Chapter 015 Ji Xinghe VS Han Li (Part 1)_1

The three-month-long space journey is a long one, and the spacecraft, fully loaded with supplies and passengers, does not have much extra space for activity. However, this does not mean that the passengers are without entertainment.

Inside the quiet cabin, the passengers have put on the helmets provided on the spacecraft and entered a virtual world. Compared to the development of spacecraft and other space technologies, the immersive virtual reality technology in the Federation's technological system is much more advanced.

Although it is just a local area network on a spacecraft, this world can still be described as vast, with a blue sky, endless land, and oceans, forests, mountains, all in existence.

The physical carrier of this data world, which looks like a home computer case from sixty-five years ago, is actually insignificant for a spacecraft where the carrying capacity must be used to the extreme.

Ji Xinghe appeared in this world. Compared to the weightless environment in space, he was far more familiar with this virtual world – he had played the virtual reality game 'Star Glory' for over a decade, which was essentially identical to this world.

"Hello everyone, I'm the war correspondent Su He. I'm currently in the local area network world inside spacecraft number 9632, and standing next to me is Mr. Ji Xinghe..."

Su He used the drone he had created in the virtual world to focus the camera on Ji Xinghe. It appeared to be shot with a drone, but it was actually just recording the related data. When needed, other devices would use this data to reproduce images. Essentially, this type of filming was just a 'screen recording' feature.

"In our last episode, we recorded Mr. Ji Xinghe's first time boarding a spacecraft and coming to space. Although Mr. Ji Xinghe is not very used to this weightless environment, his strong willpower helped him adapt quickly. Today, we see Mr. Ji Xinghe stepping into the local area network's virtual world for the first time while in space. Let's ask him how he feels..."

A microphone appeared in front of Ji Xinghe. He didn't really want to be interviewed or live-stream his life journey to the alien frontlines, but unfortunately, Tu Yuan demanded this of him. If it was only a demand, Ji Xinghe would not have agreed, but Tu Yuan had also included a compensation when he made the demand, a compensation concerning his granddaughter, his only family in this world.

"My experience is quite good. It's no different from when I used this virtual reality world back on the planet's surface..." Ji Xinghe thought back to the script he had read just before, becoming an emotionless actor: "In fact, compared to when I used this technology on the planet's surface, the weightless environment here in space makes it easier to go into a state of sleep. Without the bodily pressure brought on by gravity, operating in this world becomes much smoother..."

These were both truths and lies. Truths and lies are not always absolute; it often depends on who the words are for and what the listener thinks and does with them.

In order to deal with the increasingly complex warfare on the alien frontlines, the Federation wanted to recruit massively, to gather the power of the entire Federation. Ji Xinghe, who had volunteered, became a rallying symbol for the military because of his age and his story.

If a sixty-five-year-old is willing to join the army, what else can be said?

The process of the interview was actually just reading from a script – whether it was the war correspondent Su He, the interviewee Ji Xinghe, or the newly minted Federation combat hero Han Li, who held the positions of Ji Chenxing's superior and classmate. When interviewed, they were all effectively reading from scripts.

Ji Xinghe cooperated throughout, not only for his granddaughter's sake but also because the script provided by the relevant parties was reasonable - it did not exaggerate purely for emotional effect.

However, this kind of scripted interview was not likely to get high ratings. The story of Ji Xinghe and the man himself could not maintain high interest. People are forgetful and mostly indifferent. Temporary emotions cannot affect a lifetime.

So, Ji Xinghe was to duel with Han Li.

"Dear viewers, you should have a fair understanding of Mr. Ji Xinghe's life by now. In our previous coverage and interviews, we have detailed Mr. Ji Xinghe's achievements in the game Star Glory. For our new viewers, you can revisit our past episodes to learn more."

"As we all know, Star Glory was originally the Federation military's first generation of virtual reality war training systems, which primarily simulated the complex environments of alien battlefields. The aim was to allow Federation soldiers, who grew up on our Azure Star, to better adapt to the unique combat environments of alien battlefields."

After a while of speaking confidently to the camera, Su He finally got to the main point.

"Despite Mr. Ji Xinghe's advanced age, he is quite adept at using mecha warrior game heroes in battle. He has several top heroes in the national server, and today, he will be battling against Colonel Han Li using one of his very best heroes in a virtual reality setting."

The drone camera finally left Su He and focused on Han Li's position. Suddenly, with a "Boom!", a 3.9-meter-tall humanoid mecha descended from the sky, landing beside Han Li. This dramatic mecha entrance is only possible in the virtual world. In reality, a mecha raining down from the sky could only lead to a crash, as the vast majority of mechas cannot fly. The mecha Han Li is using now is a Model Ground Combat Mecha (modified) that he just acquired in real life, which does not have the ability to fly.

"Colonel Han Li, could you give our audience a brief introduction to your mecha?"

"Certainly." Han Li softly replied while standing next to his mecha, "The Federation's standard-type mecha comes in thirty-six models. The one I am using now is the twenty-ninth. After I became a Special Level mecha warrior, I proposed modifications to better suit my combat style, which were then executed by professionals."

After the introduction, Su He asked, "Colonel Han Li, I am wondering, should the newer mecha models be stronger? Why are you using the twenty-ninth model instead of the latest thirty-sixth model?"

Han Li answered with a smile, "While the newest models are indeed superior in performance, that doesn't necessarily mean they are a better fit for me. As Uncle Ji once said, the one that suits you the best is the one that brings out the best of your abilities."

Su He exclaimed, "Did Mr. Ji Xinghe really say that?"


The camera naturally moved over to Ji Xinghe waiting aside. Su He, adopting Han Li's address, asked, "Uncle Ji, why would you say so?"

Ji Xinghe made no response because this line was not in the script.

Han Li sighed in his heart, saying out loud, "Let's cut this part out. It was my mistake to bring this up."

Su He instantly understood and became slightly embarrassed as he now knew where the connection lied between Ji Xinghe and Han Li.

"Can we... cut out the question I just asked, right after Colonel Han Li's reply?"

Without a reply, Han Li turned his gaze towards Ji Xinghe.

Ji Xinghe nodded and calmly asked, "Can we start now?"

"Of course! Let's get started." Su He faced the drone camera again, saying, "Colonel Han Li's mecha has already made its debut. Now let's see Uncle Ji's mecha."

Ji Xinghe then summoned his mecha, the first generation standard-type mecha of the Federation (Game Edition). This 4.5-meter-tall humanoid mecha was without any built-in weapons, only equipped with a spear that was taller than the mecha.

In terms of size, Ji Xinghe's mecha was taller but seemed rather bulky in comparison. Comparing weapon systems, Ji Xinghe's mecha, with only a primitive cold weapon, simply couldn't compete with Han Li's. And looking at the pilot, 65-year-old Ji Xinghe was unlikely to be a match for the Federation's Special Level mecha warrior.

So there was actually no doubt about the outcome of this fight, at least not before it started. Everyone thought so.

The original plan was indeed for Ji Xinghe to lose to Han Li but just when they were about to board their mechas, Han Li suddenly proposed, "Change the settings and unlock the game skills of Uncle Ji's mecha."