Chapter 7 This Little Loli Might Be Easier to Deceive_1

[At this moment, another girl's voice, soft and gentle, rose]

["Wei'er sister, it's already dark outside, and the whole Grey Stone Street won't take in someone with an unknown background like him. Letting him go might freeze him to death."]


Luo Xi naturally associated the name with a blue-haired little Lolita from some card game.

[The girl named Wei'er said, "What does that have to do with us? Just because others won't take him in, does it mean we have to?"]

["Then why did you bring him back, Wei'er sister? Wouldn't it have been better to just ignore him?"]

["That's true… but this is different. I just don't want to watch someone die in front of me, and we still don't know what kind of person he is. He could be a dangerous and suspicious character, we can't let him stay with us overnight."]

["Aina understands, Wei'er sister, you are upset because he touched the underwear you wore when you were younger, right!"]

["No... anyway, we can't let him stay at our house. Hey, did you hear what I said? Get up and hurry out."]

[The cat-eared girl stood with her hands on her hips, staring at you fiercely, but the swaying tail and ears made her quite cute]

[Your Happiness Level +13]

["But Wei'er sister, Aina really doesn't think he's a bad guy. If he were, you wouldn't have brought him back, right?"]

[Traveler, you know what you should say. The girl who brought you back and saved your life doesn't want you to stay, but the girl scared by your actions wants to keep you for the night.]

[After all, it's rare to meet someone you can talk to, a very rare opportunity to understand this world, and you don't want to give up.]

[What is your choice?]

[① Ask if you can stay for one night and offer some sort of compensation.]

[② Use force to take over this place.]

[③ Leave, dragging your heavily injured body.]

Luo Xi pondered for a moment and chose the first option.

With the damn "poor" talent at play, it probably won't be long before the last of his money is gone; he might as well make use of it.

As for using force, his game character didn't have any real strength; if these two Lolitas hung him up and beat him, that would be a joke.

[You took out the only gold coin left from your Dreamland sack.]

[Under their puzzled gazes, you slapped the gold coin on the bed board, saying, "This is all the money I have left. Can I please stay here for one night and ask you a few more questions? I will leave tomorrow. As for messing with your clothes, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose."]

[The cat-eared girl had not yet replied when the other girl threw herself over, her eyes sparkling as she said, "Wei'er sister, he's giving money, look it's a gold coin! It could be enough for us to eat steamed sweet potatoes for a long, long time. Why not let him stay just for one night?"]

[Aina's Favorability towards you +5]

[Current Favorability level of Aina towards you is: 50 (Barely Trusting)]

[Ding! Number of Friendly characters towards you has reached two.]

[Character Relationship Module Unlocked]

A new bright spot appeared at the top of the game.

Luo Xi tapped it.

[The current known character information is as follows:]


[Race: Human Clan]

[Favorability: 50 (Barely Trusting)]

[Description: She reluctantly trusts you but is somewhat suspicious of your background. She thinks you are a silly and clumsy fool.]


[Race: Human Clan]

[Favorability: 50 (Barely Trusting)]

[Description: Seems like a little Lolita who loves money. She saw you taking their childhood clothes and got scared, but money talks!]

[Note: Compared to the bigger one, isn't the smaller one easier to deceive? Traveler, are you tempted?]

Luo Xi: "..."

He closed the module nonchalantly and continued tapping the screen, refreshing the text.

[The cat-eared girl seemed somewhat tempted, but she still shook her head and said, "No, if he has money, he can find some other family to stay with."]

["But he chose our home, and we're already out of money. The little food we have left won't last us many more days."]

["I'll figure something out. If worse comes to worst, there's still relief food to be had."]

["By the time you think of a solution, we'll be starved to death. Besides, I heard that the Shining Church people all left Winter City not long ago, and last week the city has stopped distributing relief food to the residents of Grey Stone Street. Didn't you know, sister?"]

[The cat-eared girl fell silent.]

[Of course, she knew.]

["There will always be a way..."]

["What way? We've got nothing left to sell at home. Sister, you're not going to work for the Snake and Rat Meeting again, are you? They're all bad people! Have you forgotten what happened to mom? Anyway, you absolutely cannot go! If you go, Aina will bash her head against this door panel until she's dead!"]


