Chapter 150 Aina (ó﹏ò) can't hold back anymore! The abduction plan was a big success! (Mist) _2

The locust plague, the wind disaster, were merely ripples that could not affect the Inner City of Winter City.

This time, however, the snow disaster might be the Origin Beast itself arriving, and even if it was just passing by Winter City, its mere transit was enough to plunge Winter City into the abyss in an instant.

No wonder they say that only the Shining City, where the Eternal World Tree is located, with its six major cities, truly has the capital to resist the Origin Disaster head-on.

But something was strange.

Why would the snow disaster appear near a remote town like Winter City?

The reason those three cities were frozen over thirty years ago was simply because they stood in the path of the snow disaster on its way to the Shining City.