Chapter 8 I Probably Traveled to Another Dimension (jpg.)_1

"Hey, weren't you going to ask a question? What are you spacing out for? If you don't talk, we're leaving."

The gold coin in Wei'er's palm was getting warm from being held too tightly.

She was starting to regret taking the money.

What's the deal with this person, anyway?

After spouting a lie that not even an eight-year-old would believe, he just leaned against the bed without a word.

If you think about it, this man really is suspicious.

How could there be such a foolish person who, despite suffering from Mutation Syndrome, not only brazenly walked through the town gates but also tried to bribe the guards to enter the city after being discovered?

Wei'er didn't know if she was bewitched, but somehow she ended up bringing this person back after he had fainted.

What on earth was she thinking at that time?

This man now refuses to even say his name.

If he's not a suspicious character, then what is he?

Could he be a wanted criminal in some city?

Besides, talking to him is like speaking to a face with no emotion...


At the head of the bed, the young man in tattered clothes dazedly lifted his head, eyeing the two petite girls opposite him, the dim candlelight reflecting their faces and figures.

Then, the bewildered look faded away, twisting into an expression of pain.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

The sharp pain from his thigh was telling Luo Xi that everything he experienced wasn't a dream but reality.

The two Beast Eared Girls sitting on stools at the foot of the bed were also telling him that he had entered the world depicted in the text game.

No longer just crude descriptions and a few lines of text; two living beings were now in front of him.

I must have gone through to another world (jpg.)

"What's with you, anyway? If you don't want to talk, forget it..."

Wei'er walked over and took a look, noticing that there was something off about his gaze again.

If before this man was able to communicate with them normally, his eyes were utterly dull, like the eyes of a dead person, and he was slow to react. It reminded Wei'er of those who had Mutation Syndrome and whose bodies had been eroded, people close to death.

But now, there was a glint in his eyes.

Luo Xi drawled, sucking the cool air, "It's nothing, just hurt my wound."

At that moment, he realized that he wasn't speaking the common language of Xia country. It seemed that a mysterious force automatically translated the words he wanted to say into another language.

Luo Xi looked towards the cat-eared girl with light red eyes.

Indeed, with eight years of experience as a cat owner, Luo Xi was certain that those were cat ears.


White text appeared out of thin air in front of Luo Xi.

[Your Happiness Level +5]

Just like the text described, the cat-eared girl stood at most 1.5 meters tall, around fifteen or sixteen years old. Her hair color was between silver-white and gray. Half of her young, delicate face was hidden by her hair, and her light red eyes were beautiful.

And that long cat tail, lively swishing behind her, was absolutely enchanting.

As for the other, even younger girl... with her tea gold eyes and slightly larger ears, she dragged a fluffy, soft yet spirited big tail behind her.

Is that a dog? A wolf? Or a fox?

No matter what she is, I really want to hug her and pet her to my heart's content.

[Your Happiness Level +20]

[Note: To think that you feel this way about such a young girl, Traveler, you really are a suspicious pervert!]

To hell with the text, don't make me out to be some freaky Lolita fan, okay? This is just plain curiosity and appreciation!

Which young male from Xia country doesn't like cute beast-eared girls?

[Your Happiness Level +11]

[Your Happiness Level +3]

[Note: Heh~]

Wei'er suddenly pulled her sister back a couple of steps, warily staring at Luo Xi. Clenching her small fist, she said coldly,

"What are you looking at?"

The cat-eared girl was starting to find his gaze a bit dangerous.

Aina chimed in with an oblivious smile, "Wei'er sister, this uncle seems to be looking at your tails and mine."

[Wei'er's Favorability towards you -5]

[Aina's Favorability towards you +3]

"Hmph, sick in the head."

Wei'er was about to leave with her younger sister, "Since there's nothing wrong, we will be leaving. I'll bring you a spare heat stone and dinner later."

"Sorry, please wait a moment longer." Luo Xi said, raising his hand wearily, "I'm really just a bit curious."

Helpless, who would have thought the phenomenon of 'crossing over' would be so bizarre, and who could have imagined that a beast-eared girl would actually exist?


Wei'er turned her head back and sneered, "What's there to be curious about? Don't tell me you have never seen someone with Mutation Syndrome, aren't you infected yourself?"

Luo Xi asked, "What is Mutation Syndrome? Does it have to do with Variants?"

Wei'er turned her head intending to walk away.

She really couldn't understand, why did this person insist on keeping them here with such poor conversation? Who in this world didn't know the meaning of these terms?

Is it fun?

Luo Xi spoke again, "Add 1 silver coin, just accompany me for a chat for ten minutes."

Wei'er's footsteps suddenly halted.

[Note: As the saying goes, you'll be soft-spoken if you eat others' food and short-handed if you take their money. With your filthy monetary offensive 'forcing' the girl to answer your questions, it must be said, Traveler, you are indeed garbage.]

Isn't it, haven't I already 'crossed over'? Why is this damn text still relentlessly haunting me?

"Really, really?"

The little Lolita, Aina, broke free from her sister's hand, her tea-gold colored eyes sparkling at you, the two beautiful eyes nearly turning into '$' symbols.

A silver coin, Hey!

[Aina's Favorability towards you +5]

[Note: Indeed, this one is easier to fool.]

"Sister, why don't you go start cooking? I'll answer this sloppy uncle's questions."

Wei'er frowned, "Aina, don't deal with him..."

"It's okay, sister. I don't think he's a bad person. Like the look in his eyes just now, although a bit strange, it wasn't disgusting, was it?"

Aina turned her head towards Luo Xi, pointing at the ears on her head, and said with an indifferent smile, "Mutation Syndrome is what my sister and I have, like this. As for Variants, well, anyone infected by the Mutant Factor is called a Variant, no matter the level of erosion. I heard you're infected too, which is why the guards of Winter City wouldn't let you enter the city."

[Updated item: Variant]


[Description: A general term for people infected by an entity known as 'Mutant Factor']

Luo Xi continued to ask, "What exactly is the Mutant Factor?"

The cat-eared girl questioned, "Do you really not know anything? It's true you were recently infected and don't show any Mutation symptoms yet, but isn't this common knowledge? How could you not know..."

Wei'er found Luo Xi's lack of common knowledge simply incomprehensible.

Where on earth did this person come from? He's evidently older than them, but his understanding of the world is like that of a complete newbie.

Simply put, how did he manage to live this long?

Luo Xi spread his hands, "Because I have amnesia."

Believe it or not, but I really have lost my memory.

Wei'er took a deep breath, her clenched fists becoming taut. She really wanted to punch this guy.

"Then listen up, Mutant Factor is..."

"Sister, don't say it, let Aina explain!"

Aina furrowed her slender brows, pondered for a while, and then uncertainly said, "I remember now. The Mutant Factor comes from an Origin Beast of calamity level, also known as Calamity Factor, right, sister?"

"Not only from calamity level, but from above calamity level, your half-baked knowledge..."

Wei'er patted her little sister's head with resignation, "I'll explain it."

Aina tilted her head, "What about our dinner?"

Wei'er thought for a moment, then said, "We won't eat sweet potatoes today. Aina, go boil some water; we'll have noodles later."

Aina raised her hands in cheer, "Yay! I've been sick of those astringent old sweet potatoes for a long time!"

Luo Xi watched the interaction between the two sisters and felt inexplicably happy inside.

[Your Happiness Level +22]

[Recorded item: Mutant Factor]

[Mutant Factor]

[Description: A substance released from the body of an Origin Beast of calamity level or above, specific details unknown]

[Please note, 7 minutes and 10 seconds remain in this sync time, please be aware of the time]