Chapter 067 Honor and Relief_1

Section three of the base had attracted many people to its training area. Among them, many were not combat personnel, but because one of the participants in the upcoming virtual combat was a powerhouse like Major Jackson, a Special Level mecha warrior of the Federation, they all developed strong curiosity. What intrigued them even more was his opponent.

"Who is Ji Xinghe?"

"He's a corporal, a second-grade mecha warrior from base six."

"That's quite a gap then. Why would Major Jackson accept his challenge?"

"It's not Major Jackson who accepted his challenge. It's he who accepted Major Jackson's challenge."

"Really? But why?"

"Because he's powerful. He defeated Colonel Han Li, a Special Level mecha warrior."

"Damn, really?"

"Yes, in a mecha disarmament match. Colonel Han Li himself admitted that Corporal Ji Xinghe is an unparalleled master. However, today there will be two matches, one armor-piercing and one disarmament."