Small Twin-Winged Demon Statue, Spirit Crystals, Fate with Elves, Travis Relic

This battle ultimately ended in Ji Chen's victory.

However, despite the intense nature of the battle, his own army didn't suffer significant damage. 

The Nine Tyrant Azure Dragons, the core and formidable unit, though injured, none perished.

Alice's army of soul servants, around two thousand, saw six to seven hundred casualties, most of which were the relatively weaker Razorfin Seals. The "high-end" forces like the Four-Armed Nagas suffered minimal losses.

In all honesty, soul servants were expendable, and their deaths weren't much of a concern. They could simply spend some time enslaving another batch.

Thinking about this, Ji Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

Who still remembered one of his initial goals upon arriving here - to enslave the creatures? Yet, unexpectedly, he ended up in a fierce battle against the Amos Temple Dark Acolytes and Razorfin Demons, a battle that left the world in chaos.