

"Good then let's play a game of hide and seek…"


POV change: Main Group

-Location: Main Lodge


"Ok is Everyone here?" Sam gives the obvious question to grab everyone's attention

"Good now that everyone is on track with current events I will start now, the Shapeshifter is out there now probably killing animals right now and no equipment here can contain it so the only solution is to incapacitate it then drop it down a deep cave and seal it up with concrete. It may sound like that's capturing but we are really just petrifying it until it finds a way to break out of it. This should give us enough time for Eve to "forget it's existence". Is there any improvements that can be added anyone?"

No one speaks at first but then Andrew the big southern guy steps up

"Actually I think I have an idea about this one see. When I was still a skinny farm boy my ma would give me a book called "self improvement and hypnotism's" a book about improving your mind and blocking anything unnecessary. I think I could give some lessons to Eva and by the time we put.. it down that cave I would have taught her everything she needs to know, trust me this will be over in a week tops."

The group gives favorable looks to this and looks at Sam

"Now that sounds like a good idea if I ever heard one, but unfortunately we need to take Eve with us if we capture this thing. It will only go after her and only her…"

Eve's face looks like it became as white as a ghost and appears to get even whiter the more Sam speaks

"I-If i do this I just need one thing…"

Sam looks at Eve waiting for an answer

"Anyone got a light and cigarette?"

Sara looks slightly surprised by this and speaks up

"Huh? I thought you quit?"

Eve looks at Sara before lifting the cigarette she got from James

"Me too…"

James looks at the girls before saying, "Ok then it looks like we have our plan of action and way to fix this, but how do we go about it, in theory it should be easy but that is only in theory."

Anderson who had not spoken since they met started to speak "You young gold don't get it do ya? You need to bring the young lady to the cave and draw the beast near; then Seal it with concrete."

William seems to sit deeper into his seat before asking the obvious "and we're might this ever so deep cave be? And how do we attain all the concrete needed for this?"

Th group remains seated surprised by the Williams willingness to ask a decent question with no cheep cringy one liners. stares envelope him for two seconds before Anderson speaks again

"The cave that I speak of is just behind us up the hill about 400 hundred feet away, the depth of the hole goes miles deep and is sealed away until moments like this."

Sam picks up the second question from William "To answer your second question the concrete is in storage here and at tower three, most of it being at tower three


Everyone asked there questions and concerns which boiled down to, are we safe? Or what would happen if Eve leaves the forest?

The first was obviously no while the second one needed and explanation

"If she leaves she sets free the skin walkers free to the outside world we're it can't be contained."

Finding the answers satisfactory everyone gathers to sleep for the night


In the morning James wakes up last as the others have already started to cook breakfast

"Good morning everyone.." James says as he walks into the kitchen

"Hm? We're is Eve?"

Sara looks at up at James tiredly before answering,

"She is in the bathroom right now cleaning up before the day starts."

James nods before looking in the covered for cereal then picked up Frosted Flakes getting himself a bowl and milk before eating

"Huh?! You put the milk first?! You psychopath!" Sara yells in genuine horror as she see the atrocity taking place

"Huh? James you do that to? Thank god I'm not the only one." James looks up at Andrew as he too, did the unspeakable

James looks concerned for Sara as he pokes the milk first

"What is it? Me and my wife find that this is the easiest way to make your cereal. I don't see the reason your freaking out over it.."

Sara gives a dumbfounded look before dropping her spoon into her bowl

"You-YOU- uggggg" Sara drops her head on the table, before silently weeping for herself for having to witness this tragedy


After breakfast everyone gathers in the lounge for a revaluation of the plan before going out

"Ok everyone we know the plan let's get the concrete and meet up by the cave, Anderson will show you the way, by the time me and James get back we need that hole cleared out, is everything understood?" As Sam ended his little speech everyone collectively agreed

"Good then let's go everyone!"

As everyone left to there task so did Sam and James but before they head off they were approached by Andrew

"Hey Sam about the skin-"

"Not right now Andrew, I understand your concern but it's not the time yet and besides me a James will do fine you should go help the others with those muscles you got, there not just for show right Farm-boy?"

Andrew smiles before answering "Yeah I will I was just worried as all"

Sam smiles back and starts the Jeep… on the first try shocking James into anger of the favoritism happening in front of him

Sam turns the car out of the small parking lot and drives two miles to tower three


Thanks for reading!

1027 words :(
