Chapter 186: The Traveler Who Kidnapped the Little Lolita was Righteously Punished by a Group of Warriors (Mist) (9k Major Chapter! Asking for Subscriptions)_2

As a junior in college, Ai Xue should naturally be considered a half-mature younger student sister with an excellent figure.

Now that she shrank, a blend of naivety and maturity exuded from her, like the profound mystery of the deep night, secretive yet brimming with a touch of seduction.

This was probably the effect of that golden talent.

Luo Xi subconsciously reached out to pet her head.

The hair that reached her waist felt incredibly smooth.

[Ding! Your Happiness Level +5]

Although there were no beast ears, petting her head still seemed to increase the Happiness Level, only the amount was slightly less.

[Note: Is it possible that the increase in Happiness Level isn't just about animal ears but could also be related to Lolitas?]


Definitely impossible!

Ai Xue was also frozen in place.

[Ding! Ai Xue's Shyness Value +50]

Feeling the broad hand caressing her head, Ai Xue's heart began thumping wildly, her earlobes instantly growing burning hot.