Chapter 186: The Traveler Who Kidnapped the Little Lolita was Righteously Punished by a Group of Warriors (Mist) (9k Major Chapter! Asking for Subscriptions)_1

Ai Xue looked at how intimately Luo Xi was with that girl of unknown identity and couldn't help feeling a bit jealous.

They'd practically known each other for two years since the second semester of their freshman year, but he had never held her like that, yet now he was so close to another girl.

She too longed to be close with her senior!(〃>_<〃)!

Ai Xue quietly asked, "Senior, who exactly is she?"

Luo Xi, enduring the pain in his chest, petted Aina's smooth little cheek.

Then he looked up and smiled, saying, "Her name is Aina, and as for her identity, well, you might not believe it, but she comes from the Dream World."

Ai Xue: "!"

The Dream World!

Isn't that what the text game "Dawn" called that world?


Hey hey hey!—

Did her senior really abduct an adorable beast-eared little Lolita from the game?!

Ai Xue remembered the words her best friend Chen Momo had been telling her these past few days.