Chapter 151 Silly Cat Cat, oh, your sister will definitely be pregnant in a year!_1

The sound of rats?

Luo Xi's breathing momentarily seized.

Had Rat King Nos arrived?

He just knew that the Rat King wouldn't let them leave Winter City so easily.

However, Nos probably didn't expect that, once the effects of the snow disaster waned, they would pack up and flee without stopping for a moment.

Even if he did pursue them, it should take a period of time; he couldn't possibly have reached their front so quickly.

[Traveler, upon hearing the sound of rats, you did not stop in place but chose to continue moving forward]

[Suddenly, Wei'er leapt up gracefully and snatched something from the tree]

[It was a black rat, struggling wildly in Cat Cat's hands, trying to bite through her gloves]

["Ah!" Aina exclaimed softly, burying her head on your back, not daring to look at the rat in her sister's hands]

[Wei'er's expression was very serious: "Rat King Nos may be coming."]