Chapter 016 Ji Xinghe VS Han Li (Part 2)_1

In the game world, mecha heroes naturally possess special game skills which often cannot exist in the real world. For instance, Han Li's mech does not possess any special abilities, only pure operation and actions that abide by the laws of physics.

Originally, the plan was for the battle between Ji Xinghe and Han Li to be more of a show. Ji Xinghe's mech within the spacecraft's LAN was unable to use game skills, only possessing the basic capabilities of a mech. No one doubted that Han Li would win.

But now, Han Li was requesting to unlock Ji Xinghe's mech's game skills.

"Can this be done?"


After Han Li spoke, he did not immediately enter his mech to show his determination.

Su He didn't hesitate, he began to apply to the relevant personnel. After a while, he was granted permission. For Federal Major who was likely to be promoted to an Ace Mech Warrior, the federation was highly tolerant.

Eventually, Ji Xinghe's mech had its game skills unlocked. There were no flashy special effects. Everything was just a manipulation of data that did not exist in reality. In a way, even if Ji Xinghe were to win today, it would hold no meaning in reality because the mechs and their associated unique skills from the game world could never appear in the real world.

It was only at this point that Han Li entered his mech, while Ji Xinghe, expressionless the whole time, also entered his.

The interiors of the mechs were similar, built to accommodate one person standing steadily. There was a helmet that could read brainwaves and offered protection, gloves that allowed maximum operation from the ten fingers, and pedals that controlled the mech's movements.

For someone of Ji Xinghe's age, the most challenging part was handling the sensor gloves. With age, people's fingers become less flexible, and if they have Parkinson's disease, uncontrollable shaking of the hands and fingers can make operating the mech next to impossible.

The helmet lit up, and Ji Xinghe's perspective shifted to that of the mech's. Apart from the 180-degree view from the eyes, the mech is also equipped with cameras in other directions, creating a comprehensive view similar to the 360-degree cameras in cars.

Watching two scenes simultaneously isn't easy for older people. It can affect their operations due to the constant shifting of focus.


A system notification sounded, signalling a communication request from Han Li. After Ji Xinghe accepted the request, he heard Han Li's voice.

"Uncle Ji, if you still lose after unlocking the game skills, I hope... After you get to the alien planet, you will stay inside the base and not leave."

Ji Xinghe did not respond, instead, he controlled his mech to grip its only weapon, a nearly 5-meter long spear, tightly.

Seeing this, Han Li felt helpless. He found Ji Xinghe to be quite stubborn and, in some ways... foolish.

No one would actually believe that by driving a mech with game skills, they could defeat a Federation Special Level Mech Warrior, would they? Did they think the 73 golden stars painted on my mech are fake? Or that I found them?

"Uncle Ji." Han Li continued to persuade: "I've just learned about Chenxing having a daughter. I'll do my best to help her get the best treatment. When she's ready to return to Azure Star, I hope you can take her back with you. The frontlines on the alien planet will not fall under my watch, and Chenxing's revenge will be exacted as long as I'm there. I want it more than you do. Because not only has Chenxing fallen, but so have all the soldiers under my command and many of my comrades..."

Ji Xinghe didn't know how to respond to Han Li's goodwill, so he chose to remain silent and rush forward. When the 4.5-meter tall mech started sprinting, it left multiple craters in the ground.

Boom, boom, boom.

The 3.2-tonnes behemoth moved swiftly, and it raised the long pole in its hand. Through the camera lens, the height difference between the 4.5-meter tall mech and the 3.9-meter tall one was hardly noticeable, but their contrast was like a sumo wrestler charging towards a Victoria's Secret model.

Because Ji Xinghe's mech was a first-generation Standard-type Mecha and had a bulky body. The 3.2 tonnes of weight was indicative of its size. Han Li's mech, however, was 29th generation, constructed with high-strength special alloy which made it relatively sleeker and lighter, weighing just 1.6 tonnes.

Among other spectators, who had chosen to watch from a distance to stay off camera, a few Second-Level Mech Warriors saw Ji Xinghe charge but did not think Han Li would lose because of their size difference.

"Uncle Ji is definitely losing."

"I bet he will lose in one move."

"Did you guys forget Ji has game skills unlocked?"

"Speaking of which, what is the game skill of this first-generation mech?"

The head office referred to the federation's thirty-six models of standard mechs by simply using numbers from one to thirty-six. But for the majority of people, they preferred to call them by generations, because each new generation was stronger than the last.

