Chapter 066 Innocent Strong Man_1

"Sorry, I don't have time," Ji Xinghe said honestly. He really was pressed for time. He planned to leave Base Three immediately after his mecha had been inspected.

The Level One mecha warrior who had just spoken paused for a second before looking at the Special Level mecha warrior next to him.

"Don't mistake me, I'm not trying to provoke you. I just heard that you beat Han Li and watched video footage of you fighting one against three in a canyon, so I really wanted to try it myself."

Jackson, standing tall at two meters, was very muscular, more like a bodybuilding champion than a mecha warrior. But the badge on his chest representing Special Level mecha warriors highlighted his indisputable strength. As he moved two steps forward, standing in front of Ji Xinghe, and stared at him, the pressure was palpable, contradicting his claim of no intention to provoke.

Quezi and Xiazi furrowed their brows and stepped forward, standing half a step behind Ji Xinghe.