Corruption! Terrifying Tentacles! Neutralizing Negative Energy Field! Kill!

The Tyrant Azure Dragon, as one of the top-tier units at the fifth tier, possessed a robust life force within its body. Half of its life force was enough to contend with hundreds of demonized Razorfin Demons. Upon receiving this infusion of life force, the Amos Temple Dark Acolyte, now transformed, swayed its body in wild jubilation, and its tentacles danced with joy.

The lost tentacles regrew in a matter of breaths. What's more, its massive body grew taller and larger once again.

Twenty-one meters.

Twenty-two meters.

In front of them, like a magical beanstalk that grew overnight from a fairy tale, it wildly expanded.

Its body continued to swell, extending thicker and sharper tentacles.

Half a minute later, a horrifying monster, standing over thirty meters tall, with a body as thick as a house and hundreds of tentacles swinging, loomed before them.