Even though the first-generation Federal Standard Mech had been turned into a heroic game character in Star Glory, the gamers didn't want to use this outdated hero any more.

So, for a moment, these few Second Level Mech Warriors could not recall what the game skill was.

Ji Xinghe, holding his rifle high, charged directly at Han Li. He never imagined using such an attack method to defeat Han Li. In fact, this was the case. Han Li, seemingly terrified into frozen stillness, suddenly sidestepped as the spear drew near, the spear brushing past his mecha and missing, the type of miss only possible in a world of data.

Without any damage to Han Li's mecha, it was already charging towards Ji Xinghe's mecha along the path of the spear's rod. With a raised fist, metallic spikes from his knuckles aimed for the 'eyes' of Ji Xinghe's mecha. If he can destroy the cameras on Ji's mecha, Ji would become blind in the virtual world.

Compared to the armor of the mecha, the defensive power of the camera can hardly be considered.

Ji Xinghe, in the midst of his charge, doesn't stop even when his spear pierces through nothing but air. As Han Li threatens to land a punch on his most critical sensors - the cameras - Ji activates a game skill.

"Chaotic waveform jump."

A secondary mecha warrior suddenly remembers this skill. At the same time, Ji Xinghe successfully activates it. His hulking mecha suddenly leaps into the air, evading Han Li's attack. Not only that, but his knees also aim for a brutal strike to Han Li's head.

As Han Li dodges by lowering his body, his hand shoots out to grab Ji Xinghe's leg. For someone proficient at ground combat like him, an opponent in mid-air is the easiest to deal with. If he could grab Ji Xinghe's leg, Ji Xinghe would stumble and momentarily lose control.

In a mecha battle, momentary loss of control can mean total defeat.

However, it is precisely because these game skills disregard physical laws that they are called game skills. The Chaotic waveform jump is such a skill. The leap itself is not the key, the disorder is.

While leaping in mid-air, Ji Xinghe makes an eerie sideways movement, avoiding Han Li's grab for his right foot. By the time he completes the turn, his spear is already aimed downward at Han Li below.

The spearhead zips through the air, a beam of light gathering around the tip. This does more than defy physics; it can be considered an extraordinary power.

No armor in reality can withstand such an attack, including Han Li's mecha built on real parameters. If it were pierced through, it would instantly explode.

But Han Li is not only a special level mecha warrior but also was once a youth obsessed with gaming. Thus, from the very beginning, he had anticipated Ji Xinghe's attack pattern.


Once again, relying on his high mobility, Han Li successfully evades. The cutting wheel on his right hand is already spinning wildly. The moment the spear grazes his body and pierces into the ground, Han's hand whooshes past, and the spear breaks in two.

He didn't seize the opportunity to launch more attacks because he didn't want to be smashed and killed by Ji Xinghe. Even getting hit could damage his mecha and affect subsequent battles. Even though this was merely a demonstration fight with no follow-up battles, Han Li still insisted on fighting flawlessly.

With a booming sound!

Ji Xinghe crashes to the ground, his feet sinking into the soil and hindering his movement. For one second, he was a sitting duck.

Han Li doesn't use firearms or miniature missiles. He doesn't want to bully an old man, or the father of his lost comrade and classmate.

In the dust-filled air, Han Li accurately locates Ji Xinghe's position, and then charges once again, his target still Ji Xinghe's 'eyes.'


Han Li is startled, for he has been hit. However, he remained uninjured, because what hit him was a spear without a spearhead. According to the rules of the virtual world, such a spear wielded no lethal force.

Although he is confused about how he got hit, Han Li doesn't miss this opportunity to attack, sweeping away the spear with a swing of his hand, and then sidesteps Ji Xinghe's arm. Like a ghost, he appears behind Ji Xinghe and delivers his Double Peaks Piercing Ears attack.

With a thunderous sound, Ji Xinghe's head is shattered.

As the dust settles, the match is decided. Han Li is unharmed, which is not a surprise to anyone, including Ji Xinghe.

However, Ji Xinghe does have a question: He had once tested piercing a solid wooden door at home with a wooden stick using just his physical strength. Now, with the power of a mecha and a metal spear, shouldn't he be able to skewer Han Li's mecha along with Han Li inside?

Does being without a spearhead really mean it can't kill?

Maybe he should use a sword next time.



ps: Little New Year is upon us, may all your wishes come true. Happy Little New Year, everyone.