Hide and Seek - It has begun

Date: January **, *****

Location: Realm Of Horror-



After 15 minutes of driving Sam and James arrive at Tower 3 prepared to move at least one ton of concrete according to Sam

"Ok mate we're here get your ass out and get ready to move, we'll be here for a couple trips for the concrete."

"Got it Martial just leave it to me."

"The name is- ah never mind"

Sam seemed to give up on the idea to change James's view on him, no matter how many times he tells him to call him Sam he ends up calling him "Martial" out of respect

Mar.. Sam gets out of the jeep looking at the old tower


A deep and long sigh culled out of his body seeming to come from a place that was left in the distant past

"Yo Martial you coming?"

Caught daydreaming Sam looks up at James

"Yeah, right behind you kid."

Sam gives a reassuring smile before as ascending the steps

After nearly a minute passes Sam approaches behind James's

"Yeah sorry Martial I don't have the key so I was just waiting for you."

"It's ok, the time it takes to move this would take a while anyways so waiting for me is inconsequential to us. As long as we follow the rules then we should be fine transporting the materials"

James gives a nod before opening the door

Inside the room is piles and piles of concrete stacked on top of each other. To James it looks more like storage room then a tower

"Ok let's get going"


POV change: Andrew


"Looks like their gone now, lets get to that hole"

Eve looks at Andrew before agreeing seemingly reluctant about this whole thing

"Oh, Eve when we are done clearing the hole I'll start teaching you how to clear your mind, sound good for ya"

Eve gives a reluctant nod before Andrew takes off to help the others

Andrew jogs up to the others who are now hovering the Hole

"Howdy there, what you guys up to hmm?"

William appears before Andrews eyes with a slight smear of dirt and grime all over his body seemingly covered in dirt

"William… ahm. So how is the tear down going?"

William for a second stares at Andrew before Looking down slightly with closed eyes, sighing

"We got most of the dirt and gravel off but some dame boards are in the way. We were trying for a couple of minutes but it was no use." William looks at Andrew with a idiotic grin while saying

"If only we had a bIG StROng LUmBer JaCK WiTh us!"

Looking irritated and slightly disgusted Andrew yells back

"Ok that's enough of your games today William, this is a serious situation!"

William a little surprised response with his honest thoughts

"Yes, yes, I know it's serious issue but if we keep going like this I'm afraid that the group will get even more depressed then it already is."

Quickly changing theatrical William gives a wavy hand gesture while giving off a silly demeanour

"Andddddddd based on YOUR experience with intense mindsets, I think you know why I do my theatrics even if you find them distasteful!"

Andrew gives William a slight grown before scoffing it off

"Just show the dame hole before I throw you through it!"

Almost like a robot William turns around walking Towards the group, and behind him fallows Andrew

Andrew is the kind of guy that you can describe as simple person who also is intelligent in some aspects. It's one of the reasons why he doesn't like William. Andrew believes that people like him are the type to always screw up when the time calls

Andrew lifts up his head staring at his head while thinking of ways to throw him through the wood


POV change: Eve


Eve currently was sitting on the couch dangling her legs off the side of the couch

Inside of Eves mind she believes that this entire thing could have hurt more then just herself and worries of what other potential rules could be broken in this forest


A Noise of frustration and dissatisfaction envelopes the room, Eve hates this situation and hates herself the most by putting people she barely knows in harms way of her own mistake. it's the most disappointing thing she has ever done in her entire life, Even Sam was surprised when he found out about her mishap

But just as any other mistake, she will need to go an fix it… herself

Eve gets up from the couch and moves to door opening it and walking out through the front

Sting in her tracks she pulls out a map she picked up inside

"Ok… you got this… you got this Eve don't mess up."

With a heavy sigh she hops into a Jeep turning it on, driving in the direction of tower three to help out Sam and James

Usually Eve wouldn't go out of her way like this, especially when she was a target of this monster but she couldn't help but think that she needs to do something other then laze around

So her conclusion was to drive out and help the boys move concrete from tower 3

However after a drive of over two times the distance to get to tower 3 she became worried if she turned the wrong way…

Eve looks at her map again and tries to figure out when she took a wrong turn but to her surprise the map seemed to.. change

Now Eve is not stupid she knows when things are amiss especially when it involves her location and safety, but going through her own mind she sees no reason that she could have turned the wrong way

The only conclusion she could make is that she herself made another but vital mistake

"The m-map…"

"Oh no…" Eve bends slightly in her hands before seeing we're she messed up

She grabbed the wrong map!

"Shit!" Eve with fear of getting lost in the forest forever she turns around and heads the way she came this time without looking at that cursed map

"Shit. Shit. Shit.." with her nerves shaken at the thought of never getting out she increases speed in the direction of we're she came

After what felt like a eternity Eve finally makes it back to that small banged up parking lot

Eve stops the car staring at the parking lot

Two minutes pass of her staring before she feels that she is absolutely certain that she came back to the right place

She parks the jeeps before walking her way to the couch once again and slouching as she takes on the relief and Comfort of the couch as she repeats to herself

"Never again"


[1 human had gotten lost in the forest]

+5 Horror Points

[1 human has broken into panic]

+5 Horror Points

(Huh? Shouldn't I also get points for them breaking the rules?)

[Some rules like rule 6 needed to be added with rule 5 as getting lost forever in the forest will bring The utmost horror to the host victims]

(Ok that make sense, but would that also mean that to they could potentially break two rules at once?)

[Yes that is correct, and if a Human dies while in a despair state Host will also get Horror points doubled for the amount of points earned prior to their death]

(Ha, this is quite an interesting way to get points, maybe I should go alone with my project. This "new" rule that I would like to send)

Rule ???• Anyone that is not a Official Ranger is not to approach any of the Ranger towers

-Or else the "Old Ranger" will drag you in to the tower

To David this is a very specific rule that is played by non other then himself as the "old Ranger" to give anyone the ultimate fear of any of the towers

But the best part of this rule is that the Rangers will never know of it unless they try to bring a camper themselves to any of the towers

It is the perfect rule and if he doesn't feel like doing it himself he could have a different "old Ranger" to take his place

[Congratulation on making a Camper rule]

+50 Horror points

[First camper role ever implemented]

+30 Horror Points

[Congratulations on making a personal role in the story]

+20 Horror points

(What the, hey system can you explain what a camper rule is?)

[Confirmed-A camper rule is a rule specifically only for campers or other people]

(What happens if next story I do is about being in the city?)

[The camper role will be replaced with ######- anyone who is not apart of the main group of the storyline or is a separate part]

(So anyone that is not apart of the main storyline, got it. That kinda makes sense.)

David contemplates on the subject, but finds no other better simplistic rules that are similar to the new rule


Thanks for reading!