[The cat-eared girl sighed softly. She came over to collect the gold coins from the bed and said to you, "I'll take your money, but there's no need for so much. Four silver coins will be enough. Two of them can be considered as payment for saving your life and for lodging for one night. I'll get you some medicine with the other two silver coins later, and I'll return the rest to you tomorrow."]

["Why only four silver coins?"]

[The cat-eared girl flicked her little sister's forehead, "Or what? You little money-grubber, there's a limit to taking advantage of others."]

[You interrupted to ask, "How much purchasing power does one gold coin have?"]

[The girl looked at you strangely and answered your question.]

["I don't know about other places, but here in Winter City, one gold coin is equal to 10 silver coins, 1,000 copper coins. A copper coin can buy about four jin of sweet potatoes. You do the math."]

After a quick calculation, Luo Xi figured that normal sweet potatoes cost roughly two yuan per jin. If so, one copper coin in the game was about equivalent to eight yuan here, one silver coin was 800 yuan, and one gold coin 8,000 yuan.

This purchasing power seemed reasonable.

However, thinking of the two silver coins taken by the guard made Luo Xi feel a bit heartbroken.

Sooner or later, he'd make that damn NPC cough up the money with interest.

[The cat-eared girl then said, "You rest here for now. Remember not to mess with things in the room again, or I will immediately kick you out... Never mind, I'll tidy up and take things away later."]

[Note: Traveler, she seems to think you're some kind of perverted, suspicious character too~]

Shut up, shameless text!

[You quickly shouted, "Please wait, I have many questions I want to ask you."]

[The cat-eared girl glanced at you sidelong, "Then make it quick, I have to prepare dinner later. Don't think about playing tricks, you know the state of your body very well."]

["Also, we have questions for you. Who are you? What's your name? Why did you come here? Your accent clearly isn't from around Winter City."]

[The little Lolita looked helplessly at her sister, "Wei'er sister, you should introduce yourself before asking someone's name."]

["You always talk too much." The cat-eared girl spoke blandly, "My name is Wei'er, and this is my sister Aina. What's your name? Where do you come from?"]

[Do you want to tell them your name?]

[①Tell them, my name is 'Luo Xi']

[②Conceal your real name]

Luo Xi frowned.

He didn't remember going through any real name verification. How did the game know his real name?

Forget it, it's useless to think about it now. With the game being so mysterious, it probably knew everything about his ancestors from eighteen generations back.

Suppressing his concerns, Luo Xi chose the second option, to conceal his name.

[You said, "I am a nameless traveler from afar, having lost my memory and currently wandering."]

["Nameless traveler? Memory loss?"]

["Raggedy uncle, are you making this up?"]

[The two cute beast-eared girls sat on the bed across from you, casting doubtful looks in your direction under the candlelight. They clearly didn't trust your tall tale.]

[Shadows of tails and ears were cast on the wall, outlining peculiar shapes.]

[Your Happiness Level +20]

[Note: This person is obviously hopeless, farewell.]

[Ding! Your current Happiness Level has reached 100]

[Preconditions for triggering Talent have been satisfied]

[Talent that can be triggered: Immersion (Happiness)]

[Do you wish to trigger it?]

[Note: Using this Talent will reset the accumulated points of the specified emotion value, and after its use, you will be able to manipulate your character with the highest degree of freedom. Under different perception triggering modes, depending on the type and amount of emotion value consumed, you will receive different kinds and degrees of ability bonuses. Under the current Talent level, each Talent activation should not last more than 10 minutes, with a cooldown time of 24 hours.]

This Talent is...

Luo Xi naturally remembered this Talent that looked incredibly powerful.

Manipulating the character with freedom, but in what way?


[You have consumed 132 points of Happiness Level]

[Immersion (Happiness): Your character has received a +13.2% Strength enhancement, and your resistance to negative Spirit-type skills increased by +13.2%.]

[Your character in the Dreamworld is now synchronizing... Please wait for a moment.]

[Traveler from the Otherworld, do not be surprised by what you are about to see, welcome to the journey of dreams